Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Cheongyang-gun  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 3017750.73 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

As a leader in domestic community care, Cheongyang-gun’s integrated community care project is a welfare system that allows people in need of support to receive housing, health care, nursing, and care services where they live rather than sending them to welfare or medical facilities. It is a successful model in Cheongyang, which lacks social resources. It was published as a leading example in the standard textbook for community integrated care by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea, and has been requested for benchmarking by various local governments in Korea.

Cheongyang-gun has promoted various policies to respond to demands related to older persons. In preparation for joining the Global Network we reexamined policy demands and fragmenting policy projects into four policy goals and eight areas under the vision of ‘Building Happiness Together: 100-year-old Cheongyang.’ By systematizing it into 47 detailed implementation tasks, we aim to promote cooperation between departments and promote synergy between policy projects to increase policy awareness among residents. Through this, we want to improve the quality of life of Cheongyang-gun residents and establish a global standard as a WHO age-friendly city where everyone can thrive regardless of age, and a vibrant and healthy life is guaranteed for older persons. Cheongyang-gun’s integrated community care project is a welfare system that allows people in need of support to receive housing, health care, nursing, and care services where they live rather than sending them to welfare or medical facilities. It is a successful model in Cheongyang, which lacks social resources. It was published as a leading example in the standard textbook for community integrated care by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea, and has been requested for benchmarking by various local governments in Korea.


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