On this page you can search cities and communities and Network Affiliates that are part of the Network:
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You can visit their profile pages to learn more about individual age-friendly initiatives and get in touch for more information via the contact forms on each page.
A conversation was begun with the Mayor of Fairfax in the summer of 2014 about how we might enhance our town’s services for seniors and our overall age friendliness. Being…
As a collaborative effort between the City of Fayetteville, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce and the University of Arkansas, Age-Friendly Fayetteville seeks to create a community that encourages and embraces…
In order to achieve a more Age Friendly District, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council recently launched its’ first Age Friendly Strategy which has 56 actions aligned to the WHO themes.…
Ferrol, Ciudad amigable con las personas mayores, F+60: es un proyecto que pretende aprovechar al máximo el potencial de las personas mayores del ayuntamiento de Ferrol y conseguir una ciudad…
Fingal County Council and Fingal County Development Board launched the Fingal Age Friendly County Initiative on September 9th 2011. The initiative was endorsed by the County Manager David O’Connor who appointed…
Mise en place d’un observatoire des séniors, sous la houlette de Mme Brigitte LAURENTIE-ROUX, conseillère municipale déléguée aux séniors, avec la participation d’habitants et d’associations. Il a vocation à dresser…
Flintshire is proud of its commitment to its older population. Introduced in 2008, Flintshire’s older people’s engagement project has enabled opportunities for older people to play an active part in…
Située dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, Floirac est une commune limitrophe de Bordeaux, sur la rive droite de la Garonne, au Sud-Est de Bordeaux. Elle fait partie de de…
Nuestra comuna siempre de una forma u otra ha estado constantemente pendiente de las personas mayores de quienes participan en grupos con personalidad jurídica así como de los que están…
The number of aging adults, or adults who are 60 years of age and older, is growing in Forsyth County, North Carolina. This trend in population dynamics was recognized in…
The year 2011 marked the celebration of Fort Lauderdale’s Centennial. The historic milestone offered us an opportunity to observe and honor our City’s past. It was a time when neighbors…
Nous avons plusieurs offres en loisirs pour les aînés (patinoire, piste de raquettes, piste de ski de fond, piste cyclable asphaltée, terrain de pétanque, jeu de croquet, etc.). Nous publions…
The municipality of Francisco Beltrão, located in the State of Paraná, is located in the center of the southwest region of the State of Paraná and is 470 km away…
Franklin, Tennessee has a unique blend of history and new growth. Founded in 1799 and named after Benjamin Franklin. One of the bloodiest wars in the Civil War took place…
In 2016, Freeport Community Services partnered with Freeport Housing Trust to conduct a needs assessment for the towns of Freeport and Pownal. The needs assessment highlighted six key areas of…
Freire se ubica en la Provincia de Cautín, Región de La Araucanía. Las bellezas naturales del río Toltén y Allipén caracterizan a la comuna, distante 30 km. de la capital…
The City of Fremont’s Human Services Department (HSD) has been providing community based services since 1978. The HSD’s grounding principles are: providing support through partnerships; promoting community engagement; building capacity;…
Riche de sa culture et de sa tradition d’hospitalité, la Municipalité de la Rivière des Français, en Ontario, est un paradis du plein air et une communauté magnifique et…
Uno de los principales programas que trabaja apoyando y acompañando a los y las adultas mayores de la comuna de Fresia es Vínculos, programa que se ejecuta en Fresia desde…
Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region has worked on Age Friendly activities for the past 20 years. In 2014, the Region planned a regional strategy for the promotion of healthy ageing…
La ciudad de Fuenlabrada es miembro de la Red de Ciudades Amigables con las personas mayores desde el año 2018. Esta adhesión ha supuesto para el municipio un impulso en…
Fuente Palmera es un municipio con diferentes núcleos de dispersión. En total contamos con ocho núcleos, en los cuales existen asociaciones de personas mayores. A pesar de que estas puedan…
The population of Fujisawa City as of January 1 in 2017 is 427,199, and the proportion of population aged 65 and over is 23.9%. The population in 2025 is expected…
Desde el inicio de la Oficina Municipal del Adulto Mayor en 2016, hemos estado promoviendo actividades para su bienestar integral, como la creación de un coro de personas mayores, un…