Adding life to years
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Age-friendly toolkit

Centre de ressources pour le vieillissement

Information design for preventing falls in older adults

Healthy Diet Communication for Older Persons

Accessibility of medication information for older persons


Lutte pour le bien-etre et les droits des personnes âgées

Cities + Social Solutions: Building age-friendly communities with Cockburn, Cardiff, and Sharjah

Thukher Club for Senior Citizens

The Welsh Government: The Strategy for an Ageing Society

Las Nieves Multiservice Community Center – Centro Comunitario Multiservicios Las Nieves


Office for older persons with organized volunteering


Oficinas ‘Viver com Vital_idade’


Assistive technology enhancing lives

Talleres y gimnasia de mantenimiento para personas mayores

Promoting community support and health services for all ages in Saitama, Japan

Active Ageing Center


The Teri Project

Senior Citizen Activity Centre (Pusat Kegiatan Warga Emas)

Local Sherrif dispatcher takes initiative to ensure safety


Projeto Arte e Movimento




Universal design and age-friendly society

Good Neighborhood – Bon Veïnatge (GN-BV)

Due passi in salute con le Acli

Social Participation through Art and Culture



Spazio Argento

Guideline Development: Functionality and Social Participation

See Me. Know Me.


CoHousing Initiative in Trento

Engaging older adults during a pandemic

Salute +


Adaptation de l’habitat pour un maintien à domicile

Mapping a city



El Ayuntamiento de Ribaforada solicita su adhesión a la Red Mundial de Ciudades y Comunidades Amigables con las Personas Mayores. Hasta ahora se ha realizado un proceso participativo que ha…

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City population: 374218.81 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



El ayuntamiento de Ispaster se incorporó al programa de Euskadi Lagunkoia Sustraietatik en julio de 2017. El trabajo en el municipio comenzó con la creación de un grupo motor que…

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City population: 72828.04 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Ehsan Club (Centre for Elderly Empowerment & Care – Ehsan)


Mayores de hoy: changing paradigms around aging health education resources more accessible

Dépistage de la fragilité

Seniors Helping Other Seniors (SHOP)


Town of San Anselmo

Town of San Anselmo
United States of America

The Town of San of San Anselmo is currently developing its agency work plan, which includes goals and objectives for each of the seven Town departments spanning the next 5…

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City population: 1258024 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

An online education program on the care of older people: the Centre for Innovation and Education in Aged Care (CIEAC)


Mobility Scouts: Engaging older people

Age Friendly University Global Network

Elder Services and Engagement


NeighborLink Indianapolis Low-Income Senior Home Repairs


Recreation Centres Network


Building A Seniors’ Campus – Age-Friendly Housing Practice


Shared Affordable Housing


Berkshire County Residential Aging In Place Workbook & Video

Welhavens street 5, a technological apartment building

La Grande Vie, Housing co-op for autonomous and frail seniors


Online age-friendly housing ‘Design Hub’

Homesharing for Seniors


Intergenerational house-sharing for South Bay

CHORE Handyman Service–Older Adults Helping Older Adults


Cultivate Safety Net Services


Supportive Services for Elderly in HUD Assisted Housing

Sharps Exchange Partnership with local pharmacy and clients

Home Refurbishment Programme in the Barcelona province


Impromptu No Tutu Elder Dance Ensemble

Casper, WY

Casper, WY
United States of America

The City of Casper provides the most direct service to seniors through its support for the Casper Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, the United Way, and the Casper Area Transit…

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City population: 6030014 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Deer Isle, Maine

Deer Isle, Maine
United States of America

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…

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City population: 1975Joined Network in 2017

Monte Sereno

United States of America

The City has just adopted a “Complete Streets” Resolution which emphasizes equity in transportation for all users; with sensitivity toward older persons. The City has partnered with the Town of…

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City population: 348526 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Wan Chai District

Wan Chai District

The District Council has been dedicated to moving Wan Chai towards an age-friendly district with supports from several non-governmental organizations (NGOs), elderly service centres, governmental departments and universities.

Since June 2012,…

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City population: 15090024 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela apuesta por un modelo social de ciudad que garantice la protección de derechos sociales, políticos y económicos de la ciudadanía y que logre de manera efectiva la…

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Joined Network in 2017



La politique publique nantaise en faveur des personnes âgées a pour vocation de favoriser l’intégration des seniors dans la ville : accès à l’offre culturelle, mobilité, lutte contre l’isolement… Nantes…

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City population: 29271819 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

En lo que se refiere a la atención a la gente mayor, el municipio tiene dos grandes ejes de intervención: 1.Dar respuesta a las necesidades sociales de las personas mayoras…

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City population: 26028820 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United Kingdom

Coventry city centre is currently undergoing a regeneration project. The route from the city centre is being improved with subways being filled in. This will aid mobility (removal of stairs)…

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City population: 31700022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



En Mataró existe el Consejo de la Gente Mayor que es el organismo de consulta y de participación democrática de las personas, asociaciones, entidades y servicios que tratan cuestiones relacionadas…

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City population: 12563122.12 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Gmina Oborniki

Gmina Oborniki

The commune, as the environment opened to the needs of older people, carries out a lot of initiatives focusing on older residents. Since April 2016, under the programme Oborniki Senior…

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City population: 32886Joined Network in 2017



Las personas mayores y su calidad de vida también son una prioridad para Alcobendas. Para ello nuestra misión es: Potenciar la mejora de la calidad de vida del colectivo de…

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City population: 11571520 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

