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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Morocco Dialogue politique multi acteurs et multisectoriels Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Analyse de situation et du march de Ressources Humaines en sant Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco Enqu te de Satisfaction du personnel de sant Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco D veloppement d un Syst me d information sur les ressources humaines RH Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco Achat strat gique en sant AS les aspects de mise en uvre Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Formation des directeurs r gionaux sur le dialogue politique vu son importance pour la mobilisation des acteurs et des ressources autour de la sant Au niveau des pays, l'alignement et l'harmonisation de l'aide pour la santé selon les plans de santé nationaux est consolidé et accéléré
Morocco Dialogue politique multi acteurs et multisectoriels Consultation des acteurs sur la vision du secteur de sant et contribution au PNDS soci t civile lus r gionaux autres minist res Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Dialogue politique multi acteurs et multisectoriels Appui aux r gions pour l implantation de leur projets de dialogue politique Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Engagement avec le secteur priv Etat des lieux du secteur priv et des relations actuelles entre le secteur public et priv r gulation collaboration contractualisation financement comp tition Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Engagement avec le secteur priv Consultation de proposition de modalit s de mise en place de dialogue public priv et de concretisation de la mise en place de la commission nationale consultative de coordination entre le secteur public et le secteu Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Analyse de situation et du march RH en sant Analyse de situation des personnels et du march de sant au Maroc Countries will have put in place expertise, M&E systems, annual health sector reviews
Morocco Forum national sur les RH en sant D batde Haut Niveau sur les questions de personnels de Sant Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Plan strat gique RH D veloppement d un plan d action strat gique pour les resources humaines pour la sant Countries will have prepared/developed/updated/adapted their NHPSP through an inclusive policy dialogue process leading to better coverage with essential health services, financial risk protection and health equity
Morocco Leadership du minist re de la sant Atelier de r flexion quel r le et quelles capacit s pour le minist re de la sant dans un syst me de sant moderne Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco Leadership du minist re de la sant Monitoring de la mise en oeuvre du Plan strateg gique sectoriel Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco Satisfaction du personnel de sant Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la santé
Morocco Capacity building Renforcement du capacity building de l quipe nationale en charge des enquetes RH ountries will have put in place expertise, M&E systems, annual health sector reviews
Morocco Syst me d information sur RH Implantation du mod le national d observatoire des resources humaines pour la sant Les pays ont mis place une expertise, des systèmes de suivi et d'évalution et des revues annuels du secteur de la s
Morocco Architecture du syst me de financement Discussion des forces et faiblesses des scenarios d architecture du syst me de FS Countries requesting health financing (HF) support will have modified their financing strategies and systems to move more rapidly towards universal coverage (UC), with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable
Morocco Achat strat gique AS les aspects de mise en uvre Etat des lieux quant aux m canismes de paiement des prestataires publics et priv s par le MS et les caisses Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Achat strat gique AS les aspects de mise en uvre Atelier journ e de reflexion sur l achat strat gique pr sentation des r sultats de l tude partage d exp rience d autres pays discussion des options pour le Maroc Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Achat strat gique AS les aspects de mise en uvre Atelier journ e de reflexion sur l achat strat gique Discussion du groupe technique marocain avec des experts technique sur l AS 4 echanges avec pays selectionn s utilisant webex Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Achat strat gique AS les aspects de mise en uvre D veloppement d un plan d action pour la r alisation des mesures d achat strat gique Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Achat strat gique AS les aspects de mise en uvre Appui technique dans l laboration des outils d achat strategique Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Financement public et extension de la couverture Journ e de reflexion sur le financement public et la question comment etendre et financer la couverture pour le secteur informel Les pays ayant demandé un appui spécifique pour les questions de financement de la santé auront modifié leurs stratégies et systèmes de finacement de manière à progresser rapidement vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, avec une attention particulière pour les individus pauvres et vulnérable
Morocco Assist the Ministry of health in the management monitoring and evaluation of the national health policy and action plan 2025 All the deliverables planned in the RFP
Morocco Initiating parliamentary and strengthening civil society engagement in UHC Dialogue between parliamentarian and civil society on UHC is established
Morocco Reinforcing regional leadership managerial capacities in the context of decentralization All the deliverables planned in the RFP
Morocco Mapping private health sector for effective engagement in UHC A roadmap of private sector engagement for UHC in Morocco
Morocco Development of a strategy to expand financial protection to non poor informal sector Organization of a scoping mission on health financing in Morocco Development and negotiation of a health financing strategy including primary health care financin A strategy for extension of financial protection is developed as part of the UHC vision
Morocco Designing UHC Priority Benefit Package in collaboration with DCP3 A UHC Priority Benefit Package is established
Morocco Support shifting to strategic purchasing including changing provider payment method Promotion of strategic purchasing including change providers payment methods An Action Plan for Strategic Purchasing is developed and approved by main stakeholders
Morocco Technical support of the Japan project management Manage the activity of the project and support the country office
Develop TORs for shirt term consultancies with MoH
Produce periodic reports about the project

