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“Ciudades amigables con las personas mayores” es una iniciativa, voluntad del gobierno de la ciudad de Badalona para identificar y desplegar mejoras en los diferentes campos de actuación municipal, y…
Implementamos el programa municipal “Bahía a lo grande” Este programa ofrece una amplia variedad de actividades, también diversas opciones culturales, educativas, recreativas y deportivas. Todo ello se enmarca dentro de…
El Ayuntamiento de Baiona reconoce la diversidad poblacional e intenta responder, desde las distintas concejalías, a las necesidades detectadas a favor de un envejecimiento activo. En la actualidad se llevan…
Created in 2015, the elderly person Secretariat from Balneário Camboriú-SPI is the only specific registry for this group in Brazil. The goal in cross-industry work is to ensure the rights…
Desde Balsareny trabajamos para conseguir un envejecimiento activo y saludable. La gama de actividades dirigidas a los ancianos es muy variada y tiene como objetivo promover el buen estado físico…
Services of the Baltimore County Department of Aging are primarily focused on older adults, their families and caregivers as the local Area Agency on Aging. The vision of the Department…
Banyule City Council became a member of the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities in December 2014. This time also marked the commencement of the inaugural Banyule Age-friendly…
The plan of the Bar Harbor Task Force on Aging is to assess/survey the community to better understand and determine the unmet needs of the community. Currently, there are no…
La nouvelle équipe municipale de Bar-le-Duc s’est engagée lors de sa campagne électorale à faire de la ville une éco-cité dans laquelle il fait bon vivre.
Barakaldo es un municipio de Bizkaia, que cuenta con una población de 100.313 habitantes, una cifra que le sitúa como la cuarta ciudad más poblada del País Vasco. Con un…
Barbate cuenta con un Centro Municipal de Participación Activa de Personas Mayores, desde donde se realizan diversas actividades y proyectos destinados a la participación de mayores, como la organización de…
In 2009, Barcelona City Council, at the proposal of the Elderly Advisory Council, began the Barcelona, age-friendly city project, an initiative that is part of the Age-friendly Cities programme promoted…
O Programa Municipal OMS Cidade Amiga do Idoso, em Barracão – PR, é o resultado de um trabalho histórico e coletivo que garante os direitos da população idosa em vários…
Barunga West Council is located on the northern tip of the Yorke Peninsula, with its southern-most boundary some 120 kilometres north of the capital city, Adelaide. The major townships of the…
Desde hace años el Municipio de Basauri viene desarrollando programas de Envejecimiento activo y de prevención de la Dependencia . Para ello se cuenta con cursos que con carácter anual…
Euskadi is a Spanish autonomous community, located in the northeastern part of the Cantabrian fringe, bordering the north with the Bay of Biscay and France. Integrate the provinces Álava, Guipúzcoa…
“Main Street” is a program originated by the National Trust for Historic Preservation that focuses on revitalization of traditional downtowns to enhance the appearance and economic stability of the commercial…
Baymak’s age-friendly project aims to identify social problems of older persons, implement new technologies of social work, and create a comfortable environment for the elderly population. The increasing proportion of…
El Ayuntamiento de Baztán cuenta con diferentes políticas, programas y servicios para las personas mayores como son los siguientes: – Gimnasio al aire libre para personas mayores en Arizkun –…
Tras la adhesión de Beasain al programa Euskadi Lagunkoia se comenzó a trabajar para mejorar la amigabilidad del municipio. El primer paso fue repartir los cuestionarios de amigabilidad a la…
Le lancement des politiques MADA concertées s’est fait en grande pompe en novembre 2014 à Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge. Depuis, plusieurs projets ont pu être financés par la CRÉ Montérégie Est au bénéfice…
Since 2000, the Municipality of Belén, through the Municipal Transfers Program, has invested resources in its elderly population. An example of this is the Municipality’s purchase of construction materials and…
In May 2012 Belfast was the first city in Northern Ireland to join the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities.
The City of Belfast and advocacy and service organizations that serve elder residents that live in the City and County currently offer many services that benefit area residents. A few…
The Council on Aging is the body in town whose mission it is help meet the needs of the older population. Policies related to any aspect of the Beech Street…
Belvedere is a tiny city, less than one square mile in size, surrounded on three sides by the waters of San Francisco Bay. The population of just over 2,000 are…
Benavites es un municipio pequeño de la provincia de Valencia con un bajo índice de natalidad y en el que el porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años se sitúa…
Benevides, localizada dentro da Amazônia legal, distante 35 km da capital do Pará, foi elevado à categoria de município em 29 de dezembro de 1961, desmembrando-se da área territorial do…
Berkeley is one of only three California cities with its own Public Health division. Through this department, the Aging Services Division, and other partners such as Lifelong, Center for Independent…
Keeping up with a movement to improve systems and programs across 8 areas of livability is a daunting task. Here's 9 municipal resolutions collected over the last 2+ years,…
Entre los servicios y programas destinados a las personas mayores se encuentran:
• Servicios sociales de base:
— Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio: En el 2016 el SAD atendió a…
The City of Bern first conducted a survey on age-friendliness according to the WHO recommendations at the end of 2009. From the results of this survey, the city compiled its…
Because Berwick has been historically a smaller community, many services are provided by county based programs such as York County Communtiy Action, and Seacoast regional programs. In town we do…
Older adults comprise almost one fifth of all the residents living in the district of Beşiktaş. As the Beşiktaş Municipality, we continuously improve our services through specific policies aimed at…
Bethel already offers many services and programs for its senior population. An active Senior College offers courses across a broad range of topics, all taught by senior volunteers. Under the…
L’équipe municipale de Bey a pour objectif de permettre aux personnes âgées de la commune d’être autonomes et de pouvoir rester le plus longtemps possible à leur domicile. Le CCAS…
The Senior Citizens’ Services and Social Offerings department consists of full-time employees of the district office and many volunteers. In the meeting centres or in the social commissions, the volunteers…