San Bartolomé de la Torre

San Bartolomé de la Torre

El Plan Municipal para Personas Mayores constituye una herramienta fundamental de trabajo, en el que han participado tanto profesionales del Ayuntamiento como agentes externos que participan, pertenecen y están representados…

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City population: 372322 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The municipal masterplan , interconnected to all part-plans, is clearly defined as our plan for public health and health equity. Health and wellbeing for all citizens, at all ages, is…

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City population: 1990212 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

San Cristóbal de La Laguna

San Cristóbal de La Laguna

El Ayuntamiento de San Cristóbal de La Laguna desea ser “Ciudad Amigable de las Personas Mayores” partiendo del hecho que desarrolla políticas, programas y servicios que mejoren la Calidad de…

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City population: 15600014 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

San Cebrián De Castro

San Cebrián De Castro

Desde al Ayuntamiento de San Cebrián de Castro, intentamos mejorar y facilitar la vida a nuestros mayores ofreciéndoles todas las facilidades que hay a nuestro alcance para que tengan una…

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City population: 26457 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Soutenir financièrement les aînés pour leur permettre d’avoir des équipements et des locaux adéquats pour la poursuite de leurs activités de loisir. Par exemple, prêt de locaux gratuits, achat de…

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City population: 67445 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…

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City population: 113730 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The City of Brantford is well-advanced in achieving an age-friendly community. In 2015, Brantford City Council endorsed the Age-Friendly Community Planning Strategy and the City was awarded an Ontario Seniors’…

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City population: 9700019 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Los Gatos

Town of Los Gatos
United States of America

The older adult community in Los Gatos currently has access to a variety of programs provided by the Town and other community partnerships and organizations, including a 55+ recreation program…

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City population: 97000Joined Network in 2017

Palmetto Bay

Palmetto Bay
United States of America

Incorporated on Sept. 10, 2002, the Village of Palmetto Bay is the 33rd municipality in Miami-Dade County. The Village of Palmetto Bay is a vibrant community of more than 24,000…

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City population: 2400012 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…

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City population: 115336 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…

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City population: 85846 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Dexter, Maine

United States of America

Inside walking in the town hall, meals program twice weekly, yearly senior trip provided by the Recreation Dept., weekly summer concerts in the park. Improve sidewalks and encourage participation in…

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City population: 3895Joined Network in 2017

Jeju Province

Jeju Province
Republic of Korea

The ratio of the local elderly people of over 65-year old has been increased continuously, surpassing 13.9% of the total population in December 2016. In particular, the ratio of the…

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City population: 64492419.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Municipality of Port Hope

Municipality of Port Hope

The Age-Friendly Community Action Plan for the Municipality of Port Hope has been endorsed by Municipal Council (November of 2016). With the objective of addressing the eight dimensions of an…

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City population: 1600025 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



La ville de Saint-Quentin met en place plusieurs programmes visant précisément les aînés. Tout d’abord un conseil des seniors est mis en place, afin de permettre à des seniors tirés…

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City population: 5569825.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Engagement with council libraries and community hubs




Paris offre de nombreuses prestations aux personnes de plus de 60 ans notamment au travers de son Centre d’action sociale (CASVP). Pour favoriser le lien social, ses clubs seniors proposent…

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City population: 222044520.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Government of Western Australia

Government of Western Australia

The Government of Western Australia (WA) has been strongly committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for all its community members—including older people. The WA Government, through the Department of…

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Joined Network in 2017

Jerez de la Frontera

Jerez de la Frontera

El Plan Local de Atención a Personas Mayores 2015-2018 del Ayuntamiento de Jerez de la Frontera es un instrumento de carácter sectorial, diseñado en colaboración con el Consejo Local de…

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City population: 21535419 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

La Vall d’Uixó

La Vall d’Uixó

Uno de los objetivos prioritarios que nos planteamos en nuestra ciudad es aumentar la calidad de vida de nuestras personas mayores. Para ello contamos con una comisión de gente mayor,…

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City population: 3346218.88 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The municipal policy in the area of aging has been:
1 – Supporting entities to provide services through the allocation of premises, supporting the construction and qualification of equipment’s (Matosinhos…

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City population: 17345119 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Tapia de Casariego

Tapia de Casariego

Nuestro concejo cuenta con una amplia red de servicios centrados en la atención a las personas mayores, entre los que se encuentran: el Programa de Apoyo a la dependencia, el…

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City population: 385136 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



  1. Création d’une fonction de conseiller des aînés. Ce travailleur social est dédié à plein temps à la coordination de l’ensemble des initiatives en faveur des aînés, au développement de projets,…

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City population: 2813824 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



1. AULAS DE LA TERCERA EDAD: espacio de intervención socio-educativo destinado a proporcionar y generar alternativas para la ocupación del tiempo libre, la…

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City population: 3903926 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Advocacy and program services work SCOA has engaged in to ensure “an age-friendly focus” is embedded in the way The City of Saskatoon does business

#1 Outdoor Spaces And Buildings

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City population: 25300013 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pelham, Ontario

Pelham, Ontario

The Town of Pelham is engaging and involving older people in the process of becoming a more age-friendly community by working towards the following:

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings:
• Representation of…

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City population: 1765729 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Mill Valley, California

Mill Valley, California
United States of America

The City adopted its General Plan in 2013, acknowledging the growing population (and needs) of an aging community. The Community Vitality Chapter (or “Element”) establishes the following programs to support More Details

City population: 1400019 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Campbell, California

Campbell, California
United States of America

The City of Campbell worked with the Santa Clara County Department of Aging and Adult Services and the Center for Age-Friendly Excellence to organize a task force, focus groups, and…

