Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly
Cambridge Canada
The City of Cambridge currently operates four 50+ Active Living Centres offering a wide variety of social and recreational programs aimed at overall wellness. These Centres are funded in part by the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility. The City also offers a variety of Community Support Services, including the Ontario Ministry of Health-funded Adult Day and Friendly Visiting programs.
Our current strategic plan was based on extensive community engagement beginning in early 2020 and was approved by Council in January 2021. It identified our interconnected goals of People, Place, Prosperity and includes an enhanced focus on the theme of Public Value.
Our Goals:
-People: Foster a community with heart, where everyone belongs and is cared for;
-Place: Embrace and celebrate our city’s unique character while enhancing the spaces where people connect; and,
-Prosperity: Build a vibrant and resilient city where current and future generations will live well.
We will emphasize the importance of sustainability, leadership, collaboration, transparency and engagement as we deliver service excellence and promote pride of place.
For more detailed descriptions of these principles and how they relate to our work, review the full strategic plan document.
In October 2021, Cambridge City Council considered a staff report to apply to the World Health Organization for the City to become recognized as an Age-Friendly Community. Council heard significant public input in support of the application and approved the motion. In May 2021, Cambridge City Council approved thirteen new strategic actions that will guide the City’s work over the next several years. One of those actions was a commitment to provide age-friendly services that are accessible to all.
The City of Cambridge is committed to making sure that older adults in our community are able to remain healthy and age in place successfully; participating in initiatives that aim to address all of the dimensions of wellness as we continue our work toward ensuring social participation and inclusion.
We are committed to providing the necessary infrastructure to allow our citizens to age with dignity. We look forward to working with the Cambridge Council on Aging and the Waterloo Region Age-Friendly Committee, volunteers, and stakeholders to create a plan of action for the Corporation that reflects the needs of our community.