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WHO Medicines Prequalification Guidance

WHO Medicines Prequalification Guidance

Many of the guidance documents approved by the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) are of significant interest and value for manufacturers. But the ECSPP approval process can be lengthy. To be able to respond promptly to demands for new products or for new formulations of existing products, or to incorporate recent pharmaceutical technology developments in their manufacturing processes, manufacturers often require guidance within a much shorter timeframe.

The WHO Prequalification Team therefore works closely and intensively with pharmaceutical experts to develop guidance, as needed, and promptly. In so doing it both facilitates and eases the technical burden associated with quality medicines manufacturer, and expands the range of appropriate products for meeting treatment needs. Moreover, much of the guidance so developed ― together with feedback from manufacturers and regulators ― forms the basis of guidance documents submitted to ECSPP, thereby also facilitating ECSPP processes.

WHO prequalification guidance documents, application forms and templates are listed below. (Date of issue is given in brackets.) Applicants are also advised to consult these and the guidance documents approved by ECSPP.

Procedural guidance

Clarification on the process for introducing a supplier of non-plant-derived artemisinin (1 November 2016)

Guidance on amendments to an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) submitted in support of a prequalified finished pharmaceutical ingredient (FPP) or prequalified API (09 February 2023)

Guidelines on active pharmaceutical ingredient master file procedure  (2008)

Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, of active pharmaceutical ingredients for use in pharmaceutical products (2009)

Technical guidance

FAQ: Active pharmaceutical ingredient master files (APIMFs) (15 April 2015)

FAQ: Active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) amendments (10 October 2022)

FAQ: Active pharmaceutical ingredient micronization (15 April 2019)

Guidance - Nitrosamine contamination policy for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) (25 September 2022)

Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished pharmaceutical product for the WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme: quality part (2012)

Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished product. Preparation of product dossiers in common technical document format (2011)

Use of ICHQ3D guideline in the assessment of  APIMFs submitted in support of an FPP or prequalified API (18 October 2019)

Application forms & templates

Application for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) prequalification based upon stringent regulatory authority (SRA) assessment ― history of changes document (1 May 2013)

Application for an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) amendment (25 September 2022)

Application for new version of an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (09 February 2023)

Application for prequalification of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) (11 October 2022)

Model  letter of access: active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (14 February 2016)


A review of API quality deficiencies found in APIMFs submitted to WHO and assessed during a 6-year period (2007-2012) was published in April 2014 in the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (Vol 17, No. 2). The results of the review are compared to those of similar studies reported by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines, the European Medicines Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration. The article can be accessed freely at: 


Application of reference-scaled criteria for AUC in bioequivalence studies conducted for submission to PQTm (2 July 2021)

Frequent Deficiencies in Bioequivalence Study Protocols

General background notes on the list of international comparator pharmaceutical products (10 October 2017)

PQT/MED-specific Annotations for the ICH M9 Guideline (24 January 2023)

PQT/MED-specific Annotations for Additional Strength Biowaiver Applications (21 May 2021)

Note on Pediatric Products in PQT Medicines (23 January 2024)


Guidance on selection of comparator pharmaceutical products for equivalence assessment of interchangeable multisource (generic) products (2015)

Recommended comparator products: treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections (9 January 2024)

Recommended comparator products: antimalarial medicines (31 October 2023)

Recommended comparator products: anti-tuberculosis medicines (29 May 2024)

Recommended comparator products: influenza-specific antiviral medicines (16 August 2024)

Recommended comparator products: medicines for infections in newborns and young infants and childhood pneumonia (15 July 2021)

Recommended comparator products: medicines for hepatitis B and C (10 December 2019)

Recommended comparator products: medicines for HIV/AIDS and related diseases (5 December 2024)

Recommended comparator products: neglected tropical disease medicines (24 October 2024)

Recommended comparator products: reproductive health medicines (27 November 2020)

Recommended comparator products: therapeutics against COVID-19 (23 March 2022)

Recommended comparator products: treatment of apnoea in preterm infants (27 November 2024)

Recommended comparator products: treatment of disorders due to use of nicotine (14 August 2023)


Guidelines for good clinical practice for trials on pharmaceutical products (1995)

Guidance on bioequivalence studies for reproductive health medicines (27 November 2022)

Note on Pediatric Products in PQT Medicines (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: abacavir (14 September 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: abacavir/lamivudine (12 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: abacavir/lamivudine/lopinavir/ritonavir (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: albendazole (29 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: amodiaquine (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: amodiaquine/artesunate (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: amoxicillin (19 September 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: amphotericin B (liposomal) (05 September 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: arpraziquantel (26 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: artemether/lumefantrine (30 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: artesunate (rectal) (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: artesunate/mefloquine (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: artesunate/pyronaridine (18 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: atazanavir/ritonavir (7 July 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: azithromycin (16 December 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: baloxavir marboxil (16 September 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: baricitinib (29 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: bedaquiline (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: benzathine benzylpenicillin (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: cabotegravir (04 July 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: clindamycin (17 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: clofazimine (1 January 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: cycloserine (29 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: daclatasvir (23 January 2024)

Notes on the Design of Bioequivalence Study: dapivirine (9 March 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: darunavir (20 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: darunavir/ritonavir (20 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: delamanid (17 September 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: desogestrel (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: dexamethasone (2 January 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: diethylcarbamazine (29 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: dihydroartemisinin + piperaquine tetraphosphate (10 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: dolutegravir (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: efavirenz (20 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (26 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide/dolutegravir (26 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide/Efavirenz (26 November 2024) 

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (2 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/dolutegravir (30 May 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/efavirenz (30 May 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/ levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol (13 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: entecavir (14 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethambutol (6 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethambutol/isoniazid/pyrazinamide/rifampicin (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethambutol/isoniazid/rifampicin (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethinylestradiol/desogestrel (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ethionamide (14 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: etonogestrel implant (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: etravirine (6 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: fexinidazole (02 July 2019)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: fluconazole (6 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: flucytosine (14 October 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: gatifloxacin (18 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: glecaprevir/pibrentasvir (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid (23 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid/pyrazinamide/rifampicin (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid/rifampicin (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid/rifapentine (24 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid/rifapentine/moxifloxacin (29 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: isoniazid/rifapentine/moxifloxacin/pyrazinamide (30 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ivermectin (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine (03 July 2019)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine /abacavir /dolutegravir (30 May 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/tenofovir/dolutegravir (6 July 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/tenofovir alafenamide (26 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/tenofovir alafenamide/dolutegravir (26 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (30 May 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/tenofovir/efavirenz (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lamivudine/zidovudine (30 June 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ledipasvir (23 January 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lenacapavir sodium (4 November 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: levofloxacin (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: levonorgestrel (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: levonorgestrel implant (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: levonorgestrel intra-uterine system (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: linezolid (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: lopinavir/ritonavir (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: mebendazole (09 March 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: medroxyprogesterone acetate (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: medroxyprogesterone acetate/estradiol cypionate (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: mefloquine (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: mifepristone (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: miltefosine (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: misoprostol (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: molnupiravir (02 March 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: moxidectin (24 October 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: moxifloxacin (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: nicotine chewing gum (23 August 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: nicotine transdermal patch (23 August 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: nirmatrelvir + ritonavir (6 July 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: norethisterone (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: norethisterone enanthate (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: norethisterone enanthate/estradiol valerate (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: norgestrel (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: oseltamivir (26 July 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: para-aminosalicylic acid (6 March 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: praziquantel (14 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: pretomanid (31 October 2023)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: primaquine (29 March 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: procaine benzylpenicillin (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: progesterone vaginal ring (29 November 2022)

Notes on the Design of Bioequivalence Study: protionamide (9 March 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: pyrazinamide (6 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: pyridoxine (6 February 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine (24 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: raltegravir (20 January 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: remdesivir (24 March 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ribavirin (13 September 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: rifabutin (14 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: rifampicin (14 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: rifampicin/clarithromycin (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: rifapentine (24 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ritonavir (30 June 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: sofosbuvir (24 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: sofosbuvir/daclatasvir (2 August 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: sofosbuvir/ledipasvir (6 July 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (1 March 2025)

Notes on the Design of Bioequivalence Study: sulfadiazine (30 January 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (31 May 2021)

Notes on the design of bioequivalance study: sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim/Isoniazid/Pyridoxine (21 April 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: tafenoquine (24 January 2024)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (30 January 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: terizidone (1 March 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: ulipristal acetate (27 November 2022)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: valganciclovir (2 March 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: velpatasvir (28 February 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: zanamivir (1 March 2025)

