Adding life to years
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On this page you can search cities and communities and Network Affiliates that are part of the Network:

  • by keyword (using the search function on the right);
  • by country and membership type; and
  • by alphabetical order using the list below.

You can visit their profile pages to learn more about individual age-friendly initiatives and get in touch for more information via the contact forms on each page.



La comuna de Navidad en su gestión municipal tiene como política social que apuntan de manera preferencial y diferenciada a la integración e inclusión de las personas mayores para asegurar…

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City population: 618827.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Nuestro objetivo es “Promover el envejecimiento activo y positivo de la población, con mayor integración y participación social, generando oportunidades que contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad de vida,…

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City population: 2631518 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



Our vision is to develop a comprehensive and inclusive environment that will support and empower older citizens to live a healthy, active and safe life as fully participating and contributing…

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City population: 97140 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Naju City

Naju City
Republic of Korea

Naju City’s policies for older people cover six different areas:

    1. The Living Safety Support and Senior Citizen’s Benefit policy includes senior long-term care insurance, senior discounts, volunteer care service…

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City population: 11611330.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Nakai Town

Nakai Town

In Nakai Town, more than one in three people will be elderly in 2025, as the baby-boomer generation enters the latter-stage of the elderly population (75 years and over). At…

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City population: 959739.11 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


Republic of Korea

Namhae-gun has established the vision of a “Vital 100 year old city, Treasure Island Namhae” in line with the top eight WHO guidelines

According to the vision, eight areas encompassed by…

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City population: 4377246 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



La politique publique nantaise en faveur des personnes âgées a pour vocation de favoriser l’intégration des seniors dans la ville : accès à l’offre culturelle, mobilité, lutte contre l’isolement… Nantes…

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City population: 29271819 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Nantes Métropole

Nantes Métropole

Transport et mobilité : Des actions de sensibilisation auprès du personnel (conducteurs et agents d’accueil) et de mise en accessibilité des transports en commun et des arrêts sont menées sur…

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City population: 67242021 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Napier / Ahuriri

Napier / Ahuriri
New Zealand

“Toitū te whenua, whatungarongaro te tangata”
The land remains, while man disappears
(this whakatauaki/proverb accompanies our application photo of Pania of the Reef)

In just a few years, Napier’s/Ahuriri’s population of…

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City population: 6300026 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Nassau County

Nassau County
United States of America

Nassau County is committed to all its residents, including its older adults. In 2018, the Nassau Age-Friendly Advisory Council was created to respond to the growing needs of Nassau County’s…

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City population: 8274829 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



• Navarcles apuesta cada vez más por actuaciones y actividades que tengan en cuenta las necesidades de las personas mayores. En este sentido, se está llevando a cabo una encuesta…

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City population: 598529.14 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Desde el área de derechos sociales del Ayuntamiento de Navàs se han potenciado actividades tanto populares como físicas, tecnológicas y de la comunicación para la mejora del envejecimiento activo: celebración…

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City population: 602030 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Nuestro concejo cuenta con una red de servicios centrados en la atención a los mayores vulnerables y al apoyo a la permanencia en el domicilio (Servicios de Ayuda a Domicilio…

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City population: 843233.07 % over 60Joined Network in 2020



En nuestra comuna a través de la I. Municipalidad de Negrete, contamos con la oficina del Adulto Mayor, donde la población según el Censo 2017 es de 1.891 personas mayores,…

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City population: 973720 % over 60Joined Network in 2019


New Zealand

The City For All Ages/ He Rautaki Whakatupuranga Strategy was developed by a community steering group with support from Nelson City Council and includes new actions aimed at making Nelson…

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City population: 5500020 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Neuville en Ferrain

Neuville en Ferrain

La Ville de Neuville en Ferrain est engagée depuis quelques années dans un processus de prise en compte du vieillissement démographique de sa population. Soucieuse d’offrir un cadre de vie…

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City population: 1050026 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

New Bedford

New Bedford
United States of America

The Seniors in New Bedford represent 20% of the city´s population, which ranks New Bedford as having the second highest senior population in the state. When the most recent census…

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City population: 9507820 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

New Plymouth

New Plymouth
New Zealand

New Plymouth District Council has a number of policies addressing how it will become more age-friendly. These include the positive ageing strategy, and accessibility strategy. Council’s Community partnerships team, works…

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City population: 7418423 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

New Port Richey

New Port Richey
United States of America

A beautiful, walkable, historic downtown with safe, well-lit streets and easy free parking along with plentiful downtown housing is the foundation for our age-friendly city. The building blocks are not…

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City population: 1491130.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

New York City

New York City
United States of America

In 2007, the Office of the Mayor, the New York City Council and the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) launched Age-friendly New York City by doing a comprehensive assessment…

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City population: 840583716 % over 60Joined Network in 2010

New York State

New York State
United States of America

New York State has endorsed a comprehensive policy, program and funding approach to promote age-friendly ideals. New York has already started implementing specific age-friendly practices including 1) funding for NYS…

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City population: 1954000019 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently, our city has Americans with Disabilities Act policies that support older adults as well in areas such as building interiors and exteriors and remodels. While our transit transportation system…

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City population: 23465Joined Network in 2017

Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

 Newcastle – a city adapting to demographic change

Newcastle upon Tyne is focussing on adapting the city’s infrastructure and services to demographic change. We have incorporated ‘becoming an age friendly city’…

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City population: 27910019.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2014