Morocco Study tour for national stakeholders and officials of the MOH Explore the heath system of Denmark in the area of quality management and accreditation
Morocco Benchmark visit to The French health system for senior health officials of MOH Explore the process of establishing the budget based on the citizen participation
Morocco Strenghtening capacities of SG team on quality managment and health system performance Capacity building
Morocco Supporting policy dialogues for integration of major burden of NCD in current benefit packages Support the WHO country office in the area of NCDs
Morocco Support for the national blood action plan The evaluation of the national blood action plan
Morocco Development of an accreditation system for health facilities Design and development of a regulatory and legislative framework for a national structure responsible for health assessment and accreditation Development and implementation of a capacity Develop accreditation tools for health facilities, including the private sector
Morocco Documentation of Morocco s UHC story Documentation reports and publications of the Moroccan experience of the UHC
Morocco Develop a vision on a national health observatory including HR aspects and health system indicators Mobilize a consultant to produce a vision on the national observatory, propose an integrated design on H observatory.
Morocco Support health workforce strategy Create at the institute of nursing (ISPITS) level a Master in leadership and management of reproductive health that meets the needs of Moroccan midwives in this area
Support the Ministry of Health in developing a guideline to bring together all the procedures and measures necessary for the implementation of the National Continuing training Strategy 2019-2020
Morocco Implentation of the national financing strategy based on the recommendations of the national conference - A health financing document including aspects on the benefits package, technical Support to transition the Medical Scheme for the poor (RAMED) to a national health insurance agency, technical support to revision of benefit package, including economic evaluations, development and implementation a national strategy on PPP, benchmark visits to international centers of HTA, design and implementation of practical strategies to extend the coverage to independents workforce and informal sector.
- A study on the impact of Covid 19 pandemic on patients with chronic diseases and propose guidance for policy decisions.
Institutionalization of HTA to support the implementation of HF strategy.
-organize a workshop for developing a policy brief based on new results of national health accounts of 2018, and propose recommendations for policy-makers including on the path to UHC

Morocco UHCP Capacity building for the National Observatory on Human Resources for Health UHCP Capacity building for the National Observatory on Human Resources for Health

Morocco Develop operational research on UHC and PHC and support policy forum for evidence to policy Support to strategic research projects on priority topics related to UHC and PHC, including dissemination and publication costs.
Support Policy Forum on public priorities

Morocco Develop national capacities in producing a national database on hospital costing in support of the new reform related to the generalization of Health insurance The objective is to prepare for assessing the benefits package in its economic dimensio -National team trained on costing

Morocco Support for the implementation of regional PHC action plans and recommendations from the national PHC forums Two regional action plans for monitoring PHC actions
Morocco Contribution to the study on the costs of PHC with the World Bank study report and costing data
Morocco Support the implementation of the health financing strategy conducting a large study on around 40 hospitals about the unitary cost and diseases costs A national database about hospitals' costing is finalized.
Morocco Contribute with serveral UN agencies in conducting a national study on the impact of Covid including the impact on health Study report that will includ one part on health
Morocco Implement leadership training for middle line managers at the strategic level in government departments involved in SDG3 25 participant will be trained as the first cohort of SDG leaders
Morocco Implement the national strategy of health financing trough the design of a DRG system for hospitals and develop a budgeting system on it A DRG model for Morocco based on the following deliverables:

• Produce the technical design for a DGR system in Morocco including a budgeting system based on DRG
• Train the national and sub-national teams on the operational implementation in two hospitals
• Supervise and follow up the implementation in the rest of the hospitals
• Produce the national model, including the finalized list of DRGs for Morocco, the budgeting design, and the policy brief.

, A pilot experiment was conducted in a region with hospitals at all levels, and a costing system was developed for 39 hospitals to prepare for the implementation of the DRG (Diagnosis-Related Group) billing system. The combination of both initiatives will help facilitate the widespread adoption of the DRG system across the remaining hospitals.
Morocco Conduct a study on the costing and financing estimates of government contributions to healthcare for migrants and refugees in two regions Tetouan and Oujda A costing database was developed based on unit costs and disease-specific costs, as well as the total financing amount for the two regions. An article was published detailing the findings of the study. Completed
Morocco Health Financing Producing the 2022 National Health Accounts for Morocco and training a national team to replicate the process national helath accounts results according to WHO report and template
A national team trained
Morocco Support the development of PHC regional subnational action plan based on the national PHC strategy and the regional context regional action plans were developed and shared at the subnational level Completed
Morocco Verification mission and review of the regulatory system status for medicines and vaccines conducted by the ANR of Morocco using the World Health Organization s WHO Global Benchmarking Tool GBT A mission was conducted in Morocco Completed


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Morocco Operationalization of the national health human resources observatory including the implementation of regional observatories development of tools and training of the observatory team Tools are developed
training workshops organized
On hold
Morocco Support the organization of regional policy dialogue on human resources at the regional level according the political environment and the feasibility to implement these dialogues A regional dialogue is organized
A report of the regional dialogue including strategic recommendations
On hold
Morocco Support the communication and documentation around UHCP activities A communication report
Morocco Support the creation of a knowledge K2P centre for health policies at the med 6 University of Casablanca -The creation of a team of Med 6 university as a first core of a knowledge management center a knowledge management center
-accompany the K2P center in developing strategic policy briefs
-organizing workshops to identify priority topics on which the team will work
-Organize workshops with 5 other universities as part of the K2P network
-Organize a National workshop to present the K2P center and its products (5 policy briefs and 5 systematic rapid literature review)

On track
Morocco A study on the costing of the benefit package for people with disabilities conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Affairs A study report presenting different scenarios on coverage objectives and the associated costs. On track
Morocco Health Financing Organizing a national workshop in Morocco with participation from the World Bank to raise awareness about the DRG system and its importance in advancing strategic purchasing Eighty managers from all Moroccan hospitals will be trained in an introduction to the DRG system. On track
Morocco Strategic Purchasing Mechanisms Implementing the DRG coding system in three regions covering hospitals at all levels Training of national and regional teams on DRG coding, along with the development of a national plan for the expansion of DRG coding across the country’s hospitals. On track
Morocco health financing strategy in Morocco a technical evaluation with the participation of the WB colleagues an evaluation report as an output of the national workshop On track