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Case Study

Global Knowledge Network of National IHR Focal Points

Case Study

Special Edition – Global Knowledge Network of National IHR Focal Points

Case Study

Meeting Report – Global Knowledge Network of National IHR Focal Points

Case Study

Meeting Report Annexes – Global Knowledge Network of National IHR Focal Points

Case Study

Survey of pandemic influenza preparedness in WHO Member States, 2018


IAR COVID-19 Ireland (Apr 2022)

Video Clip

Indonesia: Adapting the national influenza pandemic preparedness plan for COVID-19 response

Video Clip

Kingdom of Bhutan: Using the experience of the seasonal influenza vaccination programme as a platform for COVID-19 vaccine introduction

Video Clip

Kosovo*: Evidence-based targeted communication through two-way dialogue with the community

Video Clip

Moldova: Promoting effective multi-sectoral coordination

Video Clip

South Sudan: Leveraging molecular testing capacities for COVID-19 from influenza preparedness

Video Clip

South Africa: Effective multi-level coordination to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Video Clip

Sri Lanka COVID-19 Success Story

Video Clip

Documentary Film: Implementation of the IHR Capacities in Sri Lanka


Joint external evaluation of IHR core capacities of Nepal


Joint external evaluation of IHR core capacities of Azerbaijan


Évaluation externe conjointe des principales capacités RSI en République Algérienne


Joint external evaluation of IHR core capacities of Sierra Leone - Mission report 27 February 2023-3 March 2023

Video Clip

Sri Lanka - National Bridging Workshop Video

Video Clip

Lao - National Bridging Workshop Video