Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Veranópolis  Brazil
Print this page City population: 2281016 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Veranópolis became first known for the longevity of its population in the 1990s. The fact that its population had the longest life expectancy in Brazil stimulated researchers to investigate the determinants of the population’s longevity. The widely referenced research programme is greatly appreciated by the population because it provides access to free consultations with multiple health professionals as well as laboratory tests.
The Council of Older Persons, a mechanism to involve older persons in the continuous monitoring and evaluation of policies, was established in 2013. The Council administers the Fund for Older Persons, dedicated to finance policies for the older population.
Programmes and services targeted at older persons:
The Reference Centre for Social Assistance, established in 2004, is a place to socialize, offering weekly workshops in various neighbourhoods. The Reference Centre Specialized in Social Assistance (est. 2014) is an entity which provides support to about 30 people that experience(d) some kind of abuse or neglect. The Secretary of Social Assistance also supports the Centro de Convivência da Longevidade. Over 200 people participate on weekly basis in activities, such as physical exercise, dancing and music.
Within the Family Health Strategy, workshops on hypertension and diabetes are offered to share experiences and receive information about diet, symptoms etc. Since 2010, the Municipal Health Secretary also maintains a Centre for Psychosocial Care where various types of occupational therapies are offered, aiming at including people that suffer from mental health problems. The Secretary also provides free transportation to hospitals and laboratories in other municipalities.
The Secretary of Education offers Internet courses since 2010.
The Secretary of Sports supports the local Association of Athletics who offers an adapted version of volleyball for older persons.
The Municipality also supports private institutions that provide care services for older persons.
In the last years, substantial efforts have been made to make the City more accessible, with the installation of ramps, lowered sidewalks and handrails.


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