Adding life to years
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Corpaci Village

Corpaci Village

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Corpaci Village  Republic of Moldova
Print this page City population: 113225 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

To implement the Age-Friendly Community Development Strategy (CPV) concept, the mayor’s office of the village of Corpaci applies several social services for the benefit of older persons.

There are five social workers working in the locality, of which four are workers in the state social service who have more than 50 (fifty) beneficiaries and one worker in the “CASMED” project, who have around 10-15 beneficiaries. Older persons are involved in all local working groups, City Council committees, and the village council. The strategic plan for the development of the locality, including the segment of active aging, is developed and approved at the village council, with some proposals which arrived as a result of the activities of the Aging and Health project in which the mayor’s office of the village of Corpaci, Edineț district is a partner. During the general meetings and by sector, problems concerning the interests of older persons are addressed, which arise along the way and are resolved as far as possible.

For older persons who have low incomes and poor health, the social canteen service is organized throughout the year within the Day Center for the elderly existing in the locality since 2013. Among the services provided by this center are those for washing clothes, counseling sessions, and various other activities for older persons. In the locality, volunteerism is very actively promoted in various community actions, of different kinds, promoted with ardor by older persons and especially by the representatives of the Romantica Seniors Club from the village of Corpaci.


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