Eastern Mediterranean Region
Key objectives

Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that requires strict follow up to avoid complications, especially during pregnancy. Treatment of diabetic women is very costly, and since Diabetes mainly affects the poorer population who cannot afford the  high costs of the treatment, controlling blood sugar is essential and the best way to reduce the risks and complications for the mother and the baby related to Gestational Diabetes. The Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem has a long tradition  of providing professional care to pregnant women and new-borns and now also runs a diabetes out-patient clinic which this project aims to support.
The project aims to support an average of 125 pregnant women with diabetes per year. The project purpose is to screen for Gestational Diabetes pregnant women who are being referred to the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem in order to avoid and  reduce compications in pregnancy. The intended results of the project are:
Result 1: Diabetes clinic at Holy Family Hospital offering sustainable weekly services
Result 2: 125 diabetic pregnant women educated on how to monitor their blood sugar level.  
Result 3:  The blood sugar levels in 125 estimated diabetic pregnant women is controlled and supervised.
Result 4: 125 pregnant women with high blood Sugar level are admitted to hospital.
Result 5: Potential foetal complications are being controlled
Result 7: An estimated 12%  of the new-borns who need further treatment will be admitted to Holy Family Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for treatment.

Destination Entity
occupied Palestinian territory
Source Entity
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Contribution channel
Estimated Amount
Project Name
Support to Diabetes Clinic at Holy Family Hospital Bethlehem