Eastern Mediterranean Region
Key objectives

The rights of Palestinians living under occupation including those living under blockade and other restrictions are protected, respected and promoted in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and international Human Rights Law (IHRL).

To ensure access of vulnerable communities in the West Bank and Gaza to quality and affordable health care services. This includes
- access to essential non-communicable disease (NCD) health services by ensuring diagnostic equipment, core laboratory services and medicines are availalbe;  - protection of the right to health for all Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza  through advocacy activities;  - enhanced capacity of the Ministry of Health and enhanced health information, coordination and service delivery during emergencies, including improved service delivery across 70 health agencies.

Contribution Area
National Laboratory System
Human Resources
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Response Operations
Medical Countermeasures and Personnel Deployment
Flexible Support
Destination Entity
occupied Palestinian territory
Source Entity
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Contribution channel
Implementing partner
World Health Organization (WHO)
Estimated Amount
Project Name
Contribution to the WHO Emergency Program Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) 2018