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Survey of pandemic influenza preparedness in WHO Member States, 2018

Area of work
Evidence and Analytics for Health Security (EHS)
EHS Theme
International Health Regulations capacity building for emergency preparedness
May 24, 2019
All Regions

Influenza pandemics are unpredictable but recurring events that can have serious consequences for human health and socioeconomic well-being worldwide. Advanced planning and preparedness are essential to mitigate the risk and impact of such pandemics. The most recent influenza pandemic occurred in 2009. Many lessons were learnt, and good practices in pandemic
preparedness were identified from the response. Although progress has since been made in Member States, many countries still lack important preparedness capacity or have not updated their pandemic influenza preparedness plans. In late 2018, the WHO Global Influenza Programme consulted Member States through a survey to better understand the current level of
pandemic preparedness and to identify the areas on which WHO and its partners should focus technical assistance in the coming years.

Available in other Languages: English