Adding life to years
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Browse the Network

On this page you can search cities and communities and Network Affiliates that are part of the Network:

  • by keyword (using the search function on the right);
  • by country and membership type; and
  • by alphabetical order using the list below.

You can visit their profile pages to learn more about individual age-friendly initiatives and get in touch for more information via the contact forms on each page.

Cabezón de Liébana

Cabezón de Liébana

Cabezón de Liébana muestra un compromiso con los vecinos y vecinas mayores al llevar a cabo acciones en beneficio de la mejora de su calidad de vida y fomentar un…

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City population: 59540 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Cabo Corrientes

Cabo Corrientes

El sistema DIF (Desarrollo Integral de las Familias) Municipal, del Municipio de Cabo Corrientes, está encargado de la salud pública, atender y proteger a las personas y familias otorgando apoyos…

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City population: 340025.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



La comuna de Cabrero se caracteriza por ser una zona extensa en su ruralidad, sin embargo, las personas mayores que allí residen a pesar de esta condición participan activamente como…

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City population: 2800012 % over 60Joined Network in 2020




Desarrollo de actuaciones de promoción social de las personas mayores en los centros municipales de mayores. De manera específica se trabaja con…

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City population: 9640020 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Cadereyta de Montes

Cadereyta de Montes

En “casa del adulto mayor”, cada mes se realiza diferentes actividades, desde lo micro hasta lo macro y siempre se busca el fomento a la recreación y desarrollo de las…

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City population: 6907510 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Jusqu’en 2021, date de l’adhésion de la Ville au réseau francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés, la politique municipale en direction des seniors était essentiellement portée par la Direction des…

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City population: 10626018 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



● Oficina municipal de Personas Mayores, sistema integral de atención a personas mayores que promueve el envejecimiento activo y brinda servicios de atención de acuerdo a sus necesidades, por ejemplo…

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City population: 16573110.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



En la comuna de Calbuco se desarrollan una serie de actividades de tipo cultural, como por ejemplo el rescate de las tradiciones culturales enfocadas en el ámbito culinario, esto por…

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City population: 3800017 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Caldera es la comuna costera y turística por excelencia de la provincia de Copiapó, ubicada en la Región de Atacama. Con aproximadamente 17.662 habitantes, Caldera es conocida por sus hermosas…

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City population: 1766215.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Calera de Tango


The Municipality of Calera de Tango stands out for carrying out various activities that promote participation of older adults, such as:
Recreational-cultural trips (since 2005), facilitating access to various destinations…

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City population: 2539215 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Calgary’s senior population is growing and by 2036, it’s estimated that nearly one in five Calgarians will be a senior.

Through collaboration with older adult community members, other levels of government,…

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City population: 161350016 % over 60



Calp ha sido escogido por numerosos habitantes procedentes de Europa como ciudad residencial. Según datos de I.N.E. del 2017 el 27.59 % de la población tenía más de sesenta años.…

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City population: 2080427.59 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



En 2016 el Ajuntament de Calvià puso en marcha un nuevo modelo de participación mediante la creación de foros para que las personas mayores pudieran expresar su voz y debatir…

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City population: 5156721.82 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Desde el Ayuntamiento de Camaleño se desarrollan diferentes programas y actividades dirigidos a las personas mayores, con el objetivo de ofrecer una mejor calidad para aquellos que residen en nuestro…

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City population: 97035.15 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



The City of Cambridge currently operates four 50+ Active Living Centres offering a wide variety of social and recreational programs aimed at overall wellness. These Centres are funded in part…

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City population: 13874914.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Camilo Aldao

Camilo Aldao

La composición poblacional de Camilo Aldao se caracteriza por un elevado porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años (18%) con un aumento exponencial de personas de 80 años.
En base…

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City population: 519718 % over 60Joined Network in 2023


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Desde la gestión 2020 iniciamos el apoyo directo a la población de personas mayore con el acompañamiento técnico y jurídico de la Pastoral Social Caritas Camiri, desde el gobierno municipal…

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City population: 4261313 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Campbell, California

Campbell, California
United States of America

The City of Campbell worked with the Santa Clara County Department of Aging and Adult Services and the Center for Age-Friendly Excellence to organize a task force, focus groups, and…

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City population: 4100015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



A través de la Dirección de Cohesión y Desarrollo Social se llevan a cabo las siguientes acciones: Actividad de Amigo secreto, Carteles de consejos para los jóvenes, Activación y Juegos…

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City population: 29407712.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



El Ayuntamiento de Campezo, además del servicio ofrecido desde Servicios Sociales, cuenta con los siguientes programas dirigidos a las personas mayores:
• Aulas de tercera edad programa cultural para las…

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City population: 106326 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Cañadas de Obregón

Cañadas de Obregón

En nuestro municipio se trabaja con el comedor asistencial, el cual brinda el servicio de dotación de dos raciones alimentarias por día, tanto en las instalaciones del comedor asistencial (ubicado…

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City population: 438819.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



Canberra – an Age Friendly city now and into the future

In 1950, Canberra – Australia’s capital city – was home to fewer than 20,000 people.

According to the 2021 census…

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City population: 45400018.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2011



Desde el ayuntamiento de la Villa de Candelaria, se vienen prestando una serie de servicios acorde al incremento de la población mayor y al envejecimiento activo, respetando las preferencias de…

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City population: 2912220.99 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



La característica principal de la comuna es que su componente de ruralidad, está compuesto por un 78% del territorio rural. La principal actividad económica de la comuna de Canela es…

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City population: 909326 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



El programa del adulto mayor, pretende formar mas agrupaciones de adultos mayores con el fin de fomentar la participación social de las personas mayores, incorporando a los beneficiarios del programa…

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City population: 3453712 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Cangas del Narcea

Cangas del Narcea

En el Concejo de Cangas del Narcea existen varios Programas y Servicios dirigidos a las personas mayores. Estos son:

El Centro Social de Personas Mayores y Centro de Día que además…

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City population: 1224137.66 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Cantón de Flores

Cantón de Flores
Costa Rica

La Municipalidad de Flores durante el año brinda distintas actividades dirigidas a la población adulta mayor de la comunidad:

  • Se promueven actividades recreativas para las personas adultas mayores del Cantón de…

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City population: 200379 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Cantón del Guarco

Cantón del Guarco
Costa Rica


En el año 2015 la Municipalidad de El Guarco aprobó el proyecto: “El Tejar, Ciudad Amigable para todas las Edades”…

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City population: 429388.48 % over 60Joined Network in 2015



O Programa visa oferecer melhores condições de vida à população idosa. As teorias do envelhecimento bem sucedido encaram o sujeito como proativo, regulando a sua qualidade de vida estabelecendo objetivos…

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City population: 1852614.43 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



Desde el Municipio de Capiatá se impulsan acciones para promover la salud y el bienestar integral de las personas mayores a través de la coordinación y articulación con diferentes sectores…

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City population: 25294610 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Capitão Leônidas Marques

Capitão Leônidas Marques

With an elderly population representing about 39.17% of the total municipal population, Capitão Leônidas Marques, located in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil, is now above the national aging…

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City population: 1497012.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Carbon County

Carbon County
United States of America

Despite being rural, Carbon County is home to several organizations that are focused on serving older adults. An Adult Protective Services specialist serves Carbon County and works to keep vulnerable…

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City population: 1034050 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Cardiff is committed to being a great place to grow older and a place where older people are more empowered, healthy and happy.

The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015…

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City population: 36424814 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



The City Council of Cariñena carries out active aging actions always counting with the opinion of older people in our municipality, especially through the Association of Older People and other…

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City population: 338420 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

During the Age Friendly Forum, convened in July 2017 by MAGIC, participants discussed Age Friendly programs, services and policies in place in the broader MAGIC region, and as well as…

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City population: 485221.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



The Carlow Age Friendly County Programme was launched in March 2012, with the County Age Friendly Strategy launched in February 2013. The strategy, and the very specific plans it contains,…

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City population: 5693218 % over 60Joined Network in 2012


United States of America

In 2014, the City of Carlsbad, New Mexico, proudly joined the WHO Age Friendly Cities and Communities Network. Carlsbad, the first New Mexico community to join, is now working toward…

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City population: 2700015.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2014



Carquefou agit depuis longtemps en faveur de sa population âgée. Elle inscrit dès 2008 la promotion du Bien Vieillir dans son Agenda 21 et se porte candidat au Label « Bien…

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City population: 1802218 % over 60Joined Network in 2014



Trabajar por la calidad de vida de las Personas Mayores, consiguiendo el mayor bienestar físico, psíquico y social para ellos, es uno de los principales objetivos del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena,…

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City population: 21513421.56 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



La Comuna de Cartagena ha desarrollado una serie de acciones con el fin de hacer la ciudad incluyente y adaptable a las necesidades y requerimientos de su población adulta mayor.


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City population: 2273828 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



           No dia 10 de junho de 2021, o Prefeito Municipal de Cascavel Leonaldo Paranhos manifestou interesse em aderir à estratégia da Organização Mundial da Saúde…

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City population: 348.05114 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Casimiro Castillo

Casimiro Castillo

El municipio de Casimiro Castillo desde hace ya varios años considera como base fundamental en la sociedad y la de las familias a las personas mayores, por ello se implementan…

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City population: 2100015.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Casper, WY

Casper, WY
United States of America

The City of Casper provides the most direct service to seniors through its support for the Casper Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, the United Way, and the Casper Area Transit…

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City population: 6030014 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Castellar del Vallès

Castellar del Vallès

Castellar, ciudad amigable de las personas mayores

El programa se basa en el envejecimiento demográfico y en la promoción de la comunidad, dado que se valora una ciudad amigable con los…

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City population: 2344120 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Castellón de la Plana

Castellón de la Plana

Castellón trabaja a diario por convertirse en una ciudad que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, con una especial sensibilidad hacia las personas mayores, considerando la…

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City population: 17186522 % over 60Joined Network in 2014


United States of America

The town of Castine has always had a high level of citizen participation and involvement. There is also a citizens group doing research on developing senior housing in the area.…

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City population: 136622 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Castrelo de Miño

Castrelo de Miño

Castrelo de Miño é un municipio galego situado na parte occidental da provincia de Ourense. Pertence á comarca do Ribeiro.

O Concello de Castrelo de Miño ten unha población envellecida, polo…

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City population: 162050 % over 60Joined Network in 2014



Algunas actividades que benefician a la población de mayor edad del Municipio de Castro incluyen:

-Talleres de: Autocuidado grupal e individual con profesionales expertos en el
área, hidrogimnasia y yoga.

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City population: 4166710.93 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Castro Marim

Castro Marim

Castro Marim procura, de diversas formas, combater os problemas que afetam os idosos e facilitar o seu quotidiano, sobretudo relacionados com as limitações que a idade comporta, juntamente com o…

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City population: 674730 % over 60Joined Network in 2013



Desde sus inicios el programa Rompiendo Distancias supuso una respuesta flexible a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas mayores, en relación con el envejecimiento activo, pues sus objetivos, cuya…

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City population: 363837 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



La Municipalidad de Cauquenes mediante la intervención con personas mayores se enfoca en dos lineamientos de trabajo el primero desde la atención de casos, enfocado en el diagnóstico de diversas…

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City population: 4044122 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
United Kingdom

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council launched their Community Plan ‘A Better Future Together’ 2017 – 2030 in June 2018. Action 2 in the Community Plan is to ‘develop and…

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City population: 14483824.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



Cavan County Council and Cavan County Development Board launched the Cavan Age Friendly County Initiative on March 2012. The initiative was endorsed by the County Manager Jack Keyes who appointed…

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City population: 7318314.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2014



The start of our age-friendly initiative was in year 2010 and we joined the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities in 2012. On 3rd March 2013 a Municipality…

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City population: 4877325 % over 60Joined Network in 2012

Central and Western District

Central and Western District

Summarizing from baseline assessment report:
– Two main groups advocating for the concept of age-friendly city in the district: Central and Western District Community Concern Group; Central and Western District…

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City population: 24860015.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Cerro Navia

Cerro Navia

The Muncipality of Cerro Navia has a specialized office to work with the older adult population, whose fundamental framework is the Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights…

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City population: 13162217 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



PROGRAMAS Y ACTIVIDADES DEL ÁREA DE MAYORES DE LA CIUDAD DECEUTA: La Ciudad de Ceuta cuenta con 84632 personas mayores de 60 años lo que representa un 15,94 % de…

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City population: 8463216 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Las directrices Municipales para el diseño e implementación de políticas de enfocadas en personas mayores comenzó el año 2017 con la creación de la Oficina de Adulto Mayor, junto con…

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City population: 50718 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



La Ville de Chamalière développe un grande nombre d’activités dédiées aux séniors:
– banquets
– projections cinématographiques
– thés dansants
– actions de prévention
– voyages

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City population: 1746714 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

Champaign and Urbana are twin cities with a combined population of about 127,000 located in east central Illinois. The area is home to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which…

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City population: 12000011 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Chanco es una comuna rural costera del sur de la Región del Maule, Provincia de Cauquenes. Chanco forma parte del “Sistema integrado zona costera- secano central”, que lo conforman los…

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City population: 892821.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Changwon city

Changwon city
Republic of Korea

Changwon is located on the southern coast of South Korea, it is an eco-friendly metropolitan city with a population of 1.04 million and has an industrial infrastructure. Changwon became the…

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City population: 104155321.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



Para la administración del Gobierno Municipal de Chapala 2021-2024 es importante crear proyectos integrales para las personas adultas mayores, por tal motivo se enlistan a continuación las actividades y programas…

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City population: 551964.73 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Charagua Iyambae

Charagua Iyambae
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Las personas mayores en un contexto cultural como en la Autonomía Indígena Guarani Charagua Iyambae adquieren una importancia sustancial en la revalorización de la cultura, ya que en el mundo…

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City population: 321867 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Charles City

Charles City
United States of America

The City of Charles City, Floyd County, Charles City Chamber of Commerce, Community Revitalization and other organizations support and provide services through a number of programs and activities for 50+…

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City population: 765229 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Charleston, West Virginia

Charleston, West Virginia
United States of America

The City of Charleston has already embraced many community policies, programs and services that are targeted toward older people that will be enhanced and augmented through its age-friendly plan that…

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City population: 4973629 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Chatham-Kent supports older adults in a myriad of ways. This includes through financial support such as tax exemptions, lease agreements, in-kind agreements and grants, to our eleven independently operated “Seniors”…

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City population: 10360025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Chatham (Mount Washington Valley)

Chatham (Mount Washington Valley)
United States of America

Mount Washington Valley is proud to host a variety of resources, services, agencies and programs that serve the aging as well as intergenerational populations of our region (see the attached…

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City population: 33710.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

Chelmsford was founded in 1655, as a farming community. Our historic buildings and Forefather’s Burial Grounds are invested in and cherished by the community. As a community, we thrive on…

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City population: 3281428 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Chemung County

United States of America

Creating a Great Place to Live and Age Well

The Chemung County Commitment: “Age-Friendly Chemung County is committed to making our community an attractive place to live and age well. We…

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City population: 8800020 % over 60Joined Network in 2013


Republic of Korea

As a leader in domestic community care, Cheongyang-gun’s integrated community care project is a welfare system that allows people in need of support to receive housing, health care, nursing, and…

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City population: 3017750.73 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



Adoption d’un règlement sur les maisons intergénérationnelles
-Déneigement stratégique des artères et des lieux réservés aux aînés
– Implication dans la réalisation de la Maison Georges-L’Allier
– Réalisation du plan…

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City population: 500030 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Cheshire West and Chester Borough

Cheshire West and Chester Borough
United Kingdom

Age-friendly West Cheshire

In Cheshire West and Chester, we want to ensure longer life expectancy is matched by quality of life; enabling people to live active, healthier and fulfilling, independent lives,…

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City population: 33400026.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

In July 2012, Chicago joined the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities. As a part of the WHO network, Chicago joined a growing number of cities and communities…

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City population: 270000012 % over 60Joined Network in 2012

Chigasaki City

Chigasaki City

Chigasaki city’s population is 243,375 as of April 1, 2018; the ratio of people aged 65 and over is 25.8%, and estimated to be 27% in 2025.
To deal with…

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City population: 24384931.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



The increase of the population of older adults in the commune of Chiguayante, has motivated its own organization and participation in the efforts to improve their living conditions. A constant…

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City population: 8583816 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)
Republic of Korea

A summary of legislation and enactment of contents for the welfare of older citizens includes;

  • Ordinance on the Formation of an Age-Friendly City in Chilgok-gun
  • Ordinance on the Promotion of Welfare for…

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City population: 11750421.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



En el año 2010 el municipio de Chillán crea la casa Municipal del adulto Mayor. Durante el año 2018 se realizaron las siguientes gestiones
– Talleres de Gerontogimnasia, Estimulación…

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City population: 18473912.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Chillan Viejo

Chillan Viejo

Chillán Viejo es una comuna de la zona central de Chile, ubicada en la Provincia de Diguillín, Región de Ñuble,  Desde su fundación, en 1995, se autodenomina Cuna de la Patria debido a que el lugar…

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City population: 3517617 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



Los objetivos y programas del municipio relacionados con el envejecimiento saludable y la salud y bienestar de los adultos mayores:

  • Promover el envejecimiento activo y saludable por medio de la recreación,…

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City population: 1485816 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Chopinzinho is a town located in the Southwest Paraná. The town has an area of approximately 370,137 square miles and an estimated population of 19,254 inhabitants and in which roughly…

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City population: 1925412.58 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Cillorigo de Liebana

Cillorigo de Liebana

El Ayuntamiento de Cillorigo se viene comprometiendo desde tiempo atrás en la consecución de mejoras para los vecinos y vecinas del municipio, teniendo en cuenta que en los núcleos de…

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City population: 132027.04 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

In 2017, the Cincinnati City Council adopted an ordinance designed to make our community more age-friendly. The ordinance required the City Administration to create the Office of Aging and Accessibility,…

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City population: 30000015.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Culture et loisirs:
La Maison citoyenne de Ciney (service de cohésion sociale) dépendant de l’administration communale de Ciney est un lieu d’accueil pour tous, proposant des activités d’échanges et des…

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City population: 1700726.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Citrus County

Citrus County
United States of America

We have several Divisions within County Government that provide services that are age friendly. The Support Services Division provides congregate and home delivered meals, community centers, facility and in‐home services…

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City population: 14572144 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

City of Chula Vista

City of Chula Vista
United States of America

The City of Chula Vista has been a leader in building livable communities through policy and infrastructure planning efforts and further committed to building programs and partnerships to address community…

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City population: 26507013 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Cornwall and SD&G

City of Cornwall and SD&G

The City of Cornwall is committed to being recognized as an age-friendly community. A wide variety of City services, policies, and programs already exist to support Cornwall’s older adults, and…

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City population: 468768000 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City Of Culver City

City Of Culver City
United States of America

Culver City has a Senior Center which offers many programs for community members age 50+. These programs provide activities that are recreational, social, and intellectual, such as language, fitness, computer…

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City population: 4000014.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Glen Cove

City of Glen Cove
United States of America

The City of Glen Cove is fortunate to have a thriving Senior Center which has a full time social worker and a social model adult day component to provide respite…

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City population: 2696436.57 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Greater Sudbury

City of Greater Sudbury

COVID-19  has affected our community immensely, having faced many challenges, yet the Age-Friendly Working Group surged forward and adapted the growth and actions to further the City’s Community Plan.

As of…

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City population: 16613026.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Holly Springs

City of Holly Springs
United States of America

Currently the City of Holly Springs provides funding to the local library which provides an excellent venue for older people to enjoy reading and access to computers. We also provide…

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City population: 800030 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of La Mesa, CA

City of La Mesa, CA
United States of America

The City of La Mesa provides a program called Rides4Neighbors for seniors who are unable to drive. Volunteer drivers take clients to doctor appointments, grocery store or to where ever…

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City population: 5706514.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Long Beach

City of Long Beach
United States of America

In collaboration with community members, the Department of Health & Human Services published a Strategic Plan for Older Adults in 2016. The plan lays out ways the City of Long…

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City population: 4700009.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Akron

City of Akron
United States of America

Akron was founded by Simon Perkins in 1825 and developed into a canal town on the Ohio & Erie Canalway. As railroads replaced the canal system, the rubber industry grew…

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City population: 19825220.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Archdale

City of Archdale
United States of America

The City of Archdale has many policies, programs, and services that are targeted toward older people, and the City’s commitment to become more age-friendly is articulated in numerous planning documents.…

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City population: 1210524 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Augusta

City of Augusta
United States of America

Augusta is a full-service city. It currently has senior programming through the Department of Community Services. Spectrum Generations provides many services in the community, including meals on wheels. Kennebec Valley…

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City population: 1913625 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Béziers

City of Béziers

Offering a rich social life, Béziers is home to a steadily growing population. An office for seniors was created in 2017 and five seniors residences (573 units) and one 60-person…

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City population: 7570129 % over 60

City of Bucheon

City of Bucheon
Republic of Korea

〇 Based on the results of the first phase Bucheon age-friendly city development project and 2021 older adults survey data, the second phase went one step further from the vision…

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City population: 81074216 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Buffalo

City of Buffalo
United States of America

Mayor Byron W. Brown has ensured that Buffalo’s older adults are well represented in City government through employees, meetings with clergy and block club members, and community organization leadership. The…

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City population: 25861227 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Cedar Rapids

City of Cedar Rapids
United States of America

As the state’s second largest city, Cedar Rapids is a vibrant community, with unique attractions, exciting events, specialty shopping, a dynamic art scene, and a large variety of restaurant and…

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City population: 13317422.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

City of Chattanooga

City of Chattanooga
United States of America

The City of Chattanooga is currently in the process of soliciting proposals from qualified firms to undertake the development of an ADA Self-Assessment and Transition Plan to bring the City…

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City population: 17546221.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Clearwater

City of Clearwater
United States of America

In 2002, the City of Clearwater affirmed its support of the State of Florida’s Elder Ready initiative and issued a resolution to make Clearwater “Elder Ready.” Clearwater established a diverse,…

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City population: 11279428.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

City of Columbia

City of Columbia
United States of America

The Parks and Recreation Department hosts several annual events to engage the senior community including Senior Expo Day in May, SCRPA Beach Retreat in Sept/Oct and the Holiday Ball each…

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City population: 12927210.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Durham

City of Durham
United States of America

Durham County and the City of Durham are both dedicated to their shared mission of providing fiscally responsible, quality services necessary to promote a healthy, safe, and vibrant community. The…

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City population: 30152017 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Eindhoven

City of Eindhoven

Eindhoven wants its residents to participate in society healthy and active for as long as possible. The current policy (ActionPlan “Stay at homelonger“) is aimed at: 1) Housing and Living…

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City population: 24644320 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

City of Emeryville, CA

City of Emeryville, CA
United States of America

The Senior Center offers programs and services to adults over age 50 from all over Alameda County. Programs include exercise and enrichment classes, a daily nutrition program, field trips, special…

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City population: 1083018.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Fredericton


Age-Friendly Fredericton
• City of Fredericton Age -Friendly Community Advisory Committee created
o Hosted a ‘World Café Event’ to determine the needs and concerns of local seniors. After reviewing…

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City population: 6000024 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Fremantle

City of Fremantle

The City of Fremantle continues to be committed to becoming more Age-friendly, to prioritise positive ageing opportunities for the Fremantle Community making it a great place for older people to…

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City population: 3484423 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Glendale

City of Glendale
United States of America

Our Community Services and Parks Department has 4 community centers dedicated to senior recreational programming, nutritional meals program, services, supportive services, case management, HICAP, classes, educational opportunities, and life long…

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City population: 20100023 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Hallandale Beach

City of Hallandale Beach
United States of America

The City of Hallandale Beach has been a leader in identifying needs to improve the health and wellbeing of those who live, work, learn, play and retire in its community.…

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City population: 3827032.87 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Healdsburg

City of Healdsburg
United States of America

The City of Healdsburg has a variety of policies, programs, and services targeted at the older adult population with plans to make the city more age-friendly.
Transportation: The volunteer program…

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City population: 1199224 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Hyattsville, Maryland

City of Hyattsville, Maryland
United States of America

Senior & Disability Services currently offered by the City of Hyattsville: 1) Benefits Assistance-helps seniors/residents with disabilities better understand Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Waiver, etc., prescription programs including Part D,…

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City population: 185008 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

City of Jinju

City of Jinju
Republic of Korea

Jinju city, known for being a river city with a thousand years of history, recently enacted the ‘Ordinance of Jinju city on the Creation of Aging-Friendly Cities’ in May 2022…

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City population: 34400018 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

City of Kalajoki

City of Kalajoki

Supporting people’s ability to live at home is one of the City of Kalajoki’s most important objectives. The ageing of the population leads to increased needs and requirements, which the…

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City population: 1250034 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

City of Knox

City of Knox

Knox City Council’s Community and Council Plan 2017-2021 is Knox’s long-term plan to guide our city for the next four years and beyond. It outlines our long-term shared goals and…

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City population: 15411021.5 % over 60

City of Lafayette

City of Lafayette
United States of America

The Lafayette Senior Services Commission is a 7-member volunteer board appointed by City Council. Its mission is as follows: Identify those unique needs of the city’s residents aged 60 or…

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City population: 2610319 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Lahti

City of Lahti

City of Lahti is a pioneer of smart, sustainable solutions and the European Green Capital of 2021. We make bold environmental and welfare choices together with universities, companies and with…

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City population: 12003131 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

City of Lancaster

City of Lancaster
United States of America

For the second consecutive year, US News and World Report has ranked Lancaster as one of the top two places in the US to retire – #2 in 2017 and…

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City population: 597089.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Las Animas

City of Las Animas
United States of America

Las Animas is the Statutory City that is the county seat and the only incorporated municipality in Bent County, Colorado, United States. Las Animas is located in southeast Colorado east…

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City population: 220725 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Los Altos

City of Los Altos
United States of America

The City of Los Altos joined the World Health Organization’s Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in November 2011. Prior to this, the City of Los Altos Senior Committee…

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City population: 2992925 % over 60Joined Network in 2011

City of Maple Ridge

City of Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge is a city in British Columbia, Canada, located in the northeastern section of Metro Vancouver between the Fraser River and the Golden Ears Mountains. In 2016, the City…

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City population: 8225622 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Marlborough, MA

City of Marlborough, MA
United States of America

The City of Marlborough is committed to developing a livable community for everyone, as evidenced by our comprehensive community development programs. Marlborough is a member of the State of Massachusetts…

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City population: 3849919.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Mendoza

City of Mendoza

For the past 17 years, the Municipality of the City of Mendoza has been implementing and working on a series of actions that are aimed to ensure and promote a…

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City population: 11565219 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Monash

City of Monash

When the City of Monash began the Age Friendly journey in 2013 we recruited and trained 21 Age Friendly Ambassadors to develop and implement community engagement. Since then, the Ambassador…

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City population: 19678022 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Norcross

City of Norcross
United States of America

From the Cherokees who first inhabited this land and the farmers and merchants who later helped it become a thriving town, to modern day visionaries who cherish its history while…

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City population: 168459.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Northampton

City of Northampton
United States of America

Northampton is a small city, rich in services and commitments to the development of a vibrant and livable community for residents of all ages. As the Hampshire County seat, Northampton…

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City population: 2854919.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Orlando

City of Orlando
United States of America

The Mayor’s Committee on Aging has worked for 45 years to promote concerns of seniors in the City, thereby making the city more age-friendly. Here are some ways in which…

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City population: 28025713.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Oshawa

City of Oshawa

The City of Oshawa is committed to providing inclusive and equitable service to all of its residents, demonstrated through the Oshawa Strategic Plan and the City’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan.…

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City population: 17009523 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Oxford

City of Oxford
United States of America

The Oxford, Ohio area is a safe and picturesque community with a small regional hospital, many activities associated with a large state university, Miami University, and a thriving senior center.…

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City population: 213717.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Pompano Beach, FL

City of Pompano Beach, FL
United States of America

The City of Pompano Beach Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department currently offers a wide variety of programming and activities geared toward the senior citizen population. One of the City’s…

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City population: 10944122 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Portsmouth

City of Portsmouth
United States of America

The City of Portsmouth supports a Senior Services Department through the Recreation Department. The City of Portsmouth subsidizes a fixed route and senior transportation program. Wentworth Senior Transportation is a…

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City population: 2100018 % over 60

City of Poznan

City of Poznan

The authorities of Poznań are aware of challenges related to ageing of the society and for several years have made attempts to meet changing needs of the oldest inhabitants of…

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City population: 52941028 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Quincy

City of Quincy
United States of America

It is the mission of the Elder Services department to provide the elder members of our community with uncompromising services to ensure a high quality of life. As the needs…

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City population: 9000021 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Rochester

City of Rochester
United States of America

Rochester and Monroe County has many programs and services targeted towards older adults; including the services provided/funded through the Area Agency on Aging, Local Foundations such as the Rochester Area…

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City population: 20946315.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Rowlett

City of Rowlett
United States of America

In 2019, Rowlett was named by US News and World Report as one of their Top 10 Great Small Towns to Retire. When a small town has a high quality…

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City population: 6628512 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

City of Royal Oak

City of Royal Oak
United States of America

In addition to offering two beautiful senior centers, the City of Royal Oak offers several programs to residents age 50 and over. The Adjacent Generational Exchange (AGE) program provides assistance…

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City population: 5911217.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Saco

City of Saco
United States of America

The City of Saco currently has special programming for seniors through the Parks and Recreation Department’s SENIORity Program. This programming is hosted at the Community Center and provides fitness classes,…

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City population: 1920123 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Sacramento

City of Sacramento
United States of America

The Sacramento 2035 General Plan is the City’s blueprint for how the city will grow and provide services to the community. It includes policies to support an age-friendly community (ERC…

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City population: 50134415 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Salem

City of Salem
United States of America

The City of Salem is committed to creating a community that all persons shall fully experience the life of the city, this was further articulated in Chapter 97 of the…

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City population: 16454916.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Salisbury

City of Salisbury

The City of Salisbury is committed to excellence in building a community of opportunity and spirit in a quality environment’. (Salisbury City Plan 2020).
The City of Salisbury will ensure…

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City population: 13400018 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of San Diego

City of San Diego
United States of America

1.) Social Participation: Provide an increase in program opportunities, such as sports/fitness activities, art classes, current event discussion groups, cultural opportunities, card/table games for older adults. 2.) Respect and Social…

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City population: 142000013.1 % over 60

City of Santa Clara

City of Santa Clara
United States of America

  • The City has developed 2.53 acres per 1000 residents of municipal park and recreation facilities that provide residents with a variety of programs and services. Facilities include the Santa Clara…

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City population: 12700014 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

City of Santa Clarita

City of Santa Clarita
United States of America

The City of Santa Clarita appropriates funds to the Santa Clarita Valley Committee on Aging to provide programs and services to Santa Clarita seniors through opportunities for recreation and wellness…

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City population: 21500018 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Sejong

City of Sejong
Republic of Korea

Sejong City is a relatively young city, with persons aged 65 or older accounting for approximately 10% of the total population. However, to respond proactively to global ageing and urbanization…

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City population: 38277015.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Sisters

City of Sisters
United States of America

Sisters, Oregon is a small city located at the base of the Cascade Mountains, the gateway to Oregon’s High Desert. While our in-city population is 2700 , the larger community…

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City population: 270027 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Somerville

City of Somerville
United States of America

Somerville is a rapidly changing and emerging city in our region. With a deep demographic diversity of age, ethnicity, background, nationality, language and ability, we pride ourselves on supporting all…

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City population: 7555412.86 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Springfield

City of Springfield
United States of America

Our department has been in existence for 20 years. As the Department of Elder Affairs, we are able to assist a diverse population from various backgrounds and socio-economic needs. We…

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City population: 15475814 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Suncheon

City of Suncheon
Republic of Korea

In order to create a livable urban environment for all generations regardless of age, Suncheon City has been implementing more than 165 policy tasks which are closely related to the…

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City population: 28143624.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

City of Sunnyvale

City of Sunnyvale
United States of America

The City provides a wide range of accessible, high quality arts and recreation services, facilities and programs to enhance the well-being of the diverse and changing Sunnyvale community.

City polices include…

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City population: 14983115.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Suwon

City of Suwon
Republic of Korea

I have led City of Suwon’s drive for aged-friendly city in four different categories – urban planning, policy, programs, and service receiver, i.e., the aged people:

  1. The urban planning aspect considered…

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City population: 118462412.48 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Talent

City of Talent
United States of America

The City of Talent is committed to creating a community that is inclusive and accessible to all of our residents. Generally, livability is a part of Talent’s Comprehensive Plan (see…

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City population: 649228.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Temiskaming Shores

City of Temiskaming Shores

In 2015, an Age Friendly Community committee was initiated to include stakeholders representing interests related to the eight pillars of age friendly environments. An assessment was completed and a Plan…

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City population: 992030.7 % over 60

City of Thornton

City of Thornton
United States of America

The City of Thornton has been dedicated to the inclusion of active adults for decades and has proactively worked as a city to increase opportunities for civic engagement, lifelong learning,…

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City population: 14600010 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

City of Thorold


The Age Friendly Committee was formed in the fall of 2015 with a cross-section of representation from key stakeholders in the community. We have also established four sub-committees of the…

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City population: 1800022 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Turku

City of Turku

The key to welfare is an active lifestyle in which we encourage the inhabitants of the city to take part in. The ability of residents to take responsibility for themselves…

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City population: 19133126 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Uppsala

City of Uppsala

Uppsala Municipality has for many years supported different initiatives to promote good living conditions for elderly people. For elderly people in need of care, a central aim is to provide…

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City population: 21012622 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Vantaa

City of Vantaa

According to the Finnish Local Government Act (410/2015) municipalities in Finland have a responsibility to advance the well-being of their residents at a local level. The City of Vantaa is…

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City population: 23920621 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

City of Vaughan

City of Vaughan

At the City of Vaughan, our mission is clear: to champion healthy ageing through focused action across all facets of our community. Through a comprehensive community action plan aligned with…

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City population: 32310318.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

City of Vicksburg

City of Vicksburg
United States of America

The City of Vicksburg fully funds a Senior Center for all the residents of Vicksburg. It is open to the public—the director and assistant director are employees of the City…

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City population: 2300014 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Wanneroo

City of Wanneroo

The City of Wanneroo proudly released their first Age Friendly Strategy 2017/18 – 2020/21 in September 2017. The City is committed to building a city that is safe and inclusive…

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City population: 20686015 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of West Hollywood

City of West Hollywood
United States of America

A key goal of the City of West Hollywood’s Aging In Place/Aging In Community Five Year Strategic Plan is to improve the quality of life for and maintain the health…

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City population: 3939915 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Westbrook, ME

City of Westbrook, ME
United States of America

The City of Westbrook completed its updated Comprehensive Plan in 2012. In the Plan’s Vision statement it identifies that “Through voluntary public-private partnerships additional passive and active opportunities are provided…

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City population: 1797820.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

City of Woodstock

City of Woodstock
United States of America

The City embraces the opportunity to influence design of infrastructure and equipment to become more age-friendly in the livability domain areas of Transportation, Housing and Health Services as the senior…

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City population: 2552615 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Presque Isle, ME

City of Presque Isle, ME
United States of America

Presque Isle is very fortunate to have active and caring business members. The community is just small enough that the various organizations and civic clubs all work well together and…

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City population: 910219 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of San Rafael

City of San Rafael
United States of America

The City of San Rafael is beginning its community planning process for the update of its comprehensive long-range plan. General Plan 2020 ( will address community growth and physical development.…

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City population: 5900024.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Satellite Beach

City of Satellite Beach
United States of America

The City of Satellite Beach has implemented several governmental polices and practice that address the livability for all ages, including walk able streets, age friendly beach access, sea-level rise, and…

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City population: 1041828 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Ciudad de Formosa

Ciudad de Formosa

La Dirección de Adultos Mayores, dependiente de la Coordinación de Acción Social de la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Formosa, ha respondido a la creciente demanda de personas mayores que…

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City population: 2711129.86 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Ciudad Juárez

Ciudad Juárez

Dentro de la administración municipal se encuentran varias áreas que atienden las necesidades de las personas mayores del municipio, en primer lugar, se cuenta con la Comisión de Regidores para…

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City population: 15656468.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Ciudad Real


El Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real lleva trabajando en políticas dirigidas a las personas mayores en la línea del envejecimiento activo desde hace años. El objetivo es ofrecer una ciudad más…

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City population: 7562522 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Claix a pour spécificité de compter un grand nombre de personnes de plus de 60 ans sur son territoire. C’est pourquoi, la ville de Claix accompagne les aînés de la…

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City population: 793226.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



The Council has been actively collaborating with our older residents for a number of years, culminating in extensive community involvement and consultation in planning for our first Positive Ageing Plan…

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City population: 5500019 % over 60Joined Network in 2014


United States of America

The City of Clarksville owns the Ajax-Turner Senior Citizens Center/50-Plus Activity Center and helps fund the non-profit corporation that runs the center. The center received a $2.5 million City-funded expansion…

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City population: 1532059 % over 60Joined Network in 2019


United States of America

In 2014, the City of Cleveland joined the WHO Age Friendly Cities and Communities Network in order to enhance the city’s standing as a community for people of all ages…

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City population: 39011317.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Clinton County

Clinton County
United States of America

Situated in one of Ohio’s growth regions, Clinton County, Ohio is where rural and urban ideas mix, offering unique opportunities for enriching quality of life.

With a 2010 population of 42,040,…

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City population: 4185421 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



El ayuntamiento de Coaña viene desarrollando una serie de actividades amigables con las personas mayores desde 2001, siendo las más importantes las siguientes:
• Taller de memoria realizado semanalmente en…

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City population: 333635.34 % over 60Joined Network in 2019


Republic of Moldova

Current Age Friendly Activities include;

  • Ensuring access to quality transportation services: construction of 3.1 km of road; building a public transport station; providing 30% of village streets with lighting.
  • Adaptation of public…

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City population: 262743 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



Cobquecura  (del  mapudungun :  kofkekura  ‘piedra del pan’) es una  comuna  chilena  de la  provincia de Itata ,  Región de Ñuble , que se encuentra asentada junto a la costa…

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City population: 523832.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



El trabajo que como municipalidad hemos llevado a cabo se enmarca en el desarrollo de políticas públicas creadas a nivel nacional en pro del desarrollo del adulto mayor, entregando gran…

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City population: 500066 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



The City of Cockburn has developed its second City of Cockburn Age-Friendly Strategy 2016-2021.

The City of Cockburn vision for older people is that they are valued, have optimal opportunities for good health, active…

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City population: 11071016 % over 60Joined Network in 2015



Impartiendo talleres para adulto mayor con la integración de grupos en la instalación de Sistema DIF Cocula, incluyendo concursos de piñatas, postes, costura, etc. Practica de ejercicios físicos para el…

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City population: 261748.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



La Municipalidad de Codegua, cuenta actualmente con tres programas cuyos beneficiarios directos son los adultos mayores de la comuna.
programa adulto mayor: este programa cuenta con dos profesionales y atiende…

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City population: 1298815.77 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



Dentro de las actividades realizadas por la Ilustre Municipalidad de Coelemu y sus programas correspondientes, para nuestras Personas Mayores, podemos mencionar las enfocadas a la recreación y tiempo libre, como,…

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City population: 328821 % over 60Joined Network in 2021


United States of America

Cohasset is a beautiful and unique coastal town with a rich history and filled with significant historical sites and spectacular views. The Town covers a nine square mile area and…

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City population: 831621.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



Colina está ubicada en el sector noreste de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, a 28 Km al norte de la ciudad de Santiago. Es la comuna más poblada de la…

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City population: 14620714 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



En la comuna de Collipulli, la Ilustre Municipalidad, cuenta con el Programa Municipal Adulto Mayor, el cual tiene como objetivo general promover acciones para la participación activa y saludable de…

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City population: 129617 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



The Municipal OMS Program Age-Friendly City, in Colombo, is the result of historical and collective work that guarantees the elderly’s population rights’ in various places in the municipality, where, according…

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City population: 2129677.28 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



Colomiers has nearly 6000 seniors citizens aged over 65 years who are involved and actively participate in local life in various fields: associations, cultural-, sportive-, and educational events, intergenerational encounters…

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City population: 3854119.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs
United States of America

The City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County will be an Age Friendly Community that is inclusive and accessible, where all residents may live a healthy, active, and engaged…

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City population: 43500012.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La finalidad del gobierno de Colotlán es atender a cada uno de los sectores sociales del municipio y buscar los medios para mejorar los espacios que propicien una mejor calidad…

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City population: 1971013.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Colpa Belgica

Colpa Belgica
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

En el Municipio de Colpa Bélgica tenemos un centro de fisioterapia y rehabilitación gratuito caracterizado por contribuir al bienestar de la persona mayor, brindando un servicio con calidad, empatía, respeto…

