Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Newberg  United States of America
Print this page City population: 23465Joined Network in 2017

Currently, our city has Americans with Disabilities Act policies that support older adults as well in areas such as building interiors and exteriors and remodels. While our transit transportation system is seriously lacking, we do have a Dial-a-Ride bus, Faith in Action volunteer transportation services, paid medical transportation and city policies that require inclusion. We have housing options such as assisted living and senior living facilities, a city affordable housing plan, and a Newberg area Habitat for Humanity. For social engagement we have an active senior center managed by the Chehalem Park and Recreation District, a thriving public library, an activities group called Widow’s Might, Friendsview Retirement Community, George Fox University and Strong for Life exercise classes. Regarding respect and inclusion, we have a SMART reading program in elementary schools, several ethnic churches, and, again, George Fox University. Our community hosts a Meals on Wheels program, Friends in Service to Humanity (FISH, a local food bank), Love in the Name of Christ, income adjusted counseling services and volunteer caregiver services through Faith in Action that include transportation, hard work, friendly visiting, respite care, light housekeeping and grocery shopping with and for seniors.
We plan to complete a community-wide assessment and involve key community leaders, stakeholders and relevant experts in the development and implementation of a work plan based on the livability findings.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan