Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Logatec  Slovenia
Print this page City population: 1430020 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The local program of social protection complements the program of social protection at the state level and represents a system of measures aimed at preventing and resolving social problems of individuals, families and groups of residents, who, for various reasons fall into social distress and difficulties or in various difficult life situations. Their status and rights are governed by several regulations and legislation in the field of social security, in the field of insurance for case of unemployment, the training and education for helping people with disabilities, the education of children and adolescents in field of mental and physical development and the education about ways of running the family income.
The Municipality detected in the last period an increased number of organized activities in the field of education and care for the elderly in the municipality of Logatec.
By creating circumstances, such as co-financing activities, the municipality stepped up to promoting the mutual aid for the elderly and for retired citizens. The municipality also promotes the establishment of new activities and volunteer programs, in which older people can be included. This reduces the social hardships of isolation, abandonment and a sense of redundancy.
Demographic data shows an increase of the population aged 62 and over.
Younger retired citizens want to stay active in their new life period, and participate in various workshops, lectures, courses etc. Elderly pensioners, who either because of health or because of financial constraints cannot attend the above-mentioned activities, expect some support from the municipality at their home.
The purpose of co-financing activities for the elderly is: to encourage older people to spend their time more actively, to enable the operators of these programs to organize quality programs, to ensure as wide as possible participation of population in Logatec in organized programs, to establish a system of monitoring the activities for the elderly, to improve the work and care for home and family.
In accordance with the Social Security Law are the beneficiaries and other users of social services of institutional care obliged to pay for it. At the request of the beneficiary the center for social work, which is responsible for the beneficiary, decides on the partial or total exemption from payment of services in accordance with the criteria laid down by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The criteria according to which beneficiaries and other persons partially or fully determine the exemption from payment of services are set out in the Regulation on the criteria for determining the exemption from payment of social security services. Exemption of beneficiary is determined as the difference between the value of the service and the contribution of the beneficiary. The Municipality in 2014 contributed funds for 22 beneficiaries, who are residents of Logatec and are living in nursing homes in Logatec, Vrhnika, Idrija.