IHR States Parties Self-Assessment Annual Reporting

The Activities tab showcases a comprehensive list of activities that have been conducted, offering users the flexibility to sort them by region, country, year, and other relevant criteria. Additionally, certain activities feature reports and supplementary documents for public reference.
Updated on 12 Jun 2024

99 %

Global Submission

The percentage of global SPAR submissions reflects the proportion of 196 States Parties that have reported their annual assessment of health security capacities to WHO.

64 %

Global Average Capacities Score

The global average capacities score represents the mean level of health security preparedness of all 196 States Parties. These are based on the aggregated scoring of the 15 reported capacities.

Submission with Multisectoral Collaboration

Multisectoral involvement in SPAR indicates how many regional States Parties reported on health security capacities involving cross-sector cooperation, reflecting an integrated approach to the assessment of public health emergency preparedness.

Reports Received 2010-2023 Updated on 12 Jun 2024  
IHR Score per capacity - All WHO Region
Updated on 12 Jun 2024