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Technical Areas


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Dominica Conduct an assessment of the Health System in Dominica including service delivery network primary care and hospital governance and oversight risk reduction strategies including surveillance human resources for health priorities medicines and othe No number of health districts evaluated and restructured for the delivery of essential services. Completed in June 2018. All 7 health districts were evaluated.
Dominica Support for the redefinition of the health systems organizational model to meet population current needs A national plan for the redefinition of the health system drafted by end 2018 with the progressive implementation in 2019. Deferred to to first semester of 2019, pending decisions of National Authorities on the recommendations of the assessment.
Dominica Support for the development of a national plan for the redefinition of the health system including aspects related to human resources medicines and health technologies financing management and essential public health functions A plan of action to implement short term changes to make primary care facilities operational by end of 2018. Deferred to first semester 2019, pending the development of the national plan for the redefinition of the health system.
Dominica Support the redesign of the supply chain for medicines and other health technologies including access at the point of care Master plan for the redesign of the supply chain for medicines and other health technologies including access at the point of care, drafted. This output is deferred for 2019.
Dominica Expand the current training of community health aids to increase the cadre of health care workers Trained and competent Community Health Aides
Dominica Assessment of blood product and laboratory services with a focus on strengthening primary health care services Report with recommendations for the strengthening of the capacity to deliver safe blood and blood products within an integrated health network and an effective monitoring and evaluation framework.
Dominica Assessment of radiology services with a focus on strengthening primary health care services Report with recommendations for the improvement in the provision of safe radiological services at the level of the hospital and community.
Dominica Implement diabetes and hypertension control interventions in primary care and facilitate exchange of information and experiences HEARTS technical package to improve the management of cardiovascular diseases implemented
Dominica Breast and cervical cancer control including palliative care Prevention and treatment services for cervical and breast cancer programmes strengthened


Product/Service Deliverables Status
Dominica Implementation of HRH plan of action in Caribbean countries according to the needs of the programs for each type of health professional HRH Unit developed and HRH plan of action implemented
Not started
Dominica Strengthening MOH capacities for the implementation of essential public health functions EPHF assessment conducted and Health System strengthening framework developed and implemented. Health legislations reviewed and developed
Not started
Dominica Build regional capacity to develop legislation for NCD RF in consistency with the WHO FCTC Tobacco legislation and regulations developed
Not started