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Workshop on Prioritization, Resource Mapping and Multi-sectoral Partnership Collaboration for the Implementation of the NAPHS

Date: 23-26 April 2018 Region African Region Country Sierra Leone

The meeting was attended by 61 participants from National key stakeholders, University, Donors and partners such as MOHS, MAFFS/Livestock, MAFFA, SLCAA, EPA-SL, DPC/MOHS, NDSP/MOHS, PHNECO, SLRCS, PBSL/MOHS, LAB./MOHS, RSLAF/Medical, ONS, Njala University, W A/Rural/MOHS, Airport/MOHS, AFDB, US-CDC, China CDC, GIZ, PHE, WB, PREDICT/UCD, Breakthrough Action, FAO, IOM, and WHO.

The objective of the workshop was to further prioritize the NAPHS activities and to map available and potential resources to support the implementation of the plan through multisectoral collaboration.

Key messages and proposed next steps:

  • The workshop has resulted with key activities that considered as high priority, ready to implement and donors and partners are in place.
  • To accelerate the implementation of NAPHS, it requires to set up a Strategic Partnership for NAPHS in Sierra Leone (a group of donors, government, WHO and others) to review progress and identify additional areas for support
  • Set up a coordination mechanism between donors, WHO, and partners for instance conference call (global, regional participation), and regular meeting at WHO or MOH
  • MOH or Government of Sierra Leone to establish a coordination working group where progress can be tracked and monitored.
  • Potential meeting at the Strategic Partnership Forum organized by WHO to further advocate the NAPHS for Sierra Leone.
  • To share information and use the Strategic Partnership Portal for IHR and Health Security as a platform for collaboration, track progress on NAPHS of Sierra Leone

Photo Gallery of the meeting