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Submission Procedure – Full Assessment of a Multisource (Generic) FPP

Submission Procedure – Full Assessment of a Multisource (Generic) FPP

Documents to be submitted

Submission of an expression of interest for evaluation of a product dossier consists of two steps and involves preparation and submission of the:

  • Covering letter, in English, expressing interest in participating in WHO prequalification and confirming that the information submitted in the product dossiers is "true and correct".
  • Product dossier, in English, in the specified format for submitting product data and information. (See the section below on How to organize the product dossier.) The extent of information to be included in folder will be reduced if the application is being made using the active pharmaceutical ingredient master file (APIMF).
  • Product sample, a complete package for evaluation of product appearance, container material and labelling.
  • Site master file, in English, for each manufacturing site of the medicinal product format. (A site master file is a document prepared by the manufacturer containing information with respect to the production and/or control of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations carried out at a named site, and to any closely integrated operations at adjacent and/or nearby buildings.)
Note on screening

Each product dossier submitted by an applicant is screened for completeness before being evaluated. A screening checklist is used when screening dossiers. This is an in-house list of dossier characteristics that need to be confirmed to be acceptable before a dossier is assigned a WHO reference number and accepted for full assessment.

The screening list provides insight into what aspects are considered to be the key elements of the assessment. It is posted on this website in order to enhance the ability of applicants to meet the screening requirements and have a greater understanding of the assessment process.

How to organize the product dossier

The product dossier should be submitted in English, in an electronic format. It should follow the structure and format of the Common Technical Document (CTD), agreed within the framework of the International Council on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (commonly known as ICH). The files it contains should be in PDF (portable document) format.

Additionally, a completed:

  • Quality overall summary: product dossier template
  • Quality information summary template
  • Presentation of bioequivalence trial Information form
  • Biowaiver application form (if applicable)

should be included in the dossier. Each of these should be presented in Word format so that WHO assessors can insert questions, or requests for further data and explanation in the file, for the manufacturer's response.

Individual PDF or Word files should not exceed 10 MB in size.

Dossier submission steps

Dossier submission for a multisource (generic) product consists of two steps:

Step 1: Submission of documentation for the purpose of screening

The documents to be submitted are:

  • the covering letter
  • the product dossier.


  • a product sample(s)

The first “folder” of the submission should consist of a table of contents.

Where to submit the application for screening:

1. On CD or DVD and sample to:

WHO Prequalification Unit: medicines
World Health Organization

20, Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27

Please include a paper cover letter with the submission to facilitate processing.


2. The application may also be sent via a secure link to an online document repository. The link should be sent in an email  to the following email address: The subject line of the emails should clearly indicate the application and the specific medicine procedure referred to. The date of receipt will be the date the file is successfully downloaded. If you have any questions regarding this please contact Dr Matthias Stahl,

Step 2: Submission of documentation

Step 2 submission can be made only after the applicant has received written confirmation (by email or letter) from WHO, stating that the dossier has been accepted for assessment, and a reference number allocated to it. Once this confirmation has been received, the following should be submitted:

  • the covering letter
  • the product dossier
  • the site master file.

The product dossier should be organized according to the CTD structure.

Where to submit covering letter, product dossier:

1. On CD or DVD to:

Attention: WHO Prequalification Unit: medicines
Product Name: UNICEF Supply Division
Oceanvej 10−12
2150 Nordhavn

Please include a paper cover letter with the submission to facilitate processing.


2. Via a secure link to online document repositories. The link should be sent in an email to the following email address: The subject line of the emails should clearly indicate the application and the specific medicine procedure referred too. The date of receipt will be the date the file is successfully downloaded. If you have any questions regarding this please contact Dr Matthias Stahl,

The site master file shoudl be sent to:

WHO Prequalification Unit: medicines
MHP/RPQ/PQT Room 615
20, Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27

Additional information

If additional information is requested by WHO following Step 1 submission, it should be incorporated into the product dossier before submission under Step 2.

Following Step 2 submission, additional information – not only, to complement that already included in the product dossier, but also a site master file for each manufacturing site of the relevant active pharmaceutical ingredient(s), and a master file for the/each contract research organization, if applicable needed – may be requested.


Note – for information on the compilation of eCTD dossiers please follow this link

