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Boulder County, Colorado

Boulder County, Colorado

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Boulder County, Colorado  United States of America
Print this page City population: 32187219.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Age Well Boulder County is a collaborative, countywide strategic planning initiative with the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, local senior centers, community non-profits, local senior advisory boards, and other service providers in the aging network. The Age Well plan represents input from over 200 older adults, community members, service providers, organizations, and leaders. The plan is intended to be a starting point for an interactive, community-driven process that lays out a roadmap for creating new, innovative programs and partnerships, developing action steps for policy work, and identifying resources to make Boulder County a community where all can age well. The Age Well plan identifies 17 broad goal areas and 88 strategies to help our communities become more age friendly, organized in four priority areas: basic needs, personal connections & community involvement, health & wellness, and aging in community.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan