Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Boise  United States of America
Print this page City population: 22315411.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Boise’s mantra is ‘Making Boise the Most Livable City in the Country’. We strive to offer programs and services which meet the needs of all who live here regardless of age, background, ability or financial income. Programs operated by the City of Boise for older people include: The Dick Eardley Senior Center; Lifetime and Leisure which offers senior tours, local excursions, and social inclusion and opportunities for seniors; senior fitness classes; transportation programs and discounted transportation options for those with the inability to drive; a partnership with Meals on Wheels to offer free or discounted food options; affordable housing services; a financial commitment to Valley Ride transportation services; and various senior programs throughout the City. The City of Boise is committed to addressing citizen needs in the areas of transportation and affordable housing as well as additional recreational opportunities including socialization and volunteering. In the first year we will organize a Senior Task Force including members representing older persons such as the Area Office on Aging, Idaho Food Bank, University of Idaho 4-H Extension, health care systems, local charitable foundations, Valley Ride transportation, and individual representation from older people throughout the City. The City of Boise will hold quarterly meetings and community open forums to encourage and foster feedback. City Council member Lisa Sanchez will by our leadership representation for the effort. Utilizing the Task Force will ensure representation from various agencies and departments. The group will have quarterly check-ins with City leadership as well as monthly meetings to ensure progress. Various locations will be used for meetings to encourage a cross pollination of ideas and interests.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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