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Market Information

Market Information

As a UN service, WHO vaccine prequalification must be entirely commercially impartial and not play any role in commercial decision-making. Rather, it is dedicated to maintaining rigorous efficacy, quality and safety standards of vaccines to be procured by UN agencies. However, since manufacturers will seek to understand and review the potential market when considering submission of a vaccine for prequalification, information is provided here that may assist them in this task.

Features of the vaccines market

The vaccines market incorporates a number of manufacturers located in both high-income countries, and in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These manufacturers supply an increasingly diverse array of vaccine products. While sales to high-income countries generate the largest revenues from vaccines, sales to LMICs represent the largest volume of vaccines sold.

Compared to the pharmaceutical market, the vaccine market is relatively small and concentrated on both supply and demand sides. It is highly regulated and largely dependent on public purchasers and donor policies. It has some very distinct features which mean assessing and understanding vaccine pricing and procurement is a complex task. For example, the vaccines market is made up of individual markets for individual vaccines or vaccine types, each with its own specificities, particularly on the supply side

Global Vaccine Market Report 2020

This report covers:

  • collection of global vaccine market information
  • global market volumes
  • vaccine supply dynamics
  • vaccine prices
  • vaccine regulation
  • vaccine stockouts & shortages
  • global market value.

UN Global Marketplace (UNGM)

The United Nations represents a global market of over USD 17 billion annually for all types of products and services. UNGM is a single window for product and service vendors to learn about upcoming tenders and to share information about their products and services with UN organizations, countries and regions.

UNICEF COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard

The COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard gives an overview of:  

  • COVID-19 vaccine development and progress towards vaccine approvals
  • reported global vaccine production capacity
  • manufacturing agreements  
  • vaccines secured and optioned through bilateral and multilateral supply agreements
  • reported vaccine prices.

UNICEF Pricing Data 

UNICEF publishes past, current and future pricing data for cold chain equipment, among other essential health products. The pricing data is published as a part of UNICEF’s Influencing Markets strategy which aims to acquire better value for money and to impact programmatic effectiveness and efficiency. UNICEF has a broad commitment to information and price transparency.

Gavi & market shaping

Gavi’s market-shaping efforts aim to make life-saving vaccines and immunization products more accessible and affordable for lower-income countries.


VaxPaL ― created and run by the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) ― provides information on the patent status of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. It builds on MPP’s 10-year experience in mapping patents on key health technologies through MedsPaL, the world’s leading tool on the patent status of essential medicines in low- and middle-income countries.