Social media Social Network - Any -FacebookInstagramLinkedinTwitter Apply Social Media Image/s WHO Health financing Social Media Image/s WHOKenya Health workforce Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Resilience Social Media Image/s WHO Resilience Social Media Image/s WHO Resilience Social Media Image/s WHO Climate change Health security Internally displaced people Refugees Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHOBulletin Social Media Image/s Thomas Östros Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO_Europe Social Media Image/s WHO_Europe Social Media Image/s WHO_Europe Social Media Image/s WHO Universal Health Coverage Social Media Image/s WHO Universal Health Coverage Social Media Image/s WHO COVID-19 Universal Health Coverage Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO_Europe Social Media Image/s DrTedros Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s @RealDougEFresh Social Media Image/s @WHO Social Media Image/s @DrTedros Social Media Image/s @rickykej Social Media Image/s @emma_oam Social Media @nikkimeru The main goal of #PrimaryHealthCare is to ensure all the conditions are in place for everyone to attain & enjoy the highest possible level of health & well-being throughout their lives. Experts @WHO & partners work with countries around the world to make #HealthForAll happen. Read the Newsletter of the WHO Special Programme on Primary Health Care Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media WHO Rewind to the top moments during WHO's Walk the Talk. Social Media Image/s DrTedros Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Ukraine Primary health care Social Media @WHOEMRO LIVE | WHO Hybrid Press Conference The second high-level interregional meeting on the health of refugees and migrants. Social Media Image/s WHOAFRO Migrants Refugees Social Media Image/s WHO_Europe Migrants Refugees Social Media Image/s WHOEMRO Migrants Refugees Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s UHC Partnership Social Media Image/s UHC Partnership Social Media Image/s WHO Universal Health Coverage Social Media Image/s Porignon Denis Social Media WHO What is primary healthcare? Why do we need to urgently and smartly invest in primary health care, the essential public health functions & health systems foundations? Dr. Shannon Barkley, @BarkleyMD, from WHO explains. Social Media Image/s WHO Community dialogues Community engagement Health and peace Internally displaced people Primary health care Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media WHO LIVE: #WHA75 Strategic Roundtable discussion: Radical reorientation of health systems towards #primaryhealthcare as the foundation for #HealthForAll Social Media Image/s WHO Social Media Image/s World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Social Media Image/s WHO Rwanda Social Media World Health Organization (WHO) #COVID19 is magnifying the consequences of neglecting the inequities that divide us. Building a fairer, healthier world where everyone can get the health care they need without falling into financial hardship relies on investments in #PrimaryHealthCare. Social Media Image/s World Health Organization Social Media Image/s World Health Organization Western Pacific Region Social Media World Health Organization (WHO) As #COVID19 continues to reveal inequities globally, the commitment to health as a human right will determine how our economies & societies will recover & support everyone. How #PrimaryHealthCare accelerates #HealthforAll Social Media Image/s who