Adding life to years
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City of Vaughan

City of Vaughan

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Vaughan  Canada
Print this page City population: 32310318.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

At the City of Vaughan, our mission is clear: to champion healthy ageing through focused action across all facets of our community. Through a comprehensive community action plan aligned with the eight pillars of healthy ageing, we’re implementing innovative programs and bolstering essential services to meet the diverse needs of our older adult residents. As our population continues to age, our dedication to fostering an age-friendly community is evident in our efforts to optimize transportation services, develop affordable senior housing, and ensure accessibility in public spaces. We are also committed to integrating age-friendly practices across the policies of our corporation to ensure our growth is managed in an Age-Friendly way. Central to our mission is the establishment of an Age-Friendly Advisory Committee, a resident focused group of individuals guiding our policies and initiatives with the wisdom and insights of our senior population. Our Committee works to provide feedback and support on initiatives across the municipality including recreation services, waste management, transit and many more. We also partner with our regional colleagues to ensure services through all levels of local government are delivered in an age-friendly way. Together, we’re creating a community where older individuals thrive with dignity and purpose. As we forge ahead, we believe Vaughan is poised to lead by example in fostering vibrant, inclusive and age-friendly living. Our commitment is unwavering and our vision clear: to celebrate the journey of ageing and create a community where all residents can be active and engaged members of society at every stage of life.


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