Adding life to years
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Maple Grove

Maple Grove

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Maple Grove  United States of America
Print this page City population: 6156712.72 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

The City of Maple Grove has had services for seniors for many years, with direct staff involvement in the past 20 plus. The City owns an 80-unit senior highrise apartment building, and the 55Foward (Senior Program) has over 55,000 participants in programs including education, fitness, arts, discussion, social/recreational and special events. The City of Maple Grove provides a dial-a-ride transportation program to citizens of all ages within the city limits. The Community Development Department has worked with developers to provide housing options for older adults, including single-level townhouses, market rate, subsidized and housing with services. The City hopes to learn from our Age-Friendly work what we are doing well, and how we can improve as we see the increasing numbers of older adults aging in place and moving to our community.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan