Adding life to years
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On this page you can search cities and communities and Network Affiliates that are part of the Network:

  • by keyword (using the search function on the right);
  • by country and membership type; and
  • by alphabetical order using the list below.

You can visit their profile pages to learn more about individual age-friendly initiatives and get in touch for more information via the contact forms on each page.



Durante el 2016 pondremos en marcha el proyecto BIZI! Cuyo objetivo principal será el de identificar los factores necesarios para convertir Igorre en un pueblo más amigable con las personas…

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City population: 424725 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Igualada is the capital of Anoia region which is located in the center of Catalonia. Our city is an urban space but surrounded by forests and mountains.

Igualada began its journey…

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City population: 3931625 % over 60Joined Network in 2014



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y el apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Sservicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 38942 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



Illapel, es una de las 346 comunas que existen en Chile, ubicada en la parte Sur Este de la región de Coquimbo y en el centro de la Provincia del…

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City population: 3135421 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Illawarra Shoalhaven Region

Illawarra Shoalhaven Region

Age Friendly Illawarra is an alliance of organisations aiming to create opportunities for older people to lead active, engaged lives and contribute positively to Illawarra communities. Underpinned by the Illawarra…

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City population: 40000034 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Ilustre Municipalidad de Palena

Ilustre Municipalidad de Palena

In response to its aging population, the municipality of Palena created the Office for Older Adults to identify the needs of its elderly residents. The Office for Older Adults has…

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City population: 171118 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Since 2001/2002 Imperia already joined specific project for Active Ageing because it believes that this issue, seen as the inclusion of health opportunities of older people, both important and necessary. More Details

City population: 4232524 % over 60Joined Network in 2017



En el municipio, las actividades emprendidas desde el área de gente mayor y de forma transversal a áreas tales como participación y/o deportes, pretenden impulsar el paradigma del envejecimiento activo…

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City population: 3409316 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Incheon Metropolitan City

Incheon Metropolitan City
Republic of Korea

Incheon City established its “1st 3-year action plan” with the vision of “creating Incheon as an age-friendly city together with its citizens, making it a city where people want to…

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City population: 296058024 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



The municipality of Independencia has an Office of the Elderly that carries out health promotion activities around healthy aging  by implementing action plans that consider the development of socio-health, socio-educational…

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City population: 10028115 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Indigo Shire

Indigo Shire

Indigo Shire Council (ISC) is dedicated to embedding strategic best practice for healthy ageing in partnership with older people across the Shire. Our ageing well vision is that “Indigo Shire…

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City population: 1649026 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



En el siguiente link, puede descargar el Informe del Diagnóstico del Grado de Amigabilidad con las Personas Mayores del Municipio de Ibagué – Tolima – Colombia

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City population: 574829Joined Network in 2016

International Federation on Ageing

International Federation on Ageing

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is a point of global connection of experts and expertise in the field of ageing and achieves this through the development of national, regional…

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Joined Network in 2013



The Mayor raised a concern that there were currently no specific policies and schemes initiated specifically for the older population of Malaysia. There are policies and special schemes for newborns,…

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City population: 73970016.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



The city of Irati, located in the southern region of Brazil, in the interior of the state of Paraná, is a city that stands out when it comes to “Caring…

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City population: 6108814.76 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



El ayuntamiento de Irun se incorporó al programa de Euskadi Lagunkoia Sustraietatik en febrero de 2017. El trabajo en el municipio comenzó mediante reuniones con representantes del ayuntamiento, para posteriormente…

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City population: 6160820.68 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Iruña de Oca

Iruña  de Oca

Iruña de Oca is a rural community in the province of Álava. This small town is one of the 10 municipalities of the Cuadrilla de Añana.

A member of the WHO…

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City population: 310015 % over 60Joined Network in 2013


Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

En coordinación con la Pastoral Social Caritas La Paz se inició un trabajo para la organización de las personas mayores en el municipio con quienes se ha realizado la capacitación…

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City population: 1727611 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



El objetivo general de los servicios sociales es promover el bienestar social de toda la ciudadanía, facilitando los derechos sociales que le corresponde. Para ello trabajará en coordinación y colaboración…

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City population: 165911 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Isehara City

Isehara City

The population of Isehara City in 2017 is 100,561 with 25.05% being aged 65 and over. In 2022 its population is expected to decrease to 97,000 while the percentage of…

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City population: 10056130.62 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


Iran (Islamic Republic of)

The most important measures taken in this regard are as follow:

  • Adopting policies relating to the age-friendly city, such as prioritizing multigenerational interactions and activities;
  • Prioritizing the development of urban areas according…

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City population: 196100017.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Island of Martha’s Vineyard

Island of Martha’s Vineyard
United States of America

Island elders receive senior care support services from our four Councils on Aging, the local office of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, and the MV Center for…

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City population: 1729160.29 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Islands District, Hong Kong

Islands District, Hong Kong

The Islands District consists of more than twenty islands of various sizes. The population of Islands District is currently around 156,800 in 2016 and 14.5% of them are aged 65…

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City population: 15680015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight
United Kingdom

The Isle of Wight is working towards becoming more Age Friendly. In 2016, the Isle of Wight joined the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and…

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City population: 14000028.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



El ayuntamiento de Ispaster se incorporó al programa de Euskadi Lagunkoia Sustraietatik en julio de 2017. El trabajo en el municipio comenzó con la creación de un grupo motor que…

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City population: 72828.04 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



El Ayuntamiento de Isuerre ya ha creado entornos y servicios diseñados y mejorados para promover la calidad de vida de todas las personas y, especialmente, de las personas mayores, como…

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City population: 3151.52 % over 60Joined Network in 2022



Cadastramento de todos os idosos do município.
Atividades lúdicas que ajudam a melhorar a comunicação, interação social e a expressão de sentimentos dos idosos de maneira a recuperar a autoestima…

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City population: 120007 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Itapejara Do Oeste

Itapejara Do Oeste

Itapejara D’Oeste is a Brazilian municipality in the Southwest region of the state of Paraná. The total population of the municipality is 10,531 inhabitants according to IBGE data (2010), being…

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City population: 105317 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Ithaca and Tompkins County NY

Ithaca and Tompkins County NY
United States of America

Ithaca and Tompkins County are located in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State.  The Tompkins County Office for the Aging (TCOFA) is the community’s hub of information about…

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City population: 3001416 % over 60Joined Network in 2015



O município de Ivaiporã, situado no centro-norte do Paraná, abriga uma população estimada em 31.886 habitantes, com 5.084 pessoas idosas, correspondendo a cerca de 16% da população. Reconhecendo sua responsabilidade…

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City population: 3188616 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Ivančna Gorica

Ivančna Gorica

Ivančna Gorica has been aware of the challenge of ageing for several years. It joined the  WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities through the Slovenian Age-friendly Cities and Communities Network …

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City population: 1605119 % over 60Joined Network in 2012

Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos

Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos

Our contribution will always be framed in the search to increase ties between different national and international institutions, for the benefit of older people. Currently, our Municipality is open to…

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City population: 520009 % over 60Joined Network in 2020