Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Chiguayante  Chile
Print this page City population: 8583816 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The increase of the population of older adults in the commune of Chiguayante, has motivated its own organization and participation in the efforts to improve their living conditions. A constant and growing body of work, has shown the need for concrete actions to address the needs of older adults.

In 2012, the municipality created the senior citizen’s office as a management space where individuals can meet, and discuss public and / or private services that are aimed at older adults. In 2019 the municipality had the desire to have a unique and exclusive space for the older adults, which led to the acquisition of a “house for the elderly”, space where classes are held, as well as workshops, talks, meetings and all the assistance and social support that may be required.

Special recreational and cultural activities are organized for older adults such as walks, trips, cinema, theater works, musical performances, sports activities, and folkloric meetings, promoting and supporting their autonomy and social participation.