Adding life to years
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Buk-gu District

Buk-gu District

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Buk-gu District  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 42262925.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

In order to create an age-friendly city in Buk-gu, Buk-gu reflected on the eight age-friendly domains identified by WHO and established a detailed action plan for an age-friendly city. Buk-gu District plans to actively develop and promote policies with the public and private sectors cooperating for creating an environment for an age-friendly city where all generations, including older persons, live well.

To help the older persons lead a vibrant life, we are promoting policies for older persons such as support for customized care services, medical examinations, AI-IoT-based health care services, visiting  oral health care, support of meal deliveries for low-income older persons, visiting psychological support service, integrated medical and care support projects, operation of emergency safety and relief service for older people  and people with disabilities living alone, vaccination programs, volunteer activities promotion projects, running a love restaurant, support for dementia treatment and management expenses, operation of health centers etc.

For healthy social participation centered on residents, we are promoting policies such as support for the operation of a center for older persons, creating sports facilities specifically for older persons, hosting a various sporting competitions for older persons, supporting the Bitgoeul senior plaza festival, and celebrating International Day of Older Persons.


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