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City population: 4100015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently, our city has Americans with Disabilities Act policies that support older adults as well in areas such as building interiors and exteriors and remodels. While our transit transportation system…

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City population: 23465Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

The City of Southfield has a history of supporting the needs of senior adults. The Commission on Senior Adults (COSA) has been in existence for over twenty-five years and was…

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City population: 7200015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pembroke Pines

United States of America

The City of Pembroke Pines has several departments and opportunities throughout the city that are open to volunteers. Parks & Recreation, Police and Fire, City Hall and the Community Services…

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City population: 15475015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

The city of Novato is already a leader in quality of life for aging adults. AARP ranked Novato first in the nation among small cities in health (AARP’s Livability Index),…

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City population: 5419426 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

East Lansing

United States of America

The City of East Lansing has an existing seniors’ program, Prime Time, that was established in 1972. The program offers a number of excellent support services such as our Technology…

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City population: 4847115 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pitkin County

United States of America

In 2014, Pitkin County launched an Aging Well Community Plan that included 14 goals covering the areas of Safety, Connection, Health & Wellness and Information. Each goal identifies several action…

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City population: 1800045 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Shorewood is home to a diverse group of people and is the most densely populated municipality in the State of Wisconsin, with a geographic area of 1.5 square miles and…

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City population: 1331119 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Programmes, pratiques et services visant les aînés:
Le 1er mars 2011, la Ville de Montréal a pris l’engagement de renforcer ses actions en faveur de l’amélioration de la qualité de…

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City population: 170469415 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Milpitas, California

United States of America

The City of Milpitas is joining the other cities in Santa Clara County to become part of the network to promote vitality and vibrancy for seniors. The Milpitas Senior Center…

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City population: 6978310 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Champaign and Urbana are twin cities with a combined population of about 127,000 located in east central Illinois. The area is home to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which…

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City population: 12000011 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Milo

United States of America

The Town currently dedicates space to seniors at our Town Hall. There are several events that occur both weekly and monthly in which our seniors participate. The Town does have…

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City population: 236525 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently the Town of Newtown works through its commission on aging, senior services department, social services department and specifically through the town municipal agent to provide services to seniors in…

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City population: 2830022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Tassin la Demi-Lune


Projets actuels :
– chèques seniors : aide financière sous forme de chèques de 10 euros attribué aux seniors à faibles ressources pour permettre l’accès à la culture et aux…

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City population: 2154323 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

La Ville de Cap Santé


La Ville de Cap Santé est reconnue dans son milieu comme étant une municipalité proactive pour répondre aux besoins des aînés. De 2011 à 2014, la municipalité a concrétisé la…

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City population: 341716 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

La Pêche


La Municipalité de La Pêche a adopté une politique des aînés et un plan d’action le 2 novembre 2015. Dans cette planification, plusieurs actions auprès des aînés de notre communauté…

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City population: 761922 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

MRC des Basques


Besoins d’identifier les personnes de 50 ans et plus
Vieillissement accéléré de la population
L’âge médiane de la MRC des Basques est de 54 ans

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City population: 886027 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Municipalité de Saint-Isidore


La municipalité de Saint-Isidore s’est toujours préoccupée de la qualité de vie des citoyens, des familles et des aînés de son territoire. En 2013, la municipalité a injecté 281 523…

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City population: 301714 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

City of Hyattsville, Maryland

City of Hyattsville, Maryland
United States of America

Senior & Disability Services currently offered by the City of Hyattsville: 1) Benefits Assistance-helps seniors/residents with disabilities better understand Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Waiver, etc., prescription programs including Part D,…

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City population: 185008 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Gilead

Town of Gilead
United States of America

Gilead is a remote, rural community with a population of 209. Accordingly, it is heavily dependent on the services provided by nearby communities. Despite that, the two public buildings in…

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City population: 20949 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Pinellas County

Pinellas County
United States of America

Pinellas County has a number of programs and services available to residents however they have not been highlighted specifically to a particular age/demographic. In addition, Pinellas County contracts with community…

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City population: 92100021 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Ormaiztegi a través de su departamento de servicios sociales realiza los siguientes programas:
-Información: se ofrece la información necesaria para que las personas que lo necesiten en…

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City population: 129220 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Legazpi está llevando a cabo los siguientes programas en torno a las personas mayores:
• Centro Social: establecimiento que ofrece alternativa de ocio y tiempo libre a…

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City population: 848025 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El objetivo general de los servicios sociales es promover el bienestar social de toda la ciudadanía, facilitando los derechos sociales que le corresponde. Para ello trabajará en coordinación y colaboración…

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City population: 165911 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Sservicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 166937 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Sservicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 38942 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Gijón como ciudad abierta, inquieta, luchadora y solidaria, quiere dar respuesta a las demandas de la ciudadanía del siglo XXI, apostando por su bienestar en todas y cada una de…

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City population: 27629832 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Pedrola viene desarrollando desde hace tiempo múltiples actuaciones dirigidas a las personas mayores en materia de tiempo libre, servicios sociales, salud, cultura, medio ambiente, protección social, etc.…

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City population: 365834 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Campezo, además del servicio ofrecido desde Servicios Sociales, cuenta con los siguientes programas dirigidos a las personas mayores:
• Aulas de tercera edad programa cultural para las…

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City population: 106326 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Consejo Local de Personas Mayores es uno de los cauces de participación social de las personas mayores en el cual tenemos sus propuestas, análisis y demandas. Este consejo como…

