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Prequalification Guidance for Applicants & Prequalification Holders

Prequalification Guidance for Applicants & Prequalification Holders

WHO provides the following guidance to Applicants & Prequalification Holders.

IMD-PQS Prequalification Guidelines

Applicable to all product categories, and for all manufacturers and licensed reseller, these guidelines explain step-by-step how to make an application for prequalification and how to maintain prequalified status.

Download here: Complete IMD-PQS Prequalification Guidelines (70pps)


"Pocket Guide"

An abbreviated version of the Prequalification Guidelines is available. It offers a brief overview of the IMD-PQS procedures and prequalification requirements, accompanied by references to each relevant full-length section in the complete guidelines.

Download here: IMD-PQS Pocket Guide (10pps)


Generic guide for the field evaluation of new technologies

Guides manufacturers on how to begin and properly plan for a field test, including assembling a team and establishing research objectives. Provides a detailed outline of the end-to-end field evaluation process, including steps and roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders.

Download here: Generic guide for the field evaluation of new technologies


Category-specific technical guidance

WHO provides additional technical guidance documents of relevance to specific categories: