Resource Mapping (REMAP)

Under the WHO General Programme of Work (GPW 13), the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) contributes to the strategic priority of having 1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies. WHO developed the resource mapping (REMAP) tool to advance this effort and support Member States in strengthening core health security capacities. The REMAP tool was first launched in 2018 to support country efforts to meet the requirements of the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) through the implementation of National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS).

Since then the REMAP tool has been adapted at country request to also support the implementation of COVID-19 preparedness and response plans as well as other national plans with relevance for health security.

Effective implementation of health security plans requires identifying country gaps and needs and mobilizing financial and technical resources (domestic and external). The WHO REMAP tool is used to map the health security projects and interventions at national and subnational levels — through financial or technical support — allowing policymakers and partners to see where the gaps exist and where more investment of resources is needed. This provides valuable information for the country, offers visibility for the partners‘ financial and technical investments, and supports alignment and harmonization of country and partner efforts. 

The REMAP process fosters dialogue between countries and partners for a coordinated multisectoral approach. The tool, available in online and Excel versions, also allows countries to visualize the progress of implementation of their health security activities and plans, visualizing which areas and activities are being completed at what rate.

WHO will support Member States in the use of the REMAP tool upon request and adapt the process for country context.

Countries completed exercise status

  • 28 Completed
  • REMAP Globally
  • 25 Completed
  • African Region
  • 2 Completed
  • Eastern Mediterranean Region
  • 1 Completed
  • South-East Asia Region
Country Date
Ethiopia African Region
20 Jun 2024
Sri Lanka South-East Asia Region
22 May 2024
Lesotho African Region
13 Oct 2023
South Sudan African Region
10 Feb 2023
Cabo Verde African Region
22 Dec 2022
Central African Republic African Region
15 Dec 2022
Madagascar African Region
24 Nov 2022
Togo African Region
17 Nov 2022
Gambia African Region
05 Oct 2022
Tunisia Eastern Mediterranean Region
30 Jun 2022

List of Reports

Country Reports

Supporting implementation of national health security plans

Implementing National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS) and other country priority health security plans requires identifying gaps and needs, prioritizing decisions and mobilizing financial and technical resources (domestic and external) to support priority activities, all of which WHO Resource Mapping (REMAP) is designed to support.

Enhancing coordination between the country and partners

WHO resource mapping is based on multisectorality and inclusivity through which different government ministries and partners are involved with WHO support in mapping the health security resources, investments (financial and technical) and activities at national and subnational levels, identifying needs, gaps, overlaps and potential areas of collaboration between the government and partners in implementation of national plans.

Visualization of health security activities and investments at the national and subnational levels

The REMAP tool provides detailed information on each of the heath security projects and interventions mapped in the country, including detailing the names of the partners or ministries involved, the type of support being provided, the technical area being supported, and the region receiving the support.

Support for targeting of technical assistance to advance countries in health emergency preparedness

Many countries lack human resources expertise as well as the financial resources to implement their health security plans. Through human resource mapping in the REMAP tool and process WHO supports countries in mapping human resource capacities to determine which specific activities in the country’s national health security plan require outside expert support for successful implementation. 

The REMAP tool and process was designed to support implementation of National Action Plans for Health Security (NAPHS) and has been adapted to also support COVID-19 preparedness and response plans and other country priority plans. The resource mapping process can be adapted based on country context.

The country should provide a request for resource mapping to the WHO country office. The request will be forwarded to the WHO regional office, which will inform WHO headquarters. The WHO regional office REMAP focal point will coordinate the resource mapping process with WHO headquarters and the WHO country office, which will engage government ministries in collaboration.

REMAP increases the visibility of the partner health security efforts. Often partners and countries do not have the full picture of the health security activities going on at national and subnational levels. Through the REMAP process, with country permission, partners are able to see the health security activities that are ongoing, therefore avoiding duplication of efforts and facilitating alignment.