African Region
Destination Country
Key objectives

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo releases 1.5 million to UNICEF for the support of local health facilities in Guinea. With this money, the UN organization will support health prevention and community health centers in the most affected region in Guinea. To get the epidemic under control, it is very important that local communities are strengthened in their capacity to prevent and, in case of contamination, to detect Ebola as soon as possible. They focus on risk awareness, health prevention, rapid identification of new cases and contact tracing. Communication initiatives will also be developed in consultation with spiritual leaders and local elected officials. The aim is to make people more aware about good hygiene practices as well as to convince them of the benefits of early treatment, and finally to counter stigmatization.

Contribution Area
National Laboratory System
Emergency Response Operations
Destination Entity
Source Entity
Contribution channel
Implementing partner
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)