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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Belén  Costa Rica
Print this page City population: 2419211 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Since 2000, the Municipality of Belén, through the Municipal Transfers Program, has invested resources in its elderly population. An example of this is the Municipality’s purchase of construction materials and other complementary resources that allowed the construction of the Day Care Center, which was opened in 2007 and provides sustainable services to the elderly population.

Resources from this same program have also been provided for the execution of programs aimed at the elderly population, who are part of 12 community organizations in Belén. The resources allocated are granted for the realization of recreational activities that include and benefit the entire population of these organizations.

Since 2000, the Municipality of Belén has invested a significant amount of financial resources through the temporary assistance program, whose resources have been allocated to the elderly population in the following areas: improvements and adaptation of housing, construction of bathrooms and accessible toilets, construction of bedrooms and payment of medical services.

We are formulating programs and projects, centered around a vision of human rights and their accessibility, that promote positive aging through processes of optimization of health, security, participation and opportunities in order to improve the quality of life of people as they age. This local government promotes the preservation of health and well-being during positive aging and healthy longevity as a priority challenge for this municipality.

Lastly, in the Municipality of Belén awareness and information campaigns are carried out to promote the defense and enforceability of the human rights of the elderly, provide training on different topics related to active and healthy aging, promote respectful attitudes and appreciation of the elderly in the younger population and strengthen families ability to  care for the elderly, among other activities.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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