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City population: 3500017 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Urretxu viene desarrollando diferentes iniciativas con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Los programas dirigidos a esta población se enmarcan dentro…

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City population: 695822 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Province of Namur

Province of Namur

Face au phénomène de vieillissement démographique constaté au sein de ses 38 communes, la Province de Namur a insufflé plusieurs initiatives afin de répondre aux besoins des aînés et  d’encadrer…

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City population: 48920423.86 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Greenwich, Connecticut

United States of America

The Age Friendly Greenwich initiative will be headed by the Director of the Town of Greenwich’s Commission on Aging, Lori Contadino. Lori has been Director of the Commission on Aging…

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City population: 6000018 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
United States of America

Perhaps the most significant effort the town made toward becoming more age friendly is its support of the Maine Highland Senior Center Project currently underway. This project first began in…

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City population: 421316 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Palo Alto, California

Palo Alto, California
United States of America

The City of Palo Alto has an ongoing commitment to meeting the needs of older adults in the community. The Age-Friendly Initiative is part of the City’s overall commitment to…

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City population: 6700022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

San Martín de Oscos


Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 40747.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Grandas de Salime


Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 93131 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 1215839 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Villanueva de Oscos


Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 30942.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 363837 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

San Tirso de Abres


Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Servicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 47337 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



La dinámica de trabajo está siendo realizada en el marco de una mesa de personas mayores ya consolidada con anterioridad al comienzo del Proyecto. En su primera fase de diagnóstico,…

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City population: 2291519.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Tras la adhesión de Beasain al programa Euskadi Lagunkoia se comenzó a trabajar para mejorar la amigabilidad del municipio. El primer paso fue repartir los cuestionarios de amigabilidad a la…

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City population: 1391518.25 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Ville de Saint-Basile-le-Grand

Ville de Saint-Basile-le-Grand

Issus d’exercices de réflexion et d’analyse, les politiques et plans d’action sont de véritables outils de gestion qui permettent aux administrateurs municipaux d’optimiser les services offerts à la population. Ces…

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City population: 1694420 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Dans un premier temps, en ce qui a trait à notre offre de services pour les aînés, notre programmation est très diversifiée et adaptée à cette clientèle. Programmes de mise…

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City population: 5000022.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Adoption d’un règlement sur les maisons intergénérationnelles
-Déneigement stratégique des artères et des lieux réservés aux aînés
– Implication dans la réalisation de la Maison Georges-L’Allier
– Réalisation du plan…

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City population: 500030 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

North District, Hong Kong

North District, Hong Kong

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China endeavours to develop the Region into an age-friendly place and to promote active ageing. For…

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City population: 31560019.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

City of Santa Clara

City of Santa Clara
United States of America

  • The City has developed 2.53 acres per 1000 residents of municipal park and recreation facilities that provide residents with a variety of programs and services. Facilities include the Santa Clara…

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City population: 12700014 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

MRC de La Matanie

MRC de La Matanie

C’est autour de 7 axes d’intervention que la MRC a choisi d’élaborer son plan d’action. À chacun d’eux est rattaché un enjeu issu des consultations réalisées auprès des partenaires du…

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City population: 2100025 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Longwood, Florida

United States of America

The City has several community policies, programs and services that are aimed at improving the quality of lives of older people and creating an age friendly community. The City currently…

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City population: 1489728.62 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

MRC du Domaine du Roy

MRC du Domaine du Roy

Dans l’esprit d’avoir le réflexe “Penser et agir aînés” sur le territoire, la MRC et ses neuf municipalités ainsi que la Table de concertation des aînés Domaine-du-Roy ont initié, en…

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City population: 3000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Our community currently offers many programs geared towards our aging population both through the city and other community organizations. Our adopted 10 year growth management or “Comprehensive Plan” for 2010-2020…

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City population: 10250726.65 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale
United States of America

The year 2011 marked the celebration of Fort Lauderdale’s Centennial. The historic milestone offered us an opportunity to observe and honor our City’s past. It was a time when neighbors…

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City population: 17601321.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Ville de Notre Dame des Prairies

Ville de Notre Dame des Prairies

L’offre de services est constitué d’une programmation diversifiée et adaptée où les gens peuvent bouger (ex. : zumba, yoga, taï-chi, marche active, etc) ou encore acquérir de nouvelles connaissances (cours…

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City population: 970028 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Charleston, West Virginia

Charleston, West Virginia
United States of America

The City of Charleston has already embraced many community policies, programs and services that are targeted toward older people that will be enhanced and augmented through its age-friendly plan that…

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City population: 4973629 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona
United States of America

  1. Public areas are clean and pleasant.
    B. Green spaces and outdoor seating are sufficient in number, well-maintained and safe.
    C.Pavements are well-maintained, free of obstructions and reserved for pedestrians.…

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City population: 151300025 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Brooksville, Maine

Brooksville, Maine
United States of America

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…

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City population: 88542 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine
United States of America

The plan of the Bar Harbor Task Force on Aging is to assess/survey the community to better understand and determine the unmet needs of the community. Currently, there are no…

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City population: 526924.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Baiona reconoce la diversidad poblacional e intenta responder, desde las distintas concejalías, a las necesidades detectadas a favor de un envejecimiento activo. En la actualidad se llevan…

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City population: 1225025 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Las mejores variables del nivel de desarrollo humano y de bienestar de las sociedades modernas, constituyendo un buen indicador del grado de solidaridad y cohesión social. De aquí que las…

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City population: 17319821 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Móstoles está promoviendo las condiciones necesarias para que Móstoles pueda ser considerada Ciudad Amigable con las Personas Mayores, por ello ha creado una Concejalía específica desde la…