United States of America

Newport, Vermont is a surprising place in some respects. Though located in a remote rural area, it is the only City in the Northeast Kingdom, the place of commerce as…

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City population: 500013 % over 60

Newry, Mourne and Down

Newry, Mourne and Down
Northern Ireland

Newry, Mourne and Down County has appointed an Age Friendly co-ordinator who has been driving the Age Friendly agenda both internally and externally across the district. We have…

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City population: 17781619.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

The Newton Department of Senior Services and the Newton Council on Aging contracted with UMASS Boston Gerontology Institute to conduct a needs assessment of Newton residents age 50 and over.…

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City population: 8828721 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United States of America

Currently the Town of Newtown works through its commission on aging, senior services department, social services department and specifically through the town municipal agent to provide services to seniors in…

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City population: 2830022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017


United States of America

Currently the Town of Newtown works through its commission on aging, senior services department, social services department and specifically through the town municipal agent to provide services to seniors in…

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City population: 2830022 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



Nice est la cinquième ville de France avec près de 350.000 habitants et le centre de la Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur avec plus de 540.000 habitants répartis sur 49 communes.


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City population: 34487529 % over 60Joined Network in 2014


Costa Rica

Península de Nicoya, una de las Zonas Azules más grande de la Tierra.
Entre el año 2000 al 2003, el Periodista e Investigador Dan Buettner y su equipo de investigación…

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City population: 5803018 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Ninomiya Town

Ninomiya Town

The population of Ninomiya Town in 2017 is 28,726, with 65-and-over population at 33.6%. The population of 2025 is expected to decrease to 25,809 while the proportion of people aged…

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City population: 2880440.28 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



The National Home Care Program for older persons is a joint program with the Ministries of Health and Social Development. The idea of the program is to provide all possible…

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City population: 1510454 % over 60Joined Network in 2024



Nogent sur Marne ou le bien vivre ensemble – Une démarche globale et centrée sur les seniors.

En 2007, la ville répond aux enjeux du vieillissement en créant plusieurs groupes de travail (Conseil…

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City population: 3210718.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2014


Republic of Korea

The declining of the birth rate and the aging of the population are rapidly advancing in South Korea. Nonsan city has become an aged municipality in 2007, when the ratio…

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City population: 12103334.86 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

North Brookfield

North Brookfield
United States of America

The North Brookfield Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Center provides a wide array of programs and services for seniors including health…

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City population: 476119.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

North District, Hong Kong

North District, Hong Kong

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China endeavours to develop the Region into an age-friendly place and to promote active ageing. For…

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City population: 31560019.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

North Yarmouth, Maine

North Yarmouth, Maine
United States of America

Currently there are no set policies or programs that focus on aging residents. However, we are hoping to
implement a tax break program for seniors to begin with fiscal year…

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City population: 401015 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Northampton County, Lehigh valley

Northampton County, Lehigh valley
United States of America

The United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley continues to initiate and provide funding for partner agencies that manage programs focused on diabetes prevention and management, fall prevention, healthy eating…

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City population: 29979123.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Northfield, Minnesota

Northfield, Minnesota
United States of America

Northfield has had a rich history of organizations, programs and services targeted toward older people. A number of organizations including the Northfield Senior Center, two retirement centers, the Community Action…

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City population: 203569.13 % over 60Joined Network in 2016



La FADOQ est présente dans la municipalité. Plusieurs activités sont disponibles pour les ainés (danse, zumba, cartes, baseball poche, pétanque et plus.)

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City population: 83055 % over 60Joined Network in 2016


United Kingdom

Age Friendly Nottingham (AFN) aims to make Nottingham a great place to grow older
Nottingham is a diverse city where many older citizens contribute to their vibrant communities through volunteering,…

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City population: 33100015.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Nova Esperança do Sudoeste

Nova Esperança do Sudoeste

Nova Esperança do Sudoeste is a small municipality located in the southwestern region of Paraná (PR), with a total area of 208.472 km² and its main income source is agriculture.…

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City population: 532716.46 % over 60Joined Network in 2020


United States of America

The city of Novato is already a leader in quality of life for aging adults. AARP ranked Novato first in the nation among small cities in health (AARP’s Livability Index),…

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City population: 5419426 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Nowon Gu(District)

Nowon Gu(District)
Republic of Korea

Nowon-gu strives to be a ‘Healing City, Nowon’, and realize it’s vision of ‘Living Healthy at 100’. To achieve this vision, Nowon-gu has established three main sectors named ‘Nowon, vibrant…

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City population: 50009426.84 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Nueva Carteya

Nueva Carteya

Descripción de las actividades amigables con las personas mayores hasta ahora:

El municipio de Nueva Carteya trabaja para ofertar una serie de servicios de calidad a sus ciudadanos en general y…

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City population: 539323.14 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Nueva Imperial

Nueva Imperial

A partir del año 2014 se aprueban por el Concejo Municipal las Políticas del adulto mayor y personas en situación de discapacidad, que permitió que se crearan en la estructura…

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City population: 3224820 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Nuevo Baztán

Nuevo Baztán

Desde 2001 las corporaciones locales gestoras, han apostado por políticas sociales orientadas a los mayores, promoviendo el envejecimiento activo y saludable. Actualmente la Concejalía de Servicios Sociales y la de…

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City population: 714120.51 % over 60Joined Network in 2021



El Ayuntamiento de Nules está llevando a cabo un conjunto de actividades dirigidas a crear una comunidad más accesible para las personas mayores. Cuenta con el Centro Especializado de Atención…

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City population: 1333522.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2016