Quality Control Laboratories for Medicines
Quality control laboratories included on the WHO List of Prequalified Medicines Quality Control Laboratories have been assessed, inspected and found to comply with Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories, Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Microbiology Control Laboratories and relevant components of WHO Good Manufacturing Practice.
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Title Sort descending | Applicant Organization | Date of prequalification | Country | Region |
Bangladesh - NCL | Directorate General of Drug Administration | Bangladesh | SEARO | |
Belarus-RCAL | Centre for Expertise and Testing in Health Care UE, Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus | Belarus | EURO | |
Belgium - SCM DGO | Association Pharmaceutique Belge - SCM-DGO | Belgium | EURO | |
Belgium - ULG | Université de Liège - Departement de Pharmacie | Belgium | EURO | |
Belgium-SGS Lab Simon | SGS Lab Simon SA | Belgium | EURO | |
Bolivia-CONCAMYT | Laboratory for the Quality Control of Drugs and Toxicology / Laboratorio de Control de Calidad de Medicamentos y Toxicologia (CONCAMYT) | Bolivia | AMRO | |
Brazil - FUNED | Ezequiel Dias Foundation (FUNED), Institute Octavio Magalhães, Medicines Service of Public Health Central Laboratory | Brazil | AMRO | |
Brazil - INCQS | Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saude / National Institute of Health Quality Control (INCQS) | Brazil | AMRO | |
Brazil-LACEN-GO | The Drug Service of the Public Laboratory Dr Giovanni Cysneiros (LACEN-GO) | Brazil | AMRO | |
Canada-KABS | KABS Laboratories Inc | Canada | AMRO | |
China - BIDC (Dept. of Antibiotic Testing) | Beijing Institute for Drug Control | China | WPRO | |
China - DIDC | Dalian Institute for Drug Control | China | WPRO | |
China - NIFDC | National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) | China | WPRO | |
China - SZIDC | Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control | China | WPRO | |
Colombia-INVIMA | Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) | Colombia | AMRO | |
Croatia - HALMED OMCL | Official Medicines Control Laboratory Division (OMCL Division) of the Agency for medicinal products and medical devices | Croatia | EURO | |
France - APTYS | Aptys Pharmaservices | France | EURO | |
France - Gimopharm | Gimopharm Sarl | France | EURO | |
Germany-InphA | InphA GmbH - Institute for Pharmaceutical and Applied Analytics | Germany | EURO | |
Ghana - FDA QCL | Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) | Ghana | AFRO | |
India - Auriga | Auriga Research Pvt Ltd | India | SEARO | |
India - SGS - Mumbai | SGS India Pvt Ltd - Life Science | India | SEARO | |
India - Sipra | Sipra Labs Limited | India | SEARO | |
India - Stabicon | Stabicon Life Sciences Pvt Ltd | India | SEARO | |
India - Vimta (Genome V) | Vimta Labs Ltd | India | SEARO | |
India-IPL | Indian Pharmacopoiea Commission - Indian Pharmacopoeial Laboratory | India | SEARO | |
Indonesia - NQCLDF | National Quality Control Laboratory of Drug and Food | Indonesia | SEARO | |
Iran-FDCL | Food and Drugs Control Refence Laboratories (FDCRL), Ministry of Health and Medical Education | Iran, Islamic Rep. | EMRO | |
Kazakhstan - NCEM Almaty | National Center for Expertise of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment | Kazakhstan | EURO | |
Kazakhstan - RSE on REM Karaganda | National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices (RSE on the REM) | Kazakhstan | EURO | |
Kenya - MEDS | Mission for Essential Drugs & Supplies (MEDS) | Kenya | AFRO | |
Kenya-NQCL | National Quality Control Laboratory (NQCL) | Kenya | AFRO | |
Lebanon - Arwan QCL | Arwan Pharmaceutical Industries | Lebanon | EMRO | |
Mexico - CCAYAC | Commission of Analytical Control and Coverage Extension (CCAYAC) | Mexico | AMRO | |
Morocco-LNCM | Laboratoire national de contrôle des médicaments (LNCM), Direction du médicament et de la pharmacie, Ministère de la santé | Morocco | EMRO | |
Netherlands-SHU | Synergy Health Utrecht BV - a Steris Company | Netherlands | EURO | |
Nigeria - NAFDAC QCL Yaba | National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control | Nigeria | AFRO | |
Pakistan - DTL - Rawalpindi | Government of Punjab, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Dept, Drug Testing Laboratory | Pakistan | EMRO | |
Pakistan - DTL Multan | Drugs Testing Laboratory Punjab, Multan | Pakistan | EMRO | |
Pakistan - DTL Punjab Lahore | Government of Punjab, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Dept, Drug Testing Laboratory | Pakistan | EMRO | |
Pakistan - DTLF -Faisalabad | Drugs Testing Laboratory Faisalabad | Pakistan | EMRO | |
Pakistan - PDTRC | Pakistan Drugs Testing and Research Centre | Pakistan | EMRO | |
Pakistan Prime Health | Prime Health Private Limited | |||
Portugal - INFARMED | INFARMED IP | Portugal | EURO | |
Portugal - Laboratorios Basi | Laboratorios Basi - Industria Farmaceutica SA | Portugal | EURO | |
Russia - SCEEMP Rostov | Rostov-on-Don Branch of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare | Russian Federation | EURO | |
Russia FSBI "SCCEMP" | Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBI "SCEEMP") | Russian Federation | EURO | |
Russia-FSBI SCEEMP | Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare "Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products" (SCEEMP) | Russian Federation | EURO | |
SIFDC - Drug Quality Control Center | Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control | China | WPRO | |
Singapore-TUV SUD PSB | TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, Chemical & Materials (Food & Pharmaceutical Testing) | Singapore | WPRO |