
European Region Office  
5,541,000 Population - 2024

Neighbouring Countries

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Strategic Risk Analysis and Profiling for Health Emergencies
WHO Health Emergency Dashboard
Influenza due to identified avian or animal influenza virus; 2023 - Finland
COVID-19; 2020 - Finland
Lowest Indicators
20 %

C.7.1 Planning for health emergencies

C7.Health emergency management (SPAR)

60 %

P.3.3 Infection prevention and control

Antimicrobial Resistance (JEE)

60 %

P.4.3 Mechanisms for responding to infectious and potential zoonotic diseases established and functional

Zoonotic Disease (JEE)

60 %

R.5.4 Communication Engagement with Affected Communities

Risk Communication (JEE)

60 %

C.4.2 Implementation of a laboratory biosafety and biosecurity regime

C4.Laboratory (SPAR)

60 %

C.6.1 Human resources for implementation of IHR

C6.Human resources (SPAR)

60 %

C.6.2 Workforce surge during a public health event

C6.Human resources (SPAR)

60 %

C.7.2 Management of health emergency response

C7.Health emergency management (SPAR)

60 %

C.11.3 Risk-based approach to international travel-related measures

C11.Points of entry (PoEs) and border health (SPAR)

60 %

C.14.1 Resources for detection and alert

C14.Chemical events (SPAR)

60 %

P.3.3 Infection prevention and control

Antimicrobial Resistance (JEE)

60 %

P.6.1 Whole-of-government biosafety and biosecurity system in place for all sectors (including human, animal and agriculture

Biosafety and Biosecurity (JEE)

60 %

P.6.2 Biosafety and biosecurity training and practices in all relevant sectors (including human, animal and agriculture)

Biosafety and Biosecurity (JEE)

80 %

CE.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to chemical events or emergencies

Chemical Events (JEE)

80 %

CE.2 Enabling environment is in place for management of chemical Events

Chemical Events (JEE)

80 %

D.3.1 System for efficient reporting to WHO, FAO and OIE

Reporting (JEE)

80 %

D.3.2 Reporting network and protocols in country

Reporting (JEE)

80 %

D.4.1 An up-to-date multi-sectoral workforce strategy is in place

Workforce Development (JEE)

80 %

D.4.2 Human resources are available to effectively implement IHR

Workforce Development (JEE)

80 %

P.1.1 The State has assessed, adjusted and aligned its domestic legislation, policies and administrative arrangements in all

National Legislation, Policy and Financing (JEE)

80 %

P.2.1 A functional mechanism is established for the coordination and integration

IHR Coordination, Communication and Advocacy (JEE)

80 %

P.7.1 Vaccine coverage (measles) as part of national program

Immunization (JEE)

80 %

PoE.2 Effective Public Health Response at Points of Entry

Points of Entry (PoEs) (JEE)

80 %

R.2.1 Emergency response coordination

Emergency Response Operations (JEE)

80 %

R.5.3 Public communication for emergencies

Risk Communication (JEE)

80 %

R.5.5 Addressing perceptions, risky behaviours and misinformation

Risk Communication (JEE)

80 %

C.1.1 Policy, legal and normative instruments

C1.Policy, Legal and normative Instruments to implement IHR (SPAR)

80 %

C.2.1 National IHR Focal Point functions

C2.IHR Coordination, National IHR Focal Point functions and advocacy (SPAR)

80 %

C.2.2 Multisectoral IHR coordination mechanisms

C2.IHR Coordination, National IHR Focal Point functions and advocacy (SPAR)

80 %

C.2.3 Advocacy for IHR implementation

C2.IHR Coordination, National IHR Focal Point functions and advocacy (SPAR)

80 %

C.5.1 Early warning surveillance function

C5.Surveillance (SPAR)

80 %

C.5.2 Event management (i.e., verification, investigation, analysis, and dissemination of information)

C5.Surveillance (SPAR)

80 %

C.7.3 Emergency logistic and supply chain management

C7.Health emergency management (SPAR)

80 %

C.8.1 Case management

C8.Health services provision (SPAR)

80 %

C.8.3 Continuity of essential health services (EHS)

C8.Health services provision (SPAR)

80 %

C.9.2 Health care-associated infections (HCAI) surveillance

C9.Infection prevention and control (IPC) (SPAR)

80 %

C.10.1 RCCE system for emergencies

C10.Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) (SPAR)

80 %

C.10.3 Community engagement

C10.Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) (SPAR)

80 %

C.11.1 Core capacity requirements at all times for PoEs (airports, ports and ground crossings)

C11.Points of entry (PoEs) and border health (SPAR)

80 %

C.11.2 Public health response at points of entry

C11.Points of entry (PoEs) and border health (SPAR)

80 %

CE.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to chemical events or emergencies

Chemical Events (JEE)

80 %

D.2.1 Surveillance systems

Real-Time Surveillance (JEE)

80 %

D.2.2 Use of electronic tools

Real-Time Surveillance (JEE)

80 %

D.2.3 Analysis of surveillance data

Real-Time Surveillance (JEE)

80 %

D.2.4 Syndromic surveillance systems

Real-Time Surveillance (JEE)

80 %

D.3.1 System for efficient reporting to WHO, FAO and OIE

Reporting (JEE)

80 %

D.3.2 Reporting network and protocols in country

Reporting (JEE)

80 %

D.4.1 An up-to-date multi-sectoral workforce strategy is in place

Workforce Development (JEE)

80 %

D.4.2 Human resources are available to effectively implement IHR

Workforce Development (JEE)

80 %

D.4.3 In-service trainings are available

Workforce Development (JEE)

80 %

P.1.1 The State has assessed, adjusted and aligned its domestic legislation, policies and administrative arrangements in all

National Legislation, Policy and Financing (JEE)

80 %

P.2.1 A functional mechanism is established for the coordination and integration

IHR Coordination, Communication and Advocacy (JEE)

80 %

P.3.1 Effective multisectoral coordination on AMR

Antimicrobial Resistance (JEE)

80 %

P.3.2 Surveillance of AMR

Antimicrobial Resistance (JEE)

80 %

P.3.4 Optimize use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health and agriculture

Antimicrobial Resistance (JEE)

80 %

P.4.2 Veterinary or Animal Health Workforce

Zoonotic Disease (JEE)

80 %

PoE.1 Routine capacities are established at PoE

Points of Entry (PoEs) (JEE)

80 %

R.2.2 Emergency operations centre (EOC) capacities, procedures and plans

Emergency Response Operations (JEE)

80 %

R.5.1 Risk communication systems for unusual/unexpected events and emergencies

Risk Communication (JEE)

80 %

R.5.2 Internal and partner coordination for emergency risk communication

Risk Communication (JEE)

84 %

Avg.score (15 capacities)
Submitted - 2023



Avg. score (19 capacities)
Latest completion - 2017


IHR Designated PoE
Ground Crossing


Activities Conducted

2019 - Present


No Data!


No Data!


No Data!


No Data!



AMR Self Assessment

No Data!

Multisectoral Preparedness Coordination

No Data!

Joint Risk Assessment (JRA)

Universal Health Coverage  
UHC Service Coverage Index
SDg 3.8.1
Sustainable Development Goals  
Development assistance and vaccine coverage
SDG Target 3.b
Health workforce (Medical doctors per 10000 population)
SDG Target 3.c
Sanitation and hygiene Total Population using at least basic sanitation services (%)
SDG Target 6.2



Published or revised plans in 2010, 2011, 2012 or 2013


Influenza Plan





Resource Landscape


Bilateral & Multilateral Donors


Technical Area Supported


Implemented Activities

Public Health Emergencies Preparedness
  • Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
  • To analyse and understand the various plans used for risk communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coverage: Asia and Europe

  • To analyse and understand the various plans used for risk communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coverage: Asia and Europe
Partner Matching
  • National Legislation, Policy and Financing
  • IHR Coordination, Communication and Advocacy
  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Zoonotic Disease
  • Immunization
  • Food Safety
  • Biosafety and Biosecurity
  • National Laboratory System
  • Real-Time Surveillance
  • Reporting
  • Workforce Development
  • Preparedness
  • Emergency Response Operations
  • Linking Public Health and Security Authorities
  • Medical Countermeasures
  • Risk Communication
  • Points of Entry (PoEs)
  • Chemical Events
  • Radiation Emergencies
WHO Collaboration Centre

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WHO Collaborating Centres

Resource Mapping (REMAP)

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