Eastern Mediterranean Region
Key objectives

The aim of this project is to decrease the economic and social burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) on the Palestinian Society. This last phase of support of the Austrian Development Agency focuses on the community-based and patient  empowerment approach, by targeting mainly communities, and focusing on prevention and early detection.
PMRS, as longstanding partner of the Austrian development cooperation, has been very successful in developing a health care model to prevent chronic diseases which is being integrated in all primary health care centers of PMRS and other  Palestinian health care providers. MoH can currently not reach the entire Palestinian population.  In addition MoH does not cover people which are not insured. Therefore there is still the need to support complementary Health providers which  play a considerable role in covering areas that are not possibly covered by the MoH services.
This project consists of several components which build upon initiatives and successes achieved under the last phases of the project from 2000 to 2007. It will seek to transfer models of NCD management, build the capacities of health workers to  diagnose, manage and treat NCDs, and introduce additional component which should consolidate the capacity of Primary Healthcare Clinics (PHCs) to manage NCDs. The technical and logistic capacity of additional 60 clinics will be build up;  20-25 social workers will be hired additionally to promote community education and community-based services. Existing coordination mechanisms with healthcare providers working in Palestine, mainly with the Ministry of Health, will be  strengthened to better manage NCDs throughout Palestine.
PMRS will be working with the MoH in one committee to unify national guidelines and protocols on NCDs.  In addition the database created and operated by PMRS will be utilized as model for the national center of NCDs of MoH.

Destination Entity
occupied Palestinian territory
Source Entity
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Contribution channel
Estimated Amount
Project Name
Preventing and managing non communicable diseases in Palestine final phase