Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Botkyrka  Sweden
Print this page City population: 9500020 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

The municipality of Botkyrka offers a range of services dedicated to older persons. Here are some of the services that we offer:

Service for Home Safety: To prevent accidents at home, especially related to tasks like hanging curtains or paintings, or changing light bulbs, we offer a dedicated “Fix Service.” This initiative aids with minor home repairs, ensuring a safe and secure living environment for older adults.

Home Care Services: Our municipality provides home care services aimed at helping older persons independently in their homes for as long as possible. This includes help with daily chores and tasks, promoting independent living, and increasing one’s quality of life.

Meeting Place for Older Persons: Recognizing the importance of social interaction, we have established meeting places specifically designed for older persons. In Botyrkas, meeting places allow older persons to exercise, hang out, take part in various activities, or
just have a coffee. The meeting places are open to all residents of the municipality who are over 60 years of age.

Technology assistance: Understanding the significance of staying connected in the digital age, our city offers dedicated time where older persons can seek assistance with their phones, computers, iPads, and other electronic devices. This service aims to bridge the digital divide and enhance older persons ‘ access to information.

Residential lot advisor: We have a dedicated advisor to assist older persons in various housing matters. Talking to the advisor is free and can help provide information about suitable housing options, navigating the housing market, getting help with planning around moving, financial advice, or addressing specific concerns. Our Residential Lot service ensures that older persons receive
personalized guidance regarding their housing needs.


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