Strategic Partnership for Health Security and Emergency Preparedness (SPH) Portal

An interactive digital platform that facilitates sharing and exchanging the latest information on multisectoral health security investments, activities, and capacities on a national, regional, and global scale. The World Health Assembly resolution "WHA A73/14" acknowledged the role of the SPH Portal as a central repository for data and reports on the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework assessments.

Country Profile

The SPH Portal offers comprehensive profiles for each Member State, which display crucial information on the country’s health security and emergency preparedness capabilities.

home image

Joint External Evaluation (JEE) Roster of Experts

The roster of experts was established to ensure effective support to the WHO Member States and the Regional Offices in the implementation of the Joint External Evaluations (JEE). This roster comprises technical experts with a wide range of expertise and professional experience required for effective evaluation of countries preparedness capacities for public health emergencies. Areas of expertise covered in the roster include the 19 IHR capacities that countries need to establish and sustain to be able to detect, prevent and respond effectively to public health emergencies. A filter is provided to facilitate the identification of experts for missions by a range of parameters, including area of experts, language, region of origin, gender and previous missions the expert has undertaken.

  • WHO Health Security Preparedness (HSP) Department - 2022: Achievements & Impact

    This annual report shares the work of the Health Security Preparedness department in a year full of achievements and opportunities. It underlines the department's commitment to sharing the visibility of our work on evidence-based health security preparedness information and actions for better-prepared countries. In this publication, you will read about our progress and impact in supporting Member States’ health security capacity to detect, prevent and respond to health emergencies in 2022 and the outlook for 2023.

  • Intra-Action Review

    A COVID-19 Intra-Action Review (IAR) is a country-led facilitated process that allows stakeholders involved in the ongoing pandemic response to identify best practices, gaps, and lessons and propose corrective measures for sustained improvement.

  • Dynamic Preparedness Metric

    The Dynamic Preparedness Metric assesses the level of preparedness of countries to 5 acute syndromes using indicators from open-source data to represent risk dimensions of hazard, vulnerability and capacity. This metric will be essential for countries to prioritize and target interventions and capacity improvements that are the most impactful for their underlying threats and vulnerabilities.

  • One Health Operations

    In the context of the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, taking a One Health approach means including, from all relevant sectors, the national information, expertise, perspectives, and necessary experience to conduct assessments, evaluations, reporting and preparedness activities to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

  • Health Emergency Preparedness in Cities and Urban Settings

    Cities and urban settings are crucial to preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from health emergencies. Therefore enhancing the focus on urban settings is necessary for countries pursuing improved overall health security. Urban areas, especially cities, have unique vulnerabilities that need to be addressed and accounted for in health emergency preparedness. An unprepared urban setting is more vulnerable to the catastrophic effects of health emergencies and can exacerbate the spread of diseases.

  • Multisectoral Coordination for Health Security Preparedness

    Countries must be better prepared to detect and respond to public health threats. This is to prevent public health emergencies and their devastating impact on people’s lives and well-being, international travel and trade, national economies, and society. Public health challenges are complex and cannot be addressed by one sector alone. A holistic, multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach is needed to address gaps and advance coordination for emergency preparedness and health security. This is essential for implementing the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005.

  • Resource Mapping and Impact Analysis on Health Security Investment

    Under the WHO General Programme of Work (GPW 13), the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) contributes to the strategic priority to ensure that 1 billion more people are better protected from health emergencies. The WHO launched the resource mapping (REMAP) tool in 2018 to advance this effort and support Member States in strengthening core health security capacities by supporting country efforts to meet International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 requirements through the implementation of National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS).


Latest News

The SPH Portal displays news related to Health Security and Health Emergency Preparedness.

List of News
IFBA Global Voices Conference Registration Now Open!
July 16, 2024
WHO launches unique training course to enable parliamentarians in global health security
Parliamentarian Engagement
July 15, 2024
Tajikistan paves the way for universal health coverage with strong primary health care
Health System & UHC
July 08, 2024
WHO Member States note progress on Strengthening health emergency preparedness and response in cities and urban settings at 77th World Health Assembly
Urban Preparedness
June 21, 2024
Global city authorities and partners meet in Zanzibar, for first WHO meeting on advancing urban preparedness against health emergencies
Urban Preparedness
June 21, 2024
Sri Lanka becomes the first country in the South-East Asia Region to conduct a resource mapping for the National Action Plan for Health Security Operational Plan using the WHO REMAP tool
June 14, 2024
Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly
May 21, 2024
OPS brinda cooperación técnica a Guatemala para realizar una evaluación conjunta de riesgos para influenza aviar zoonótica a través del trabajo intersectorial entre salud humana, animal y ambiental
JRA, One Health Operations, Multisectoral
May 17, 2024

Latest Documents

The SPH Portal displays a document library containing key information on Health Security and Health Emergency Preparedness.

List of Documents

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Tanzania 2016 Follow-Up

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Togo 2010 Gap Analysis

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Togo 2019 Follow-Up

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Turkey 2017 Follow-Up

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Uruguay 2007 PVS Evaluation

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Uruguay 2014 Follow-Up

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Vanuatu 2017 Gap Analysis

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Vietnam 2006 PVS Evaluation

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Vietnam 2010 Follow-Up

World Organisation for Animal Health

OIE Report - Vietnam 2010 Gap Analysis

Calendar 2023

The SPH Portal displays past, current, and upcoming events related to Health Security and Health Emergency Preparedness.

List of Calendar
Simulation Exercise Activities
June 26, 2024
After Action Review
June 25, 2024 - June 27, 2024
June 18, 2024 - June 21, 2024
Central African Republic
June 17, 2024 - June 21, 2024
Simulation Exercise Activities
June 05, 2024 - June 06, 2024
Kosovo (in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999))
May 28, 2024 - May 30, 2024
May 27, 2024 - June 01, 2024