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IHR/PVS National Bridging Workshops – exploring new regions

Protecting and improving global health are major international priorities. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have developed frameworks and tools to support their Members with the assessment and strengthening of their animal and human health sectors’ capacities: the OIE PVS Pathway for the sustainable improvement of the performance of Veterinary Services and the WHO International Health Regulations Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (IHR MEF), respectively.

There is growing acknowledgement of the important contribution that strong animal health systems make to improving human health and livelihoods. For example, zoonoses are central to the 2018 WHO list of “R&D Blueprint priority diseases for action to prevent epidemics”, illustrating the pivotal role of animal diseases and their potential of transmission to humans in global health. These fundamental links between health sectors warrant a coordinated approach to efficiently tackle complex epidemics in a context where resources are often limited. The experience gained by the OIE over the years has confirmed the need for ensuring optimal cooperation via cross-sectoral activities, especially when different national Competent Authorities are involved in addressing diseases and other risks to animal and public health.

In order to increase Members’ capacity to address priority diseases and to build synergies among the animal and human health sectors, the WHO and the OIE are jointly organising IHR/PVS National Bridging Workshops (NBWs). Using a structured approach and interactive methodology incorporating user-friendly material, these 3-day workshops allow participants to collectively review the country PVS and Joint external evaluations (JEE) reports, and identify practical next steps and activities for the development and implementation of a joint national roadmap to strengthen collaboration and coordination between animal and human health sectors.

The OIE and WHO have now conducted more than fifteen NBWs using a stable and highly interactive methodology and with excellent cross-sectoral feedback received from national participants. While multiple NBWs have taken place this year in Africa, the OIE and WHO are happy to report that a series of workshops has been initiated in Central Asia. A first NBW took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from 2 to 4 October 2018. Participants expressed great interest and showed active contribution during this workshop. Another NBW is already planned in Kazakhstan from 21 to 23 November 2018. Thanks to the key involvement of WHO and OIE regional offices, both institutions are hoping to organise a greater number of workshops next year, including in new regions such as South-East Asia and Europe, based on the growing demand from countries.


Useful links:

·        OIE One health Portal: Strengthening multi-sectoral collaboration at the national level

·        OIE–WHO operational framework for good governance at the human–animal interface: connecting the tools of WHO and the OIE to evaluate national capacities