Biddeford’s Age Friendly Community Committee will be the lead and be comprised of a membership that includes seniors representing all segments of Biddeford’s senior population and those whose programs are…
Big Flats is a town in Chemung County, which is located in the New York Finger Lakes, the state’s largest wine producing region with more than 100 wineries and vineyards.…
Blue Hill is one of the 9 towns in the regional age-friendly initiative called Age-Friendly Coastal Communities (AFCC). AFCC is a collaboration among the 9 towns of the Blue Hill…
El Ayuntamiento de Boadilla del Monte cuenta con dos Centros de Mayores en los que anualmente organiza una amplia oferta de actividades con el objetivo de propiciar el envejecimiento activo…
Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Sservicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…
The City of Boise’s mantra is ‘Making Boise the Most Livable City in the Country’. We strive to offer programs and services which meet the needs of all who live…
During the Age Friendly Forum, convened in July 2017 by MAGIC, participants discussed Age Friendly programs, services and policies in place in the broader MAGIC region, and as well as…
The city of Bom Sucesso do Sul is located in the southwest of the state of Paraná, and counts with a population of 3.293 individuals. The estimated percentage of older…
La Ville de Bordeaux, considérant la question du vieillissement comme un enjeu à la fois social mais également sociétal, souhaite impulser une démarche transversale afin de promouvoir une politique publique…
In the Bornova Municipality, various services have been provided to make Bornova more peaceful and safe for our older citizens. It also aims to provide health and social services that…
In 2019, Boroondara’s second iteration of the five year strategy Creating an Age-friendly Boroondara came to the end of its implementation period. From 2014-2019, the strategy saw a number of…
London Borough of Southwark joined the WHO Global Network in 2015 as part of our council’s Fairer Future promise to become an age-friendly borough. We want everyone to get the…
This historic city, so important to the creation of the United States more than 200 years ago, is looking ahead again. This time, Boston is preparing for the aging of…
Age Well Boulder County is a collaborative, countywide strategic planning initiative with the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, local senior centers, community non-profits, local senior advisory boards, and other…
La politique en faveur des seniors existe depuis de nombreuses années sur notre commune. Différents services et activités en direction des seniors sont bien identifiés par la population péageoise : More Details
City population: 1049725 % over 60Joined Network in 2018
BCP Council and partners are committed to supporting our local older population to thrive, age well and feel part of their communities. BCP Council recruited a dedicated age-friendly coordinator in…
In 2012, as part of the comprehensive planning process, the Town of Bowdoinham completed an assessment of services and supports needed for older residents to age optimally. The assessment identified…
The Age-Friendly Bowling Green initiative seeks to make Bowling Green, KY a better place to grow old by promoting an “age-in-everything” lens across all aspects of city life. This hands-on…
The Town of Boxborough is a member of the Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination (MAGIC), the group that is leading the regional Age Friendly Planning efforts. The Minuteman Advisory…
El Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Boyuibe dentro del marco de sus Políticas Públicas con las que cuentan se encuentra el de dar atención a las personas de la tercera edad…
Bozeman offers a dynamic Senior Citizen Center that has expanded its programs and activities over the course of several generations. The executive director, Shannon Bondy, is part of our team…
The City of Brampton’s first Age-Friendly Strategy and Action Plan (“the Plan”) was endorsed by Council on June 19, 2019, and represents a major milestone in moving the community forward…
The City of Brantford is well-advanced in achieving an age-friendly community. In 2015, Brantford City Council endorsed the Age-Friendly Community Planning Strategy and the City was awarded an Ontario Seniors’…
Brighton & Hove joined the WHO Age Friendly Cities and Communities Network in 2013 in order to encourage active ageing and optimise opportunities for health, wellbeing and participation of older…
Bristol City Council and Age UK Bristol have worked together since 2015 to involve older people and stakeholders in coproducing an Age-Friendly strategy that makes Bristol a great place to…
In February 2013, the Town of Brookhaven Town Board unanimously passed a resolution in support of joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. As a member of the AARP Network…
Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…
Brooklin is one of the 9 Maine towns in the regional age-friendly initiative called Age-Friendly Coastal Communities (AFCC). AFCC is a collaboration among the 9 towns of the Blue Hill…
Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in…
Broome County currently has a wealth of programs and services targeted toward older adults that are provided by a variety of community organizations, including the Broome County Office for Aging.…
Being conscious of the importance of its demographic changes, the City of Brussels has since 2009 invested in a political policy oriented to the senior citizens.
Since 1992 the town of Bucksport has provided the financial support to maintain a Senior Center that offers a meal program and a variety of recreational and health education programs…
In order to create an age-friendly city in Buk-gu, Buk-gu reflected on the eight age-friendly domains identified by WHO and established a detailed action plan for an age-friendly city. Buk-gu…
The Buncombe County Aging Plan guides the direction for aging and adult services. This plan is unique in that it is county-funded, staffed and responsible for directing Home and Community…
Burnie City Council’s Strategic Objectives include: A range of vibrant, safe and attractive community spaces; a community that celebrates and participates in its arts, culture and heritage; a community that…
Under the goal of establishing a happy and age-friendly city, Busan Metropolitan City has been implementing various policies focused on providing a comfortable retirement life for the elderly. Our policies…
Buyeo-gun is a historical and cultural city with 35.5% of the population aged 65 or older, and in 2004, it had already become a super-aged society, so an age-friendly policy…
The gradual ageing of the population, coupled with the rise in life expectancy are particularly evident in our territory, so the challenge is to allow people to age gracefully within…