African Region
Destination Country
Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Key objectives

The population of South Kivu's 34 health zones has improved and equitable access to quality health care. The governance system and health system institutions of the targeted health areas are able to sustainably meet the primary health needs of the local population. The construction of a drug purchase center in Bukavu and a satellite repository in Uvira is an assurance at the health facility level of the adequate availability of quality essential medicines and medical consumables at a price accessible to all. Other partners GAVI ; Ministère de la Santé Publique ; La Province du Sud-Kivu ; La GIZ (comme agence fiduciaire et technique : constructions Bukavu et Uvira) ; Unicef comme agent de mise en œuvre pour l’équipement à Kinshasa. Swiss budget CHF 2'500'000

Contribution Area
Destination Entity
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Source Entity
Year (From)
Year (To)
Contribution channel
Implementing partner
GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)