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City population: 20681522 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Sant Vicenç de Castellet

Sant Vicenç de Castellet

Atención Asistencial:

1.Atención a la dependencia: Servicio municipal que tiene como finalidad la atención a personas dependientes del municipio i a sus familias, informando sobre la tramitación de la Ley…

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City population: 924518.34 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Ciudad Real


El Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real lleva trabajando en políticas dirigidas a las personas mayores en la línea del envejecimiento activo desde hace años. El objetivo es ofrecer una ciudad más…

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City population: 7562522 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El Ayuntamiento de Eibar viene desarrollando diferentes iniciativas con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Los programas dirigidos a esta población se enmarcan dentro…

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City population: 2721324 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Para la fase diagnóstico se ha recogido información a través de un cuestionario en el que han participado 105 personas del municipio y 10 encuentros, en los que han participado…

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City population: 224118.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Durante el 2016 pondremos en marcha el proyecto BIZI! Cuyo objetivo principal será el de identificar los factores necesarios para convertir Igorre en un pueblo más amigable con las personas…

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City population: 424725 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Se desarrollan los programas fomentados por la ConsellerÍa de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, así como del IMSERSO, como: Programa de termalismo y vacaciones sociales. Servicio de atención domiciliaria Programa “Menjar…

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City population: 2619024.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017




Desarrollo de actuaciones de promoción social de las personas mayores en los centros municipales de mayores. De manera específica se trabaja con…

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City population: 9640020 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The Senior Connector Program


Memorial boxes – a way to find (lost) memories

Tucson, Arizona

Tucson, Arizona
United States of America

There are four major players working in the area of aging issues and services: the City of Tucson; Pima Council on Aging, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Pima…

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City population: 52611611.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

West Springfield, Massachusetts

West Springfield, Massachusetts
United States of America

Our community partners with Wingate at West Springfield to offer a free Reflection Support Group for Caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s Disease or other related Dementias. The West Springfield…

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City population: 2839121.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Fremont, California

Fremont, California
United States of America

The City of Fremont’s Human Services Department (HSD) has been providing community based services since 1978. The HSD’s grounding principles are: providing support through partnerships; promoting community engagement; building capacity;…

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City population: 21408915 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Louisville, Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky
United States of America

The City of Louisville has been a leader in identifying residents needs to improve the health and well being of those who live, work, learn, play and retire in its…

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City population: 76362315 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Hollywood-Elder Grant, Florida

Hollywood-Elder Grant, Florida
United States of America

Recreation creates an outlet for socialization and fellowship which helps to decrease loneliness and depression. Recreation allows seniors who would otherwise be isolated to become re-connected with their community. The…

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City population: 14076821 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Biddeford’s Age Friendly Community Committee will be the lead and be comprised of a membership that includes seniors representing all segments of Biddeford’s senior population and those whose programs are…

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City population: 2200021 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Kingsport, Tenessee

Kingsport, Tenessee
United States of America

Kingsport works to engage older people in our community in a variety of ways. Our ONEKingsport Summit involved over 200 citizen volunteers in development and implementation of initiatives to help…

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City population: 5329629 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The City of Brampton’s first Age-Friendly Strategy and Action Plan (“the Plan”) was endorsed by Council on June 19, 2019, and represents a major milestone in moving the community forward…

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City population: 7000009 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Derry City and Strabane

Derry City and Strabane
United Kingdom

In September 2013 the Legacy Derry City Council made a commitment to becoming an Age Friendly City by signing the WHO Age Friendly Declaration. At the beginning of the Age…

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City population: 28395Joined Network in 2017

Tai Po District

Tai Po District

Tai Po District was once an idyllic village town in Hong Kong. After years of rapid development, it has transformed into a modern town with a population of about 300…

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City population: 31050020.19 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Sha Tin District

Sha Tin District

Sha Tin District

The concept of Age Friendly is shifting the way we think about getting older. In Sha Tin, we encourage active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and…

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City population: 66020013.97 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Kwun Tong District

Kwun Tong District

Kwun Tong is one of the earliest developed urban areas in Hong Kong with its planning and development history dated back to the 1950s. The district currently ranks third among…

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City population: 63990016.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Rock Through The Ages – a musical get together for all ages



The local program of social protection complements the program of social protection at the state level and represents a system of measures aimed at preventing and resolving social problems of…

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City population: 1430020 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Since 2001/2002 Imperia already joined specific project for Active Ageing because it believes that this issue, seen as the inclusion of health opportunities of older people, both important and necessary. More Details

City population: 4232524 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Consciente du vieillissement de sa population, la ville de Granville souhaite engager une véritable approche positive et active de l’avancée en âge au sein de sa commune. Pour répondre à…

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City population: 1302139 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Morteau veille au bien-être des aînés par un centre-ville aménagé et adapté. Des zones prioritaires piétons, des trottoirs larges et des bancs facilitent le déplacement des personnes à mobilité réduite.…

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City population: 708119.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La commune a constitué un Conseil des Séniors pour faire des propositions dans tous les domaines concernant l’adaptation de notre territoire au vieillissement de ses habitants. Ce conseil a ainsi…

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City population: 298220 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Mise en place d’un observatoire des séniors, sous la houlette de Mme Brigitte LAURENTIE-ROUX, conseillère municipale déléguée aux séniors, avec la participation d’habitants et d’associations. Il a vocation à dresser…

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City population: 628035 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



En la actualidad, el área del mayor ofrece unos programas de actividades socioeducativas, culturales, participativas y comunitarias para fomentar la participación, encuentro y la integración de este colectivo social con…

