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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Irati  Brazil
Print this page City population: 6108814.76 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

The city of Irati, located in the southern region of Brazil, in the interior of the state of Paraná, is a city that stands out when it comes to “Caring for the elderly”. Since 2016 we have the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CMDPI, Law 4.190), in 2019 the Municipal Fund for the Elderly regulated (Decree 285) and the Municipal Policy for the Rights of the Elderly (CMDPI, Law 4.671) since 2020 with the institution of the Department of Policy for the Elderly (DPPI). In 2021, we began a visibility walk, implementing the World Health Organization (WHO) Elderly Friendly City Program, which aims to structure cities for the promotion and protection of the rights of the elderly in their various expressions and manifestations, prioritizing investments in the area of aging and old age in different areas (health, education, social assistance, sports and leisure, culture). As a methodological strategy for implementing the program, we have a qualitative approach, based on research in the literature, on legislation at the federal, state and municipal levels, and listening to aged subjects in their various expressions, through the focus group, as well as caregivers of the elderly. The aging debate is an agenda that must be inserted in the public agenda and in the public budget, ensuring that its actions are supported by the active aging policy, aligned base of the city friendly program for the elderly. These actions here in the municipality and in the territories have become a reality, proposing that aging is a social right, a social process that has dignity to the Iratiense community! Aging is life!

Baseline Assessment


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