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    Intra Action Review (IAR)

    Document Library

  • Tool

    Tool 7.a Final report template - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 7.b Final report template: Pillar 10, COVID-19 vaccination - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 8. Participant feedback form - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 9. Participant feedback form - summary table - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 10. Exemplar story template - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 11. Conducting safe onsite COVID-19 intra-action reviews during the pandemic - 28 April 2021

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  • Tool

    Tool 12. Conducting effective online COVID-19 intra-action reviews during the pandemic - 28 April 2021

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