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City population: 9346018.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Santa Eulalia de Oscos

Santa Eulalia de Oscos

Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 47039 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Servicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 429135.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El municipio de Pozoblanco forma parte de la Red de Ciudades y Comunidades Amigables con las Personas Mayores desde diciembre de 2016. Las actividades fundamentales desarrolladas por el Ayuntamiento de Pozoblanco…

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City population: 1732623.45 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



El Ayuntamiento de Segovia apoya la participación de las personas mayores en las políticas de la ciudad a través de la creación de distintos programas como el Senado Municipal de…

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City population: 5235327.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Servicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 69847.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 17145.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Un tercio de la población lliriana son personas mayores. Por ello el Ayuntamiento quiere planificar actuaciones en base a una consideración integral del envejecimiento activo, como forma eficaz de prevención…

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City population: 2436222.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

Pozuelo de Alarcón

Pozuelo de Alarcón

Pozuelo de Alarcón cuenta con tres Centros Municipales de Mayores que posibilitan el encuentro entre los mayores del municipio. Constituyen una red de equipamientos y servicios para la participación, la…

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City population: 8605121.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



El Ayuntamiento de Nules está llevando a cabo un conjunto de actividades dirigidas a crear una comunidad más accesible para las personas mayores. Cuenta con el Centro Especializado de Atención…

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City population: 1333522.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



PROGRAMAS Y ACTIVIDADES DEL ÁREA DE MAYORES DE LA CIUDAD DECEUTA: La Ciudad de Ceuta cuenta con 84632 personas mayores de 60 años lo que representa un 15,94 % de…

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City population: 8463216 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Boadilla del Monte

Boadilla del Monte

El Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte cuenta con dos Centros de Mayores en los que anualmente organiza una amplia oferta de actividades con el objetivo de propiciar el envejecimiento activo…

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City population: 4877515 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La ciudad de Valencia tiene diversos servicios dirigidos a las personas mayores. Destaca la OMAM (Oficina Municipal de Atención al Mayor) que coordina y gestiona los servicios, además de informar…

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City population: 79163225.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Lleida es una ciudad de tamaño medio con 138.542 habitantes (16,75% son mayores de 65 años). El Ayuntamiento de Lleida apuesta por las personas mayores y desde hace más de…

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City population: 13854216.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares es una Ciudad de más de 200.000 habitantes. Está situada al noroeste de la Comunidad de Madrid (España) y cuenta con el título de Ciudad Patrimonio de…

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City population: 20432320.25 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



El municipio de Vera, su Ayuntamiento, realiza constantemente programas, proyectos y servicios para el colectivo de la Tercera Edad, algunos de los cuales se desarrollan en el edificio municipal que…

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City population: 1675518 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Abanto Zierbena

Abanto Zierbena

ACTIVIDADES Y TALLERES DIRIGIDOS A PERSONAS MAYORES 2016 ABANTO ZIERBENA PROYECTOS GENERALES ü PROYECTO INTERGENERACIONAL Este proyecto se desarrolló en el municipio entre los años 1997-2009, para potenciar las relaciones…

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City population: 962124 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Les ainés forment un groupe hétérogènes composé de personnes ayant atteint un niveau de sagesse ,de vécu et d’expérience.leurs besoins, leurs intérêts,et leurs aspirations diffèrent.

La communauté a tout intérêt à…

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City population: 57530 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



– Club de l’Âge d’or qui veille à l’organisation d’activités au Centre communautaire situé au 45, rang de la Montagne, à Mont-Saint-Grégoire (repas des Fêtes, souper spaghetti, jeu de pétanque,…

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City population: 299520 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



  • offre de salles communautaires gratuites pour les activités sociales et récréatives des aînés;
  • aménagement d’un parc pour les personnes aînés avec allées pavées, aménagements paysagers, bancs, pavillon, balançoire;
  • ajout de signalisation et…

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City population: 108940 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



  • Obtention de plusieurs subventions gouvernementales pour la réalisation de projets ;
  • Éclairage des terrains de pétanque ;
  • Rénovation du centre communautaire et installation ascenseur ;
  • Création du Parc des générations (exerciseurs et lieu…

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City population: 485320 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La FADOQ est présente dans la municipalité. Plusieurs activités sont disponibles pour les ainés (danse, zumba, cartes, baseball poche, pétanque et plus.)

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City population: 83055 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Mecklenburg County

Mecklenburg County
United States of America

For well over the past decade, Mecklenburg County and community partners have sought to evaluate the needs of the aging community and to develop action steps to address gaps. From…

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City population: 103407010.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Northfield, Minnesota

Northfield, Minnesota
United States of America

Northfield has had a rich history of organizations, programs and services targeted toward older people. A number of organizations including the Northfield Senior Center, two retirement centers, the Community Action…

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City population: 203569.13 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Blue Hill, Maine

Blue Hill, Maine
United States of America

Blue Hill is one of the 9 towns in the regional age-friendly initiative called Age-Friendly Coastal Communities (AFCC).  AFCC is a collaboration among the 9 towns of the Blue Hill…

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City population: 268631 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Oneida County

Oneida County
United States of America

Community policies, programs and services that are targeted toward older people include Aging Services
Case Management; Transportation; In home services; Volunteer Services; Nutrition and Information and
Assistance through NY Connects.…

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City population: 23287122.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Wake County

Wake County
United States of America

In 2005, the Wake County Human Services Board recognized that Wake County was facing a significant challenge in the coming years in the form of a rapidly growing senior population,…