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City population: 701111 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



El Programa de Salud Integral de adolescentes y jóvenes tiene el propósito de mejorar el acceso y la oferta de servicios, diferenciados, integrados e integrales, en…

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City population: 242398.91 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Columbus and Franklin County

Columbus and Franklin County
United States of America

In 2016, City of Columbus joined the World Health Organization and AARP International Network of Age-Friendly Communities and thus our commitment toward creating inclusive processes, programs and policies. This work…

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City population: 132141419 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



Combarbalá, es una ciudad y comuna localizada en la provincia de Limarí, región de Coquimbo. Dentro de sus principales atracciones son la artesanía en piedra Combarbalita, un mineral semiprecioso, declarada…

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City population: 1332219 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Communaute de Communes du Pays de Mormal

Communaute de Communes du Pays de Mormal

La collectivité souhaite initier une réflexion sur l’amélioration du bien être des ainés sur son territoire. Composée de 53 communes essentiellement rurale dont 3 bourgs centres de 3 000 à…

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City population: 4900023 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Commune d’Anderlecht

Commune d’Anderlecht

Le service social communal :
Aide aux seniors et personnes en situation de handicap.coordination de l’aide à domicle, chèques taxi.
Phone Contact 1070 : listing de personnes isolées, âgées, en situation…

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City population: 12088713 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



Para esta Administración Municipal uno de los grupos prioritarios de intervención son las Personas Mayores, es por esta razón que se crea la Mesa de Trabajo Comunal del Adulto Mayor,…

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City population: 2453325 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Comuna de Coyhaique

Comuna de Coyhaique

La municipalidad de Coyhaique a través de su alcalde Don Carlos Gatica y el concejo municipal han tenido un compromiso contante con las personas mayores, siendo una prioridad el envejecimiento…

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City population: 5781899 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Comuna de Huara

Comuna de Huara

La Comuna de Huara se ubica en la Región de Tarapacá de Chile, en zona rural alejada de la modernidad e infraestructura. Las personas mayores de la comuna se caracterizan…

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City population: 200060 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Comuna de Renca

Comuna de Renca

The current local government program in Renca, led by the mayor Claudio Castro Salas, is oriented towards the improvement of quality of life for the local community with an emphasis…

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City population: 14715115 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Comuna de Rengo

Comuna de Rengo

The Office of the Adult Mayor of the Community of Rengo, under the Directorate of Community Development (DIDECO) has the purpose and objective of providing direct orientations to the integral…

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City population: 5882511.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



La Municipalidad de Concepción cuenta con un Programa de Talleres Recreativos, que fomenta el envejecimiento activo a través de la participación en las distintas actividades, de las personas mayores de…

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City population: 22901712 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



La localidad de Conchalí, ubicada en Santiago de Chile, se caracteriza por ser una de las localidades más longevas (99,28% en las tablas de envejecimiento y número uno dentro de…

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City population: 12695518 % over 60Joined Network in 2019


United States of America

During the Age Friendly Forum, convened in July 2017 by MAGIC, participants discussed Age Friendly programs, services and policies in place in the broader MAGIC region, as well as ideas…

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City population: 1768826.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



La comuna de Constitución, se encuentra en la región del Maule, Chile.

La política incorporada recientemente por el municipio perteneciente a la comuna de Constitución consta en garantizar los principios y…

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City population: 4606811 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



La comuna de Contulmo se caracteriza por poseer una población adulta mayor dispersa geográficamente, sin embargo esto no es impedimento para que los mayores participen activamente de las actividades programadas…

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City population: 60315 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



El municipio de Coquimbo está comprometido a satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra población de adultos mayores. Algunas actividades y programas dirigidos a esta población incluyen:

  • Programa de servicios permanentes en salud
  • Capacitaciones…

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City population: 22773011 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Coral Gables

Coral Gables
United States of America

The City of Coral Gables offers a wide arrangement of program and lectures for the 50+ community run out of the City of Coral Gables Adult Activity Center, opened in…

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City population: 5081520 % over 60

Cork City

Cork City

At an event in the Millennium Hall, City Hall, Cork on Wednesday 27th September,2017 Ann Doherty, Chief Executive, Cork City Council and chairperson of the Cork Age Friendly…

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City population: 12565715.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

Cork County


The Cork Age Friendly Programme is supported by Cork County Council.

The Cork County Age Friendly Programme has a strategy 2016-2021, this is the result of a process which began when…

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City population: 54286821 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Desde la gestión 2013 iniciamos el apoyo a la población a las personas mayores con un convenio firmado con Pastoral Social Caritas Coroico, desarrollando diferentes programas y, además, se promulgó…

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City population: 1950012.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Our community has, for some time now, adopted diverse strategies and guidelines to grant more areas with more participation of people of greater age. We have worked towards this by…

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City population: 11626215 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Corpaci Village

Corpaci Village
Republic of Moldova

To implement the Age-Friendly Community Development Strategy (CPV) concept, the mayor’s office of the village of Corpaci applies several social services for the benefit of older persons.

There are five social…

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City population: 113225 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Corporation of the County of Brant

Corporation of the County of Brant

The Corporation of the County of Brant offers a variety of programs & services for the ageing population. Our Community Services department offers opportunities within recreation, social services and accessible…

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City population: 3670726.08 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Corporation of Shepherdstown

Corporation of Shepherdstown
United States of America

Historic Shepherdstown, the oldest town in the state of West Virginia, nestled in the lower Shenandoah Valley – is only 90 minutes from the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan areas but miles away…

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City population: 1014535.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


Costa Rica

La Municipalidad de Corredores ha iniciado un proceso de apoyo a las personas mayores, pensando en una movilidad segura y accesible de modo que está cambiando las zonas de tránsito…

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City population: 520006 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Corte Madera

Corte Madera
United States of America

Located almost in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge, Corte Madera takes pride in its small-town atmosphere and volunteer spirit. Early in 2014, a citizens’ group formed to help…

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City population: 925322.68 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

Corumbataí do Sul

Corumbataí do Sul

No que se refere às atividades desenvolvidas para esse público, estão de acordo com as normativas nacionais vigentes, como o Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa (Lei nº 10.741/2003), que reforça e…

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City population: 376023 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



El Ayuntamiento de Coslada viene desarrollando políticas dirigidas a mayores que promueven el envejecimiento activo y saludable, con el fin de prevenir situaciones de dependencia, promocionar la autonomía personal, ofrecer…

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City population: 8342425.52 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Coto Brus

Coto Brus
Costa Rica

La Municipalidad de Coto Brus, desde principios del año 2022, cuenta con una Casa para la Población Adulta Mayor del cantón, llamada “Santa Teresa de Jesús Jornet”, donde se realizan…

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City population: 4425311 % over 60Joined Network in 2024


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

La ciudad de Cotoca es uno de los Municipios que más crecimiento ha tenido en el Departamento, esto por ser una ciudad turística conocida a nivel nacional e internacional por…

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City population: 900005 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Consolidation de l’intergénerationnel

Dans l’état des lieux et comme action phare au moment de la labellisation, nous avions présenté le projet de lecture intergénérationnelle.

