South-East Asia Region
Destination Country
Key objectives

To prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Indonesia (this is the same as the parent program).

Contribution Area
National Legislation, Policy and Financing
IHR Coordination, Communication and Advocacy
National Laboratory System
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Response Operations
Destination Entity
Source Entity
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
This additional financing seeks to support the costs of expanding activities of the Emergency Response to COVID-19 Program (parent program), under the COVID-19 Crisis Recovery Facility, as well as enable safe and effective deployment of COVID-19 vaccines. Following the parent program, the additional financing is to be co-financed with the World Bank (WB) and designed in accordance with the WB’s Policy on Program for Results (PforR).

The additional financing expands the three results areas under the parent program and focuses on the following:

Results Area 1 - Improve hospital and health system readiness for COVID-19 response and vaccination and maintaining essential non-COVID-19 health services (US$245 million). The additional financing will expand service capacity to prevent, detect and respond to COVID-19; ensure preparedness for vaccine deployment; develop and implement infection control and safety measures in health care settings; support human resource capacity and skills at all levels for COVID-19 response including vaccination deployment and preservation of capacity for essential non-COVID-19 health services; and sustain essential non-COVID-19 services for women and vulnerable population groups.
Results Area 2 - Strengthen public health laboratory, surveillance and supply chain capacity (US$136 million). The additional financing will strengthen COVID-19 testing capacity across the country; promote the development and implementation of laboratory quality assurance mechanisms; support strengthening of surveillance systems, including genomic surveillance; support implementation of a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 vaccines; and ensure quality assurance monitoring of cold chain, including storage and handling of the vaccines at the national and subnational level.
Results Area 3 - Enable communication and coordination for emergency response and vaccine delivery (US$ 119 million). The additional financing will support multi-sectoral coordination and management, including strengthening of vaccine logistics and information management systems; improve efficiency and stewardship of the national and sub-national response, including institutional frameworks and plans for the prioritization and deployment of vaccines in an equitable manner; and expand strategic communication and tailored behavior change efforts at all levels including encouragement of vaccine acceptance and outreach to remote population.
Year (From)
Year (To)
Contribution channel
Estimated Amount
PHE Category
Epidemics and Pandemics
Public Health Emergency
Project Name
Indonesia: Emergency Response to COVID-19 Program - Additional Financing