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City population: 102419815 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Age Friendly Business

Ostrów Wielkopolski

Ostrów Wielkopolski

The authorities of Ostrów Wielkopolski, aware of the challenges associated with an aging population and the increasing role that seniors play in a social life, have taken a number of…

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City population: 7200023 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de La Macaza

Municipalité de La Macaza

Plan d’action de la Politique de la famille et des aînés de La Macaza

Le présent plan d’action découle en ligne directe d’une large consultation effectuée auprès de la population de La…

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City population: 104037 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité des Bergeronnes

Municipalité des Bergeronnes

Ci-joint, la politique familiale de la municipalité; document dans lequel est décrit toutes les actions posées comme l’implantation d’un jardin communautaire, des sentiers pédestres de proximité, bancs publics au centre…

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City population: 69529 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Vie active: lundi et jeudi à 9h00 au centre communautaire
Bingo à chaque jeudi à 19h00 à notre centre communautaire
Pétanque à tous les lundis au mercredi en saison estival…

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City population: 325030 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Notre politique Mada est en vigueur depuis septembre 2015. Nous sommes à planifier divers projets et stratégies qui favoriseront et, nous l’espérons fomenteront, l’implication citoyenne des aînés au sein de…

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City population: 166019.76 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Mission de la politique
Saint-Gabriel-Lalemant se donne pour mission d’offrir un milieu de vie de qualité et sécuritaire, afin de faire grandir le sentiment d’appartenance des gabriellois et les liens…

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City population: 78529 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Ville d’Otterburn Park


– Dîner des aînés;
– Pickelball (patinoire multifonctionnelle Centre Edmond Auclair);
– Associations de balle et de broomball pour 50 ans et plus;
– Mise en place du Club de…

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City population: 839716.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de St-Thomas-Didyme


  1. Mettre un frein à l’âgisme;
  2. Sait adapter ses politiques; ses services; ses structures;
  3. Agit de façon globale et intégrée;
  4. Favorise la participation des personnes aînées;
  5. S’appuie sur la concertation et la mobilisation des citoyens…

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City population: 67737 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Grosses Roches


Il y a eu un forum citoyen qui a été mise en place , le forum vise a sortir les aînées de leur isolement. et offrir des ateliers qui répondent…

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City population: 40050 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Organisme dont la mission est de promouvoir l’action bénévole dans les différents secteurs de l’activité humaine et de susciter une réponse aux besoins du milieu.…

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City population: 298030 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Nous avons plusieurs offres en loisirs pour les aînés (patinoire, piste de raquettes, piste de ski de fond, piste cyclable asphaltée, terrain de pétanque, jeu de croquet, etc.). Nous publions…

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City population: 70625 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de Sainte-Eulalie

Municipalité de Sainte-Eulalie


Ø FADOQ (diverses activités)
Ø Vic active (exercices)
Ø Zumba Gold (exercices)
Ø Souper pizza (1 fois par mois)
Ø 2 messes / semaines

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City population: 90025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de Saint-Edmond-les-Plaines

Municipalité de Saint-Edmond-les-Plaines

La municipalité a fait installer une fontaine aux abords d’un parc pour permettre aux gens de boire sur le trajet de leur marche de santé.
Un projet est actuellement en…

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City population: 38553 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf

Municipalité de Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf

En mettant en œuvre la démarche MADA, le conseil municipal de Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf a pour but de créer un milieu de vie favorisant la participation des aînés tout en renforçant le…

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City population: 36828 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité de Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka

Municipalité de Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka

Beauté des lieux et tranquillité de la vie rurale, ces deux thèmes reviennent souvent lors des discussions avec les aînés. La Municipalité soutient les aînés dans leur épanouissement en développant…

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City population: 158535 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Municipalité Saint-Guy

Municipalité Saint-Guy

Actuellement des après-midi sont organisés pour des jeux et du social. On invite les aînés à venir nous rencontrer une demi journée par semaine pour commencer. Si cela est positif…

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City population: 8265 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Le caractère utilisé dans le journal mensuel de la municipalité est facile à lire pour les personnes dont la vue est faible. Deux activités s’adressent aux aînés, le programme P.I.E.D…

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City population: 124112 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Vercheres, Québec

Vercheres, Québec

Effectuer des consultations auprès de cette clientèle pour connaître leurs besoins;
Développement de circuits piétons avec bancs favorisant les déplacements à pieds pour les aînés;
Faire la promotion du bottin…

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City population: 580020 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Services municipaux
Travaux publics, urbanisme, loisirs et culture, entretien et animation des parcs, des espaces verts et des installations… Les services municipaux sont nombreux et ont une incidence sur le…

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City population: 4570Joined Network in 2016

Bedford, Québec

Bedford, Québec

Le lancement des politiques MADA concertées s’est fait en grande pompe en novembre 2014 à Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge. Depuis, plusieurs projets ont pu être financés par la CRÉ Montérégie Est au bénéfice…

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City population: 257521.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

SENIORS EXPO – Northern Territory


The Art of Ageing exhibition launch


The South Yorkshire Dementia Creative Arts Exhibition




There are currently various cooperations existing, targeting the well-being of senior citizens. The supporting association aktiv55plus undertook the municipal task of doing the care counselling, it conducts activating home visits…

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City population: 2300022 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Wayne, Maine

Wayne, Maine
United States of America

Our town has an extensive informal network of neighbors and relatives helping each other. We also have a recent intiative- Sustain Wayne- which focuses on community and sustainability, and which…

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City population: 105025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Pinecrest, Florida