Notes on the design of bioequivalence study: zidovudine (30 January 2025)



Application for a biowaiver: additional strength (21 May 2021)

Application for a biowaiver: Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) (21 May 2021)

Application for a biowaiver for zinc products (23 January 2025)

Presentation of bioequivalence trial information ‒ BTIF (13 January 2023)

Presentation of bioequivalence trial information  ‒  BTIF Appendix 1 - Template for Study Individual Concentration and PK Data (14 January 2020)


Guidance documents

Collaboration in verification of good manufacturing practices (GMP) compliance between WHO-PQT and medicines manufacturers interested in submitting an application for WHO prequalification (16 June 2016)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (16 January 2010)

Points to consider for inspections of biowaiver data (10 October September 2016)

Q&A: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems  (1 November 2016)

Application forms & templates

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex A): Expression of interest (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex B): Expression of interest (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex C): Shared inspection schedule (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex D): Form for nomination of an observer or co-inspector (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex E): Details of external expert (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex F): Provisions for evaluators of product dossiers and for inspectors (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex G): Appointment as an observer or co-inspector in a WHO inspection team: template letter (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization and selected national medicines regulatory authorities in inspection activities (Annex H): Appointment of observer or co-inspector: template letter to supervisor (18 January 2010)

Example of a development plan to submit a medicinal product for prequalification (19 August 2016)

Request for pre-inspection (Annex 1) (16 June 2016)

Annotated labelling template (25 October 2016)

Annotated patient information leaflet (PIL) template (24 October 2016)

Annotated summary of product characteristics (SmPC) template (24 October 2016)

Application for a biowaiver: additional strength (1 May 2012)

Application for a biowaiver: Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) (21 May 2021)

Application for a biowaiver for zinc products (12 December 2012)

Application for active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) procedure (6 April 2020)

Application for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) prequalification based upon stringent regulatory authority (SRA) assessment ― history of changes document (1 May 2013)

Application for an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) amendment (25 September 2022)

Application for new version of an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (09 February 2023)

Application for prequalification of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) (11 October 2022)

Clinical trial protocol: zinc acceptability study in children with acute diarrhoea: a prospective, open-label (multicentre) interventional study (12 August 2020)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex A): Expression of interest (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex B): Expression of interest (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex C): Shared inspection schedule (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex D): Form for nomination of an observer or co-inspector (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex E): Details of external expert (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex F): Provisions for evaluators of product dossiers and for inspectors (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization (WHO) and selected national medicines regulatory authorities (NMRAs) in inspection activities (Annex G): Appointment as an observer or co-inspector in a WHO inspection team: template letter (18 January 2010)

Collaborative procedure between World Health Organization and selected national medicines regulatory authorities in inspection activities (Annex H): Appointment of observer or co-inspector: template letter to supervisor (18 January 2010)

Example of a completed application for a new version of an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (4 April 2014)

Example of a completed application for an amendment to an active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (3 March 2016)

Example of a development plan for submission of a medicinal product for prequalification (19 August 2016)

Expression of interest to participate in the system of mutual audits within the network of quality control laboratories involved in WHO prequalification (1 October 2016)

Labelling template (25 October 2016)

Model  letter of access: active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF) (14 February 2016)

Model letter of agreement with recipient of technical assistance (13 February 2017)

Model letter of requalification (September 2018)

Notification of a change(s) to the key information of a product approved by a stringent regulatory authority (SRA) (4 December 2015)

Outline of content of an annual report on activities of a prequalified quality control laboratory (QCL) (4 June 2016)

Patient information leaflet (PIL) template (24 October 2016)

Presentation of bioequivalence trial information form (13 January 2023)

Pre-submission meetings request form (2 November 2017)

Quality information summary (QIS) (1 June 2020)

Quality information summary (QIS) of the finished pharmaceutical product (FPP) approved by the reference SRA (QIS-SRA) (28 October 2013)

Quality overall summary: product dossier (QOS-PD) (14 March 2023)

Screening checklist  for generic products (13 May 2021)

Summary of product characteristics (SmPC) template (24 October 2016)

Variation to a prequalified finished pharmaceutical product (FPP) (15 December 2022)

WHO prequalified quality control laboratory (QCL) annual report on activities (1 October 2016)

Zinc product: acceptability study summary form (11 November 2016)