Celle-ci a pour finalité de créer du…

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City population: 890023 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

County Clare

County Clare

Following a County-wide consultation process the second Clare Age Friendly Strategy from 2018-2022 was adopted, which builds on the achievements of the first Strategy. This 2nd Age-Friendly Strategy for…

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City population: 11881720 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

County Donegal

County Donegal

The consultation process for the Donegal Age Friendly Strategy took place in the Autumn of 2014 with the document being formally launched in May 2015. The strategy consisted of twenty…

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City population: 15919220.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

County Mayo


Since Mayo signed up to the Age Friendly Programme in 2013, significant work has been done to promote awareness of the age friendly programme and to encourage healthy and active…

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City population: 13500017 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

County of Alameda

County of Alameda
United States of America

Alameda County is home to over 1.5 million people living in 14 incorporated cities as well as in six unincorporated communities and rural areas throughout the 813 square miles of…

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City population: 167000020 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

County of Orangeburg

County of Orangeburg
United States of America

The City of Orangeburg was founded by an Indian trader named George Sterling in 1704. The town was named in honor of William IV, Prince of Orange the husband of…

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City population: 8800027 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

County of San Diego

County of San Diego
United States of America

San Diego’s population of people over 65 years of age is expected to increase by two-thirds within the next 15 years and will comprise 20% of the overall county population.…

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City population: 330000018.89 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

County of Sonoma

County of Sonoma
United States of America

The Adult and Aging Services Division of the Sonoma County Human Services Department consolidates the Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Adult Protective Services, In-Home Support Services (IHSS), Linkages, the Multipurpose…

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City population: 49980124 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

County Roscommon

County Roscommon

The Leas Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council Ivan Connaughton on behalf of Roscommon and its citizens signed the Age Friendly Communities Declaration at City Hall, Dublin on 27th November 2014.…

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City population: 6454423 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

County of Santa Clara

County of Santa Clara
United States of America

Santa Clara County was the first county in the US to have all of its cities in the Age Friendly network. The Seniors’ Agenda of the Santa Clara County Department…

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City population: 192437920 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

County Sligo

County Sligo

In November 2014, Sligo County Council became part of the national Age Friendly Programme and set up its Age Friendly Alliance to make County Sligo a great place in which…

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City population: 6553518 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

County Tipperary

County Tipperary

In partnership with the Lions Clubs rollout and support of Message in a Bottle campaign whereby you are encouraged to keep your basic personal and medical details in the case…

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City population: 15953321 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

County Westmeath

County Westmeath

Westmeath’s first Age Friendly Strategy was adopted by all stakeholders following a wide consultation process in 2013. The Age Friendly Programme is an example of how older people, agencies both…

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City population: 8877017 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Las demandas de las personas mayores cambian al ritmo que lo hace su itinerario vital, reclaman independencia, participación en el diseño de los recursos en función de sus preferencias y…

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City population: 164440 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Covenant on Demographic Change

Covenant on Demographic Change

Europe is ageing. People aged 50+ represent already 37% of the population, i.e. 190 million citizens. The number of people aged 60+ will increase by about two million persons each…

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United Kingdom

Coventry city centre is currently undergoing a regeneration project. The route from the city centre is being improved with subways being filled in. This will aid mobility (removal of stairs)…

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City population: 31700022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



The City of Cranbrook established an Age-Friendly Committee in December 2017, comprised of volunteers from service groups, citizens, organizations, City Council and City support staff. The City, working with the…

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City population: 2049931 % over 60Joined Network in 2023


United States of America

Welcome to the City of Crossville! We are located atop the beautiful Cumberland Plateau on Interstate 40, only a short drive to three metropolitan cities. Our 2,000 foot elevation offers…

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City population: 1156426 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Cuadrilla de Añana

Cuadrilla de Añana

Cuadrilla de Añana is located in northern Spain in the Basque province Alava. The county covers 10 small municipalities: Añana, Armiñón, Berantevilla, Cuartango, Iruña de Oca, Lantarón, Ribera Alta, Ribera…

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City population: 882222 % over 60Joined Network in 2013




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City population: 279415.28 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



En nuestro municipio, están marcados lugares designados para que personas adultas mayores, así como personas con alguna discapacidad motriz acceder a espacios públicos, por ejemplo, se encuentran marcados lugares con…

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City population: 216617.92 % over 60Joined Network in 2022


United States of America

The Northern Hilltowns Consortium Consortium of Councils on Aging originally created and implemented outreach services for isolated older adults. The Consortium will be the catalyst and organizer of each town’s…

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City population: 88431.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



La Municipalidad de Cunco, cuenta con el programa adulto mayor, inserto en la Dirección de Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer y aumentar el desarrollo integral de…

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City population: 1752630.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2022


United States of America

Senior programs are currently provided mainly through the Cupertino Senior Center that is operated by the city. In 2016, an Age Friendly Cupertino Task Force that included a diverse group…

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City population: 5830012.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2017




Brindar atención a la población adulta mayor.
• Brindar un óptimo apoyo al desarrollo de las capacidades de los adultos.
• Apoyo con la alimentación (Desayuno comida).
• En las…

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City population: 1779513.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Curaco de Vélez

Curaco de Vélez

El trabajo que ha venido realizando el Municipio desde el año 2000 ha sido promover un envejecimiento activo en la población mayor, impulsando la creación de nuevos clubes de Adultos…

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City population: 382920 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



En la comuna de Curanilahue, se realizan actividades con las y los adultos mayores desde el año 1998. En el año 2000 el Programa Adulto Mayor fue asumido por la…

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City population: 3228812 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Curicó, desde el año 2019 tiene a disposición la Casa del Adulto Mayor, es administrada por la Ilustre Municipalidad de Curicó, para lo cual se ha dispuesto un equipo de…

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City population: 10271022.86 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



Em Curitiba, os diversos serviços voltados as pessoas idosas buscam contribuir para um processo de envelhecimento saudável, propiciando encontros, motivação, desenvolvimento de potencialidades e colaborando para a autonomia e protagonismo…

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City population: 196372617 % over 60Joined Network in 2023


Costa Rica

Curridabat brinda soporte y acompañamiento a las personas adultas mayores por medio de los siguientes programas o proyectos:

  • Red de Cuido de la persona adulta mayor: Atención mensual a personas adultas…

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City population: 7200015 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

County Kerry

County Kerry

There is a long tradition of innovative responses to the needs of older people in Kerry. These range from older people’s networks, information days, tea dances, short mat bowling programmes,…

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City population: 14770723.15 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



En la actualidad nuestro municipio cuenta con servicios de trabajo enfocados en el bienestar y desarrollo integral de las personas mayores de la comuna de Curacavi.
En servicios integrales…

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City population: 3254917 % over 60Joined Network in 2021