Pinecrest, Florida
United States of America

The Village of Pinecrest’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Office of the Mayor provide events and activities on a regularly scheduled basis. At the Pinecrest Community Center there is…

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City population: 1908819.44 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Orange County, North Carolina

Orange County, North Carolina
United States of America

Orange County, North Carolina has a designated Department to plan for and administer aging services across the county. The mission of the Orange County Department on Aging (OCDOA) is: To…

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City population: 14000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Albany County, New York

Albany County, New York
United States of America

Albany County already goes above and beyond in its desire to make the lives of our older citizens safe, healthy and happy. From home delivered meals, congregate meals, transportation, legal…

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City population: 30300020 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Boulder County, Colorado

Boulder County, Colorado
United States of America

Age Well Boulder County is a collaborative, countywide strategic planning initiative with the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, local senior centers, community non-profits, local senior advisory boards, and other…

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City population: 32187219.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Town of Cumberland, Maine

Town of Cumberland, Maine
United States of America

Aging in Place Cumberland is dedicated to helping the town’s seniors remain independent as long as possible. Programs and services include Friendly Visitor program (volunteers make biweekly visits to homebound…

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City population: 720030 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Westbrook, ME

City of Westbrook, ME
United States of America

The City of Westbrook completed its updated Comprehensive Plan in 2012. In the Plan’s Vision statement it identifies that “Through voluntary public-private partnerships additional passive and active opportunities are provided…

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City population: 1797820.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

Meeting very similar goals of WHO’s Age Friendly Cities and Communities Hernando is progressive about improving the quality of life for all its citizens. By helping the community get and…

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City population: 150009.28 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Berkeley, California

Berkeley, California
United States of America

Berkeley is one of only three California cities with its own Public Health division. Through this department, the Aging Services Division, and other partners such as Lifelong, Center for Independent…

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City population: 11885324 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Island of Martha’s Vineyard

Island of Martha’s Vineyard
United States of America

Island elders receive senior care support services from our four Councils on Aging, the local office of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, and the MV Center for…

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City population: 1729160.29 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Swarthmore, PA

Swarthmore, PA
United States of America

In the Fall of 2014, Borough Council appointed an Aging-in_place Task Force to make recommendations to Council on how to make Swarthmore more age-friendly so that those who wanted to…

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City population: 619417.61 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) holds the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) designation for
Seattle/King County. This federal designation is operationalized through the department’s Aging and
Disability Services (ADS)…

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City population: 66240017 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Veranópolis became first known for the longevity of its population in the 1990s. The fact that its population had the longest life expectancy in Brazil stimulated researchers to investigate the…

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City population: 2281016 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Políticas y programas que promueven el envejecimiento activo y saludable: Pasajes subsidiado en transporte público colectivo para jubilados. Centros Diurnos. Paseos recreativos. Programa de atención a la salud. Talleres de…

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City population: 131075520 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

Since 1992 the town of Bucksport has provided the financial support to maintain a Senior Center that offers a meal program and a variety of recreational and health education programs…

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City population: 492418 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Maple Grove

Maple Grove
United States of America

The City of Maple Grove has had services for seniors for many years, with direct staff involvement in the past 20 plus. The City owns an 80-unit senior highrise apartment…

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City population: 6156712.72 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

St Petersburg, Florida

St Petersburg, Florida
United States of America

In St. Petersburg, AARP Florida has more than a year convening various stakeholders and interested parties as well as conducting informal listening posts and sessions to gauge community interest and…

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City population: 25370018 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Readfield, Maine

Readfield, Maine
United States of America

Town of Readfield currently provides funds to Spectrum Generations, our local area agency on aging.
The town also makes a financial contribution to a social club called Guys and Gals,…

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City population: 280025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

The City of Saratoga already has many programs and services that serve older people in our community in collaboration with our many Faith Based Organizations, Senior Center programs and services,…

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City population: 2972736 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

San Jose

San Jose
United States of America

For three decades, San Jose has been aware of and planning for the coming age wave. In 1994, the City of San José initiated the development of an Aging Services…

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City population: 107900021 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

County of Sonoma

County of Sonoma
United States of America

The Adult and Aging Services Division of the Sonoma County Human Services Department consolidates the Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Adult Protective Services, In-Home Support Services (IHSS), Linkages, the Multipurpose…

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City population: 49980124 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Young people and seniors working together in their community



Republic of Korea

Under the goal of establishing a happy and age-friendly city, Busan Metropolitan City has been implementing various policies focused on providing a comfortable retirement life for the elderly. Our policies…

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City population: 355454322.15 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Située dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, Floirac est une commune limitrophe de Bordeaux, sur la rive droite de la Garonne, au Sud-Est de Bordeaux. Elle fait partie de de…

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City population: 1675922 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La prise en compte des effets du vieillissement est devenue pour les politiques locales et ce depuis une quinzaine d’années un axe prioritaire;
Les services n’ont cessé d’évoluer pour répondre…

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City population: 3354026.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

La Wantzenau


1. Traditionnal actions such as : trips for elder people, home-visits (birthday), Christmas events, etc …
Help for the associations : elder people teams, retirement homes calles “Le Tilleul”, social…

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City population: 585221 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Lons le Saunier


La ville de Lons le Saunier mène des actions en faveur des personnes âgées depuis toujours. En effet, le foyer-logement Colbert, géré par le CCAS (Centre Communal d’Action Sociale) existe…

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City population: 1785019 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing Media Awards


The Halton HomeShare Program

Rossburn Age Friendly Access Awareness Event


Elder Home


Safe Routes to Age in Place
