Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly
Radevormwald Germany
There are currently various cooperations existing, targeting the well-being of senior citizens. The supporting association aktiv55plus undertook the municipal task of doing the care counselling, it conducts activating home visits (2002-2004 Demonstrationsprojekt of the WHO) and supports the health and quality of life of citizens older than 55 years in Radevormwald.
The senior advisory board cooperates with aktiv55plus as well as the city; various activities for elderly people are made possible and influences on the politics were exerted together. People inure the benefit of the local, regional and supra-regional supporting associations’ network, to which service providers of the health economy, companies settled in different sectors, banks, self-help groups and associations belong as well as representatives of political boards and congregations.
The city will use all 82 criteria as a guideline and work on them in a process synchronized with the citizens. To strengthen resources, the presentation of an application to support the concept set-up for an elderly friendly neighbourhood is considered.