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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Egypt Development of UHC Priority Benefit Package to support SHIL implementation A UHC Priority Benefit Package developed.
Egypt Piloting family practice model in through an integrated district health approach Family Practice based PHC model implemented in pilot district/s.
Egypt Establishment of quality patient safety performance measures Safety and quality measures are adopted at health facilites implementing Univesal Health Insurance
Egypt Strengthening technical capacity of hospital care management Capacities for hospital managers developed
Egypt Costing and pricing models for purchasing to inform and comply with actuarial projections A costing exercise of PHC and Hospital Care services finalized to inform Provider Payment Methods development.
Egypt Developing piloting provider payment methods and contractual modalities Developing/piloting provider payment methods and contractual modalities
Egypt Generating evidence on financial coverage indicators to monitor UHC updated figures on financial proteciton indicators
Egypt Preparing for organizational and institutional satablishment for the newly developed institutions health care delivery Financing and Monitoring plus the MoHP Institutional capacity development for the newly devleoped institutions, supporting their organizational development and coordination
Egypt Standard Medical records and Electronic medical records systems are piloted at facilities implementing Universal health insurance Functional medical reccords in health facilties of Governorates implementing UHI
Egypt Establishment of helath information System including master facility list master indicator list Civil Registration and vital statistics Supporting health information system
Egypt Situation analysis on human resources for health completed Assissing the current situation and challenges facing HrH in Egypt
Egypt Development of health automated solution for Human Resourced for Helath Automated tool for HrH developed
Egypt IDHS model supported Devlepment of planning guidelines and standars guiding on service delivery infrastructure needs and securing the deployment of needed human resources and helath technologies Baking up local helath authorities in UHI implementation of the first phase of UHI
Egypt Establish Integrated service model Establish Family practice, referral to higher levels of specialized services
Egypt Establish a quality service model based on Primary Health Care and comprehensive service package Quality primary care services via Family health model, Support referral to secondary and above level of services, Support quality of provided services
Egypt Effective health Governance Support Institutional transformation, Provide legal revision of UHI law and bylaws


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Egypt Generate evidence on Key areas of health financing to inform and monitor national health policies Generate evidence on Health Expenditure through regular update of NHA.
Collaborate with UHIA, MOHP, MOF, GAHC, MOSS, CAPMAS and others in identification of targeting criteria for the exempted populations.
Updating Financial protection estimates based on the latest Household surveys.
Build capacities and support national counterparts in generating evidence for key aspects, including studies on hospital efficiency, etc.
Egypt Support country to improve monitoring and evaluation of service provision and utilization and to ensure transparency and introduce accountability mechanisms Support the CRVS through automation, validation and capacity building
Capacity building and consultancies to support health information system
Support development of functional medical records and establishment of electronic medical records
Support HIS through master lists and coding including for diseases, interventions and others
Support the CRVS through automation, validation and capacity building+B54
Egypt The country is planning to develop and install a comprehensive human resources plan for health will be based on data disaggregated by sex place of residence urban rural and subnational geography Support the development of HrH strategy for the health workforce in Egypt
Conduct training to support human resources
Support the development of observatory for Human Resources for health
Support the development of situational analysis for the human resources for the health sector in Egypt
Support the development of observatory for Human Resources for health
Egypt Health care delivery and integrated service delivery model Capacity building for FM.
Support provision of services at primary health care model based on family health model.
Support the integration of services as mental health and NCDs into FHM, plus the integration of vertical programs into PHC package.
Supporting integrates service delivery model for realizing Universal Health Coverage.
Support the secondary and tertiary levels of care and advancing the hospitals sector.
Support community engagement in health matters and Raising community awareness.
Implement UHI in insurance Governorates, rapid assessment of HS structure, develop the implementation plan.
Support education, regulation and practice for nurses for SHI and development of framework for strengthening nursing functions.
Health care delivery and integrated service delivery model.
Support development of staff capacity on UHI, assess training needs, develop training program- study tours, on job monitoring and evaluation, visiting consultants.
Supporting integrates service delivery model for realizing Universal Health Coverage
Support provision of services at primary health care model based on family health model
Egypt Increase predominant reliance on prepaid compulsory financing mechanisms for Health Support mechanisms for copayments and rational use of health services that ensure financial protection.
Engage with the MOF, MOHP and UHIO to identify various funding sources
Support the government transition towards programme based budget
Collaborate with UN agencies, including ILO in Social protection floor initiatives
Support the update of Financial (actuarial) studies for the health system

Egypt Plan to improve Health System Governance as needed to successful implementation of UHI while insuring Equity Gender Human Rights approach Support development of governance structures as part of UHI implementation
Plan to improve Health System Governance as needed to successful implementation of UHI while insuring Equity, Gender & Human Rights approach.
Support the model of health facilities governance
Legal advice in relation of the UHI law and the related Institutional transformation
Support national health policies, strategies and plans.
Support development of governance structures as part of UHI implementation
Leadership in Multisectoral collaboration between MoHP and non-health sector stakeholders
Egypt The country intends to restructure the pharmaceutical sector Support development of a national program for promoting, standardizing and regulating the practice of clinical pharmacy
Capacity building and institutional development of Egyptian drug authority
Pharmaco-economic research and Staff capacity building
Consultancies, Convene policy dialogue and Staff capacity building
Egypt Ration the provision health services Support evidence based processes for the design of Benefit package
Egypt Strengthen regulations and install mechanisms related to efficient procurement of medicines and medical technologies including assistive technology Supporting regulatory capacities and improve access Support prequalification of medicines authority and establishment and functioning of HT governance body
Establishing standards and system for safe medication practices and operating Drug utilization review program and medication errors reporting systems
Situation assessment and development of HT policy, management and Assessment system
Egypt Supporting the positive interrelationships between newly developed organizations for UHC and more reliance in intersectoral collaboration Technical backup and capacity building for the newly developed institutions
Egypt Supporting the implementation of Universal Health Insurance with the subsequent separation of financing from provision of the services This will inlude technical assistance on operational framework Institutionalization and capacity building for UHI stakeholders on Insurance functions, including Claims processing, enrollments, verification mechanisms, etc.
The development of various contractual modalities for the UHI.
Policy support on Strategic purchasing of the new UHI.
Regular development of Provider payment system for UHI.
Technical assistance and institutionalization of costing and pricing framework within the UHI system and beyond.
Egypt Shift dependence on rational decision making for medicine and health technologies supplies and dispensing Raising institutional capacity in IP functions related to pharmaceuticals and health technology
Build national capacities in HTA
Support supply chain management system, drug information system, pharmaco-vigilance and other drug management function
Consultancies, Convene policy dialogue and Staff capacity building in pre qualifications
Egypt The country plans to strengthen regulations in the medicines and pharmaceutical sector and to increase dependence on strategic purchasing - Assessment and convening activities to strengthen national efforts to combat counterfeit medicine
Drug Utilization Research system - Consultancies, Convene policy dialogue and Staff capacity building

- Conduction of the WHO Covid 19 vaccine production mission

Egypt Private sector engagement for UHC Regulating Private sector beyond UHI governorates
Engage private sector in service provision of the UHI using strategic purchasing tools, e.g. Provider payment mechanisms, Pricing policies, contractual arrangements, etc.
Technically support, and ensure the regulation of the complementary and supplementary roles of Private/voluntary insurance.
Egypt Support the activities for TB Control and Elimination as per the EMR Strategic Plan 2016 2020 Support implementation of required operation research in TB CUs
Support development of national guidelines and conducting national on clinical training on prevention, care and treatment of TB