Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly
Corte Madera United States of America
Located almost in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge, Corte Madera takes pride in its small-town atmosphere and volunteer spirit. Early in 2014, a citizens’ group formed to help the town join the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, to improve all aspects of life for its rapidly ageing population. Nearly one-quarter of town residents are elders, and a significant increase is expected in the near future. Corte Madera is taking a leadership role in addressing this phenomenon.
With enthusiastic and unanimous approval by the Corte Madera Town Council, the task force gathered vital baseline data, mailing 2190 surveys to those over 60. Community organizations and local businesses donated $5,458 to help launch the effort.
In its first year, Age-Friendly Corte Madera (AFCM) brought about:
- Creation of the AFCM website (AFCM website) providing information, participation in the survey and results, and publicizing local resources and events
- Initial improvements to signals at pedestrian crossings
- Hiring of a part-time Recreation Dept. senior programs coordinator
- Significant expansion of the annual Senior Information Fair
- Media and community exposure for the Age-Friendly movement
- Broader options for senior activities and day trips
- The revival of the Recreation Department’s Active Seniors newsletter
- Partnering with the Lions Club to offer a special day to assist elders
- Advocating for pedestrian safety and support for the Town’s application as a Walk-Friendly Community (
- An inaugural Town Council/AFCM event honoring all those over 90.
As Corte Madera has no dedicated senior or intergenerational center, creating such a resource is considered essential. With other ambitious projects planned, Corte Madera will be a beacon of creativity in ageing with enthusiasm, confidence and pride. As the town celebrates its Centennial in 2016, AFCM will continue to ensure the Town’s physical and social environments enhance healthy, active ageing.