Go to the Data Edit Button

Navigate to the Mart.

Select Data to see a list of tables.

!Image showing how to Navigate to the Data Page

Go to the Data Action Panel in the top right

Image showing the location of the Data Action Panel in the top right of the Data View screen

Click on the pencil to switch to edit mode.

Image showing the Data Action Panel with a square around the pencil icon on the second right

Data Edit Mode

The Sys_Actions column

The screen has now changed to the Data Edit Grid with a new Sys_Actions column on the left.

Image showing the Data Edit Grid and indicating the location of the Sys_Actions column on the left

This has two icons

Image showing the Sys_Actions icons in close-up. On the left is a pencil writing on a piece of paper with the caption "Edit Row". On the right is a dustbin with the caption "Delete Row"

Data Editing using the Data Edit Form

If you edit a record by clicking the Edit Row icon on that row you will open the Data Edit Form.

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with a red box box around the Sys_Actions Edit button for the record for Cuba

The Data Edit Form

Image showing the top of the Data Edit Form for Cuba

The Data Edit Form displays the list of columns and theit current values.

The text displayed for each field come from the Display name of the column in the data model. If the field is a text field then the user can type up to the length of the field. If it is another type then there will be a type-appropriate control. For example, if the field is a date then they have a calendar, if it is a numeric type then they get a up-down arrow control and so on.

Get Field Code and Field Type for a field

By pressing on the blue “i” on the right of a field, the field code and type are displayed. Clicking on the one at the top displays this information for all fields.

Image showing the Data Edit Form for Cuba with a blue "i" in a circle highlighted and underneath the column title on the left there is now the column code and type. The caption reads "If you click on the "i" then you get more information about the column type and code which appears under the name

If you click on the “i” in the heading area, you get the information for all of the columns.

Make a small change

Remove the word “the” from the Formal name in English

Image showing the Data Edit Form for Cuba with a box around the Formal name (English)

The Data Edit Form Action Buttons

At the bottom of the Data Edit Form, there are 3 action buttons

Image showing the bottom of the Data Edit Form for Cuba with a box around three action buttons marked Update, Delete and Cancel

Image showing a close up of the Data Edit Form action buttons. There is a box around each of them. The caption for Update is "Save the changes.
Saved changed are not automatically committed to the database". The caption for Delete is "Mark the record as one to be Deleted" and for Cancel the caption is "Dont' save the changes"

Pressing any of these returns to the Data Edit Grid. Click on Update. The Data Edit Grid now looks like this.

Image showing the Data Edit Grid. The record for Cuba shows the change made in yellow. There is a box around the Pending Changes which now shows 1 Pending change

Add New Row

Clicking on the New row button opens the Data Add Form screen.

Image showing the Data Add From. The caption reads Add New REF_COUNTRY. The only field the the ISO3 Code because it is the only BPK field on REF_COUNTRY. There are two buttons underneath, Record Check and Cancel

If an ISO3 code for an existing country is put in and the Record Check button is pressed then the system goes into Edit mode

Image showing the Data Add Form. The only field the the ISO3 Code and it is populated with "CUB"

Image showing the Data Edit Form. The populated fields for Cuba are displayed

If a code which doesn’t exist is added then the Data Edit Form stays in Add mode

Image showing the Data Add Form. The only field the the ISO3 Code and it is populated with "GHI"

Image showing the Data Add Form. The all of the fields are displayed. The only populated field is the ISO3 Code and it is populated with "GHI"

Set the Formal name (English) to “GHI Country” and save it by scrolling to the bottom of the screen and clicking on Update. This closes the Data Add Form and returns to the Data Edit grid.

Image showing the bottom of the Data Add Form. There are only two buttons, Save and Cancel. There is no Delete button because the record doesn't exist yet"

The Data Edit Grid now looks like this

Image showing the Data Edit Grid

As you can see, the new record for GHI is in green and the previous change to the name of Cuba is in yellow.

Data Editing using the Data Edit Grid

Data can also be changed directly in the grid in a similar way to Excel. In this example, the word “the” has been removed from the Formal English name for Portugal.

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with the Formal name (English) for Portugal highlighted in yellow.

Again, the change is highlighted in yellow.

Delete a row

On the Data Edit Grid, click on the Sys_Actions dustbin icon next to a record

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with a red box around the dustbin icon for the record "VIR"

On clicking on the dustbin, the row is displayed in red and the dustbin icon becomes an Undo icon

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with the record for VIR in read and showing that the dustbin icon has changed to an Undo icon for the record "VIR"

Save Edits for Later

At the top of the Data Edit Grid, there is a button called “Save edits for later”. This button is used for if you have a lot of edits to do but can’t do them all in one go. It means that if you leave the page and come back, your edits will still be there.

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with a red box around the "Save edits for later" button in the top right

If you press it and then refresh the page, you won’t lose your changes.

Make another change (for example undeleting VIR)

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with a box around the Undo button next to the deleted VIR record. The caption says "To Undelete VIR click here"

Now there is an unsaved edit. If you refresh the page, you will get a message like this.

Image showing a pop-up with the message "Reload site? Changes you made may not be saved" and two buttons in the bottom left; Reload, which is highlighted in blue, and Cancel which appears as white

If you press reload, the VIR will still appear as deleted.

Commit Changes to the Table

In the top right of the screen are the Preview and Commit buttons

Image showing the Data Edit Grid with the Preview and Commit buttons in the top right. There is a red box around the Preview button with the caption "To Start a Batch, click here"

This will take you to the Batch Preview page where you will have the opportunity to Commit or Cancel the batch

Image showing the Batch Preview screen with the Preview, Re-compare and Commit buttons in the top right. There is a red box around them"