Eastern Mediterranean Region
Key objectives

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been providing health care for Palestine refugees in the Near East for over 6 decades. Today, UNRWA’s network of 65 primary health care facilities and  mobile clinics provides the foundation of its health assistance to a rapidly growing population of 2.3 Million Palestine refugees in the West Bank and Gaza, offering preventive, basic and advanced medical care services tailored to each stage  of life (i.e. family planning, medical checkups and vaccination, providing midday meals to children, treatments and management of non-communicable diseases, in addition to prenatal, perinatal and post natal follow up and infant care).

Destination Entity
occupied Palestinian territory
Source Entity
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Contribution channel
Estimated Amount
Project Name
Contribution to UNRWA Health Program 2017