• aar

    Intra Action Review (AAR)


  • Intra Action Review
    South Africa: Effective multi-level…

    South Africa: Effective multi-level coordination to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

    This video highlights how South Africa established effective…

    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    South Sudan: Leveraging molecular…

    South Sudan: Leveraging molecular testing capacities for COVID-19 from influenza preparedness

    This video highlights how South Sudan built upon…

    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    Moldova: Promoting effective multi-…

    Moldova: Promoting effective multi-sectoral coordination

    This video highlights Moldova’s strong emphasis on the importance of multisectoral…

    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    Kosovo*: Evidence-based targeted…

    Kosovo*: Evidence-based targeted communication through two-way dialogue with the community

    Based on its pandemic influenza preparedness plan,…

    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    Kingdom of Bhutan: Using the experience…

    Kingdom of Bhutan: Using the experience of the seasonal influenza vaccination programme as a platform for COVID-19 vaccine introduction


    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    Indonesia: Adapting the national…

    Indonesia: Adapting the national influenza pandemic preparedness plan for COVID-19 response 

    When COVID-19 hit Indonesia, the…

    May 18. 2023
  • Intra Action Review
    Press conference on COVID-19 and Intra-…
    